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Joint ASIAA-University Postdoctoral Positions

Closing Date: November 15, 2022

The Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA), jointly with National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) , have several openings for Postdoctoral Associates in research areas of cosmology, galaxy formation, and star and planet formation.
ASIAA is located in the main campus of NTU in Taipei, Taiwan, in the same building of the Graduate Institute of Astrophysics of NTU. It is also about 1 km away from the Departments of Physics and Earth Sciences of NTNU. The postdoctoral positions are created to enhance scientific collaborations among the four geologically nearby institutions. The successful candidates will be based in either NTU or NTNU, so that the Associates can benefit from resources and intellectual stimuli from both institutions. Office, salary, and benefits will be provided by the chosen university and are subject to the standards set by the university. The Associates will have access to the observational facilities made available to the Taiwanese community by ASIAA (SMA, ALMA, JCMT, CFHT, Subaru open time and time exchange with Gemini and Keck, and Subaru HSC Survey) and will be strongly encouraged to collaborate with ASIAA scientists. When an ASIAA collaboration is established and a co-supervisor is identified among the ASIAA faculty, the Associate will be regarded to also be affiliated with ASIAA, and will have access to additional resources at ASIAA such as computing and travel funding.
In 2022, we have the following NTU and NTNU faculty members seeking postdoctoral researchers:
Hsi-Yu Schive
(Graduate Institute of Astrophysics at NTU) works on (i) fuzzy (wave) dark matter and (ii) the development of a GPU-accelerated adaptive mesh refinement code GAMER. Candidates working in related research areas, for example, simulations/theories of various dark matter models (e.g., CDM/WDM/SIDM/FDM), numerical implementation and astrophysical applications of baryonic feedback, cosmic rays, radiative transfer, neutrino transport, or GRMHD are particularly welcome. More information about Prof. Schive can be found on this page.
Po-Feng Wu
(Graduate Institute of Astrophysics at NTU) uses multi-wavelength survey datasets to answer various questions about galaxy evolution. The successful applicants will work with Prof. Wu and possibly his collaborators on projects of mutual interest. A wide range of skill sets is welcome. Experience and Expertise in the following areas are particularly desirable: (1) IFU data analysis (2) Full-spectral fitting and SED fitting, (3) galaxy image modeling, (4) (sub-)millimeter interferometry, and (5) machine learning techniques. More information about Prof. Wu can be found on this page.
Yueh-Ning Lee
(Department of Earth Sciences at NTNU ) and (Center of Astronomy and Gravitation at NTNU) works on numerical simulations and theories of star formation. We welcome candidates in relevant disciplines including stellar clusters, interstellar medium, early solar system evolution, or primordial stars, etc. More information about the works of Prof Lee can be found on this page.
Applicants are required to submit their applications through ASIAA's online system and follow the general guideline of the application procedures described in this ASIAA's main job AD. Applicants should indicate the name of the university faculty member they would like to work with in a cover letter, should the applicants choose to apply for the ASIAA-University Postdoctoral Associate positions.
TEL: 886-2-3365-2200 FAX: 886-2-2367-7849
General: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw Media Request: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
11F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 106216, Taiwan, R.O.C.