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Planetary Sciences

A back-scattered image of the E44 CAI from the CV3 Efremovka chondrite taken on a scanning electron microscope
Image Credit: Ming-Chang Liu
A back-scattered image of the E44 CAI from the CV3 Efremovka chondrite taken on a scanning electron microscope
A back-scattered image of the E44 CAI from the CV3 Efremovka chondrite taken on a scanning electron microscope. This CAI is of particular interest because of the first demonstration of the former existence of short-lived 41Ca (t1/2 = 0.1 Myr). Reanalysis of potassium isotopes of this CAI (on the dark-gray minerals, named fassaite) resulted in a lower initial ratio of 41Ca/40Ca in the solar system from 1.4e-8 to 2.6e-9. A factor of 5 difference has an important implication for the origin of 41Ca and of the solar system.
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