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Research Gallery > Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIMS)

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Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIMS)

Micrometer-scale ion images of the cross-section of SaU 290
Image Credit: The NanoSIMS Team
Micrometer-scale ion images of the cross-section of SaU 290
Micrometer-scale ion images of the cross-section of SaU 290 (CH3 chondrite), recorded by the NanoSIMS 50L at Academia Sinica. A ~10 pA Cs+ primary beam with a nominal spot size of 100 nm and rastered over 20 × 20 µm, to image the sample surface simultaneously in several ion species. A total of 160 (10 × 16 rows) individual images were recorded, and these were combined to create maps in a) 16O- and b) 18O-, as well as c) secondary electrons.
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