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Research Gallery > Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIMS)

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Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIMS)

Cross-Section of Carbonaceous Chondrite Observed in Various Ion Species
Image Credit: Kota Naito and the NanoSIMS Team
Cross-Section of Carbonaceous Chondrite Observed in Various Ion Species
The cross-section of Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290, a CH3 chondrite, observed by the NanoSIMS in a) secondary electrons, b) 16O, c) 12C2 and d) 12C14N. Each square grid represents a single NanoSIMS image, capturing a surface area of 20 × 20 μm2. By recording and stitching a large number of these single images, the maps (a) - (d) were created to analyse the microscale surface morphology and chemical distribution of SaU 290.
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