Umetsu, Keiichi 梅津敬一

Research Fellow

photo of Umetsu, Keiichi
Office: ASMAB 1319
Email: keiichi   _replace_to_@_
pubLON 3921484/keiichi-umetsu/
ORCID 0000-0002-7196-4822
ADS My Publications from ADS

Research Interests

My research interests and expertise lie in the fields of observational cosmology and astrophysics, with a particular focus on understanding the nature of dark matter and its role in cosmic structure formation. I am best known for my observational studies of galaxy clusters and dark matter utilizing gravitational lensing in combination with complementary datasets. I authored the review article "Cluster-galaxy weak lensing" (Umetsu, K. 2020) in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, which provides a comprehensive treatment of the theory, methods, and applications of weak gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters. This article serves as a key reference for both established researchers and newcomers to the field. An updated version, which corrects references and errors in the published article, is available here: [link].

Recently, I coauthored the textbook “一般相対論の基礎から学ぶ 重力レンズと重力波天文学” ("Gravitational Lensing and Gravitational Wave Astronomy from the Foundations of General Relativity"; Nippon Hyoron Sha Co. Ltd., March 2025). In this work, I authored Chapter 3 on gravitational lensing, presenting its theoretical foundations and its applications in observational cosmology with a rigorous approach.



Honors & Awards

Journal Papers affiliated with ASIAA(205)

