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Instrumentation Research

The WIRCam project initiated the optical/infrared (OIR) instrumentation development in ASIAA
Image Credit: ASIAA
The WIRCam project initiated the optical/infrared (OIR) instrumentation development in ASIAA
Top: The interface board and the 320x256 InGaAs array for the characterization system. Left: the AFM image of the QDs used in QDIPs. Right: the average charge inside the QDs at different temperature and voltages.
The WIRCam project initiated the optical/infrared (OIR) instrumentation development in ASIAA. The success of WIRCam collaboration brought the experience of array testing and control electronics to the core expertise of the OIR lab. In addition to large array testing, small local projects have been executed to enhance local collaboration and relationship with the industry. Two major projects are the InGaAs array development in cooperation with Chunghwa Telecom Corporation and the InAs quantum dots (QDs) IR detector development with National Chiao Tung University
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