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ASIAA Postdoctoral Positions in Observation, Theory, or Instrumentation

Closing Date: November 15, 2022

The online application form is closed.
The Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) in Taipei, Taiwan, has multiple openings for postdoctoral positions. We seek candidates to pursue observational and theoretical studies in the Institute's projects in solar system science, star and planet formation, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmology, and high energy astrophysics; or to participate in instrumentation development for optical/IR/submm telescopes.
ASIAA has access to forefront observing facilities including ALMA, SMA, JCMT, CFHT, and the Subaru Telescope. We are partners in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) and Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) projects, and are a member of the CFHT-SPIRou, LSST Surveys. We are also participating in the E-ELT first light instrument METIS. The Greenland Telescope (GLT) project successfully imaged the black hole shadow through the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration in 2017, and GLT has joined the EHT observations since 2018. The TAOS-2 project will start a survey of small objects beyond Neptune via occultation and other time-domain sciences at San Pedro Mártir, Mexico. The new BURSTT project develops an all-sky FFT radio telescope for Fast Radio Bursts. The Theory Group develops theoretical models and numerical simulations, which include astrochemistry and radiative transfer codes that bridge observations, as well as cosmological N-body codes including neutrinos. The CompAS and CHARMS projects are devoted to in-house algorithm and code developments driven by challenges required by niche science. The NanoSIMS lab is specialized for studies of presolar grains and ancient planetary materials. ASIAA has a dedicated CPU cluster, several GPU servers, as well as access to the National High-performance Computing Center.
ASIAA is located in the main campus of the National Taiwan University in Taipei. ASIAA has approximately 215 staff, including 41 faculty members. ASIAA offers an international environment (45 foreign members from 18 countries), with English being the working language. More information on our projects and the Institute can be found on our website.
ASIAA postdoctoral positions are divided into three categories described below.
Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow
ASIAA seeks outstanding junior researchers for the Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship. The Fellow will carry out independent research and is encouraged to collaborate with Institute members. Fellows will have annual research budgets of at least US$8,000 at their discretion, for computing, travel, and other research activities. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree obtained in or after 2019.
Postdoctoral Associate
ASIAA also seeks Postdoctoral Associates to work on existing ASIAA projects under the supervision with our faculty members and to use up to 50% of their work time on their own research. Computing and travel support will be provided as necessary.
Joint ASIAA-University Postdoctoral Associate
ASIAA, jointly with National Taiwan University and National Taiwan Normal University, also seek Postdoctoral Associates to be based in these universities, so that the Associates can benefit from resources and intellectual stimuli from both institutions. The science areas include cosmology, galaxy formation, and star and planet formation. Office, salary, and benefits will be provided by the associated university, and are subject to university standards. Successful candidates will have access to all observational facilities of ASIAA. More information about this position can be found from "this page", which includes a list of associated university professors.
All postdoctoral appointments will initially be for two years, with possible extension. Applicants shall indicate the categories of positions one wishes to be considered in the application form. Applicants should hold or expect to receive a Ph.D. degree in astronomy/astrophysics, physics, engineering or equivalent fields. Applicants should apply online and submit (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a publication list, (3) a summary of past and current research or instrumentation experience (limited to 3 pages), and (4) a plan for future research (limited to 3 pages of text, with at most 2 additional pages for figures and references). Applicants are also requested to arrange three letters of recommendation to be submitted online at the same site by the deadline, 15 November 2022.

Included Benefits:

Health insurance and travel allowance are provided.

Email Address for Inquiries:

TEL: 886-2-3365-2200 FAX: 886-2-2367-7849
General: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw Media Request: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
11F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 106216, Taiwan, R.O.C.