  1. Umetsu K, "Cluster-Galaxy Weak Lensing", A&ARv: 28(1), id.7 (101pp.), Dec, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Umetsu K; Sereno M; Lieu M; ...; Chiu IN; Coupon J; ...; Higuchi Y; et al., "Weak-lensing Analysis of X-Ray-selected XXL Galaxy Groups and Clusters with Subaru HSC Data", ApJ: 890(2), id.148 (36pp.), Feb, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Umetsu K; Sereno M; Tam S-L; Chiu I-N; ...; Okumura T; ...; Higuchi Y; et al., "The Projected Dark and Baryonic Ellipsoidal Structure of 20 CLASH Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 806(2), id. 104 (26 pp.), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Umetsu K; et al., "Three-dimensional Multi-probe Analysis of the Galaxy Cluster A1689", ApJ: 807(2), 207, June 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Umetsu K; Medezinski E; Nonino M; ...; Czakon N; et al., "CLASH: Weak-Lensing Shear-and-Magnification Analysis of 20 Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 795(2), 163, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Umetsu K, "Model-Free Multi-Probe Lensing Reconstruction of Cluster Mass Profiles", ApJ: 769(2), 13, May, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Umetsu K; ...; Koch PM; Lin KY; Molnar SM; et al, "CLASH: Mass Distribution in and around MACS J1206.2-0847 from a Full Cluster Lensing Analysis", ApJ: 755(1), 56, Aug 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Umetsu K; Broadhurst T; Zitrin A; et al., "A Precise Cluster Mass Profile Averaged from the Highest Quality Lensing Data", ApJ: 738(1), 41, Sept, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Umetsu K; Broadhurst T; Zitrin A; et al., "Cluster Mass Profiles from a Bayesian Analysis of Weak Lensing Distortion and Magnification Measurements: Applications to Subaru Data", ApJ: 729(2), 127-142, Mar 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Umetsu K; ...; Okabe N; Hsieh BC; Molnar SM, "The Mass Structure of the Galaxy Cluster Cl0024+1654 from a Full Lensing Analysis of Joint Subaru and ACS/NIC3 Observations", ApJ: 714(2), 1470-1496, May 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Umetsu K; Birkinshaw M; Liu G-C; Wu J-HP; Medezinski E; Broadhurst T; Lemze D; Zitrin A; Ho PTP; Huang C-WL; Koch PM; Liao Y-W; Lin K-Y; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Wang F-C; Altamirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chen M-T; Han C-C; Huang Y-D; Hwang Y-J; Jiang H; Kesteven M; Kubo DY; Li C-T; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei T; Wilson W, "Mass and Hot Baryons in Massive Galaxy Clusters from Subaru Weak Lensing and AMiBA Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Observations", ApJ: 694(2), 1643-1663, Apr 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Umetsu K; Broadhurst T, "Combining Lens Distortion and Depletion to Map the Mass Distribution of A1689", ApJ: 684(1), 177-203, Sept, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Umetsu K; Okura Y; Futamase T, "A Moment Method for Measuring the Higher-Order Weak Gravitational Lensing Effects", MPLA: 23(17-20), 1506-1513, June, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Umetsu K; Takada M; Broadhurst T, "Probing the Cluster Mass Distribution using Subaru Weak Lensing Data", MPLA: 22(25-28), 2099-2106, Sept 14, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Umetsu K; Tanaka M; Kodama T; et al., "Discovery of a Stronglly Lensed Galaxy at z=3.9 behind a z=0.83 Galaxy Cluster", PASJ: 57(6), 877-880, Dec, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  16. Umetsu K; Broadhurst T; Takada M; Kong X, "The Mass Profile of Abell 1689 from a Lensing Analysis of Deep Wide Field SUBARU Images", JKAS: 38, 191-195, June, 2005 ( ADS | Fulltext )
  17. Umetsu K; Chiueh T; Lin K-Y; Wu J-M; Tseng Y-H, "Simulation of a Combined SZE and Weak Lensing Cluster Survey for AMiBA Experiment", MPLA: 19(13-16), 1027-1030, May 30, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  18. Fujimoto S; Kohno K; Ouchi M; Oguri M; Kokorev V; Brammer G; Sun F; Gonzalez-Lopez J; Bauer FE; Caminha GB; Hatsukade B; Richard J; Smail I; Tsujita A; Ueda Y; Uematsu R; Zitrin A; Coe D; Kneib J-P; Postman M; Umetsu K; Lagos CDP; Popping G; Ao Y; Bradley L; Caputi K; Dessauges-Zavadsky M; Egami E; Espada D; Ivison RJ; Jauzac M; Knudsen KK; Koekemoer AM; Magdis GE; Mahler G; Munoz Arancibia AM; Rawle T; Shimasaku K; Toft S; Umehata H; Valentino F; Wang T; Wang W-H, "ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Deep 1.2 mm Number Counts and Infrared Luminosity Functions at z≃1−8", ApJS: 275(2), id.36 (59 pp.), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  19. Riva G; Pratt GW; Rossetti M; Bartalucci I; Kay ST; Rasia E; Gavazzi R; Umetsu K; Arnaud M; Balboni M; Bonafede A; Bourdin H; De Grandi S; De Luca F; Eckert D; Ettori S; Gaspari M; Gastaldello F; Ghirardini V; Ghizzardi S; Gitti M; Lovisari L; Maughan BJ; Mazzotta P; Molendi S; Pointecouteau E; Sayers J; Sereno M; Towler I, "CHEX-MATE: the intracluster medium entropy distribution in the gravity-dominated regime", A&A: 691, id.A340 (27 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  20. Fu S; Dell'antonio I; Escalante Z; Nelson J; Englert A; Helhoski S; Shinde R; Brockland J; Laduca P; Larkin C; Paris L; Weiner S; Black WK; Chary R-R; Clowe D; Cooper MC; Donahue M; Evrard A; Lacy M; Lauer T; Liu B; Mccleary J; Meneghetti M; Miyatake H; Montes M; Natarajan P; Ntampaka M; Pierpaoli E; Postman M; Sohn J; Turner D; Umetsu K; Utsumi Y; Wilson G, "LoVoCCS. II. Weak Lensing Mass Distributions, Red-sequence Galaxy Distributions, and Their Alignment with the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in 58 Nearby X-Ray-luminous Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 974(1), id.69 (31 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  21. Kim J; Sayers J; Sereno M; Bartalucci I; Chappuis L; De Grandi S; De Luca F; De Petris M; Donahue ME; Eckert D; Ettori S; Gaspari M; Gastaldello F; Gavazzi R; Gavidia A; Ghizzardi S; Iqbal A; Kay ST; Lovisari L; Maughan BJ; Mazzotta P; Okabe N; Pointecouteau E; Pratt GW; Rossetti M; Umetsu K, "CHEX-MATE: CLUster Multi-Probes in Three Dimensions (CLUMP-3D). I. Gas analysis method using X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect data", A&A: 686, id.A97 (15 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  22. Diego JM; Li SK; Meena AK; Niemiec A; Acebron A; Jauzac M; Struble MF; Amruth A; Broadhurst TJ; Cerny C; Ebeling H; Filippenko AV; Jullo E; Kelly P; Koekemoer AM; Lagattuta D; Lim J; Limousin M; Mahler G; Patel N; Remolina J; Richard J; Sharon K; Steinhardt C; Umetsu K; Williams L; Zitrin A; Palencia JM; Dai L; Ji L; Pascale M, "BUFFALO/Flashlights: Constraints on the abundance of lensed supergiant stars in the Spock galaxy at redshift 1", A&A: 681, id.A124 (24 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  23. Jian H-Y; Lin L; Hsieh B-C; Umetsu K; Lopez-Coba C; Oguri M; Bottrell C; Toba Y; Koyama Y; Chang Y-Y; Kodama T; Komiyama Y; More S; Lin K-Y; Nishizawa AJ; Tanaka I, "Radial and Local Density Dependence of Star Formation Properties in Galaxy Clusters from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", ApJ: 957(2), id.85 (14pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  24. Niemiec A; Jauzac M; Eckert D; Lagattuta D; Sharon K; Koekemoer A M; Umetsu K; Acebron A; Diego J M; Harvey D; Jullo E; Kokorev V; Limousin M; Mahler G; Natarajan P; Nonino M; Steinhardt C; Tam S-I; Zitrin A, "Beyond the ultradeep frontier fields and legacy observations (BUFFALO): a high-resolution strong+weak-lensing view of Abell 370", MNRAS: 524(2), 2883-2910, Sep, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  25. Tam S-I; Umetsu K; Robertson A; McCarthy IG, "Testing the Collisionless Nature of Dark Matter with the Radial Acceleration Relation in Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 953(2), id.169 (19pp), Aug, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  26. Ferreras I; Böhm A; Umetsu K; Sampaio V; De Carvalho RR, "Exploring the stellar populations of backsplash galaxies", MNRAS: 519(4), 4884-4892, Jan, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  27. Umetsu K; Ueda S; Hsieh B-C; Nonino M; Chiu IN; Oguri M; Molnar SM; Koekemoer AM; Tam S-I, "Line-of-sight Elongation and Hydrostatic Mass Bias of the Frontier Fields Galaxy Cluster Abell 370", ApJ: 934(2), id.169, Aug, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  28. Bouchè F; Capozziello S; Salzano V; Umetsu K, "Testing non-local gravity by clusters of galaxies", European Physical Journal C: 82(7), id.652, July, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  29. Fu S; Dell'antonio I; Chary R-R; Clowe D; Cooper MC; Donahue M; Evrard A; Lacy M; Lauer T; Liu B; Mccleary J; Meneghetti M; Miyatake H; Montes M; Natarajan P; Ntampaka M; Pierpaoli E; Postman M; Sohn J; Umetsu K; Utsumi Y; Wilson G, "LoVoCCS. I. Survey Introduction, Data Processing Pipeline, and Early Science Results", ApJ: 933(1), id.84 (40pp), July, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  30. Garrel C; Pierre M; Valageas P; Eckert D; Marulli F; Veropalumbo A; Pacaud F; Clerc N; Sereno M; Umetsu K; Moscardini L; Bhargava S; Adami C; Chiappetti L; Gastaldello F; Koulouridis E; Le Fevre J-P; Plionis M, "The XXL survey. XLVI. Forward cosmological analysis of the C1 cluster sample", A&A: 663, id.A3 (18 pp), July, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  31. Wang W-H; Foucaud S; Hsieh B-C; Jian H-Y; Lin L; Lin Y-T; Coupon J; Hashimoto Y; Ouchi M; Shimasaku K; Ohyama Y; Umetsu K; Wang S-Y; Chang T-C, "MUSUBI (MegaCam Ultra-deep Survey: u*-band Imaging) Data for the COSMOS and SXDS Fields", ApJS: 260(2), id.54 (15 pp), June, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  32. Chiu I-N; Ghirardini V; Liu A; Grandis S; Bulbul E; Bahar YE; Comparat J; Bocquet S; Clerc N; Klein M; Liu T; Li X; Miyatake H; Mohr J; Oguri M; Okabe N; Pacaud F; Ramos-Ceja ME; Reiprich TH; Schrabback T; Umetsu K, "The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS). X-ray observable-to-mass-and-redshift relations of galaxy clusters and groups with weak-lensing mass calibration from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program survey", A&A: 661, id.A11 (41pp), May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  33. Díaz-García LA; Umetsu K; Rasia E; Cui W; Meneghetti M, "The Three Hundred project: dissecting the Fundamental Plane of galaxy clusters up to z = 1", MNRAS: 512(1), 1214-1233, May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  34. Pizzuti L; Saltas ID; Umetsu K; Sartoris B, "Probing Vainsthein-screening gravity with galaxy clusters using internal kinematics and strong and weak lensing", MNRAS: 512(3), 4280-4290, May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  35. Hashimoto Y; Böhringer H; Umetsu K, "Dwarf galaxy luminosity functions and cluster environments", MNRAS: 511(2), 2796-2813, April, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  36. Laudato E; Salzano V; Umetsu K, "Multicomponent DHOST analysis in galaxy clusters", MNRAS: 511(2), 1878-1892, April, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  37. Akino D; Eckert D; Okabe N; Sereno M; Umetsu K; Oguri M; Gastaldello F; Chiu IN; Ettori S; Evrard AE; Farahi A; Maughan B; Pierre M; Ricci M; Valtchanov I; Mccarthy I; Mcgee S; Miyazaki S; Nishizawa AJ; Tanaka M, "HSC-XXL: Baryon budget of the 136 XXL groups and clusters", PASJ: 74(1), 175-208, Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  38. Jian H-Y; Lin L; Hsieh B-C; Lin K-Y; Umetsu K; Lopez-Coba C; Koyama Y; Hsu C-H; Su Y-C; Chang Y-Y; Kodama T; Komiyama Y; More S; Nishizawa A J; Oguri M; Tanaka