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Research Gallery > Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIMS)

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Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIMS)

Secondary Ion Imaging by NanoSIMS
Image Credit: Kota Naito and the NanoSIMS Team
Secondary Ion Imaging by NanoSIMS
A schematic diagram of secondary ion imaging by NanoSIMS.
Owing to the seven detectors in the multi-collection chamber, the NanoSIMS 50L is capable of analysing the sample surface in up to seven ion species, simultaneously. Since the primary beam can be rastered -i.e. the beam can be translated both horizontally and vertically, it can perform secondary ion imaging via pixel-to-pixel collections of ions, ejected from the sample surface. As a result, one can visually examine a few distinct isotopic signatures of the sample all at once.
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