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People > Postdoc > Curriculum Vita
Teachey, Alexander
Distinguished Postdoc Fellow
photo of Teachey, Alexander
Office: ASMAB 1401
TEL: +886-2-2366-5456
FAX: +886-2-2367-7849
Email: amteachey_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw

Education and Positions

  • Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, ASIAA (2020~present)
  • PhD in Astronomy, Columbia University (2018~2020)
  • MPhil in Astronomy, Columbia University (2017~2018)
  • MA in Astronomy, Columbia University (2015~2017)
  • BA in Physics, CUNY Hunter College (2012~2015)
  • BFA in Theatre, New York University (2003~2007)

Honors & Awards

  • Co-Investigator, JWST GO-6491 (2024)
  • MOST Postdoctoral Researcher Academic Research Award (2021)
  • Principal Investigator, Hubble Space Telescope GO-15149 (2017)
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2015)
  • Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Hunter College) (2015)
  • Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Hunter College) (2014)
  • Raab Presidential Fellowship (Hunter College) (2013)

Committees Served

  • ASIAA Summer Program Organizing Committee (2022)
  • ASIAA Postdoc Representative (2022)
  • Co-Host, Astronomy on Tap Taipei (2020~2022)
  • Co-Host, Astronomy on Tap NYC (2018~2020)
  • ASIAA Magellan & MMT Time Allocation Committee (2021)
  • Columbia Astronomy Admissions Committee (2019)
  • Columbia Astronomy Graduate Student Representative (2018)
  • Columbia Astronomy Building Committee (2017)

Professional and Academic Societies

  • American Astronomical Society (2015~present)
  • Phi Beta Kappa (2015~present)

Research Interests

My research focuses on the search for exomoons in time-domain photometry, particularly in Kepler, K2, TESS, HST, and JWST data. These worlds stand to tell us a great deal about the formation and dynamical history of planetary systems, and could potentially be attractive places to search for life in the decades to come. But we have to find them first! These days I'm particularly interested in the application of machine learning to various observational challenges, and developing novel techniques to the finding and characterizing exomoons.


My Publications from ADS

Journal Papers affiliated with ASIAA

  1. Dalba PA; Kane SR; Isaacson H; Fulton B; Howard AW; Schwieterman EW; Thorngren DP; Fortney J; Vowell N; Beard C; Blunt S; Brinkman CL; Chontos A; Dai F; Giacalone S; Hill ML; Kosiarek M; Lubin J; Mayo AW; Močnik T; Akana Murphy JM; Petigura EA; Rice M; Rubenzahl RA; Van Zandt J; Weiss LM; Dragomir D; Kipping D; Payne MJ; Roy A; Teachey A; Villanueva S, "Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. IV. Long-term Doppler Spectroscopy for 11 Stars Thought to Host Cool Giant Exoplanets" , ApJS: 271(1), 16 (25pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Teachey A, "Detecting and Characterizing Exomoons and Exorings" , Handbook of Exoplanets: 2nd Edition, 2024, Accepted [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Teachey A; Agarwal G, "On the impact and utility of single-exomoon modelling for multimoon systems" , MNRAS: 529(2), 1232-1249, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Kipping D; Bryson S; Burke C; Christiansen J; Hardegree-Ullman K; Quarles B; Hansen B; Szulágyi J; Teachey A, "An exomoon survey of 70 cool giant exoplanets and the new candidate Kepler-1708 b-i" , Nature Astronomy: 6, 367-380, Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Teachey A, "The Exomoon Corridor for Multiple Moon Systems" , MNRAS: 506(2), 2104-2121, Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Teachey A; Kipping D, "Identifying Potential Exomoon Signals with Convolutional Neural Networks" , MNRAS: 508(2), 2620-2633, Dec, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
TEL: 886-2-3365-2200 FAX: 886-2-2367-7849
General: asiaa_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw Media Request: epo_replace2@_asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
11F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 106216, Taiwan, R.O.C.