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Planetary Sciences

The distribution of 26Al/27Al in spinel-hibonite spherules extracted from CM chondrites
Image Credit: Ming-Chang Liu
The distribution of 26Al/27Al in spinel-hibonite spherules extracted from CM chondrites
Inferred 26Al/27Al ratios for spinel-hibonite spherules from Murchison and Paris and the probability density plot derived from the data. The overall 26Al/27Al range in the two groups of SHIBs is essentially identical, from ~1E−5 up to 6E−5. Three distinctive peaks can be identified in the probability plot at 26Al/27Al=4.9E−5, ~3.5E−5 and 6.5E−5, respectively. Two barely resolved components at 6E−5 and 2.5E−5 are also revealed.
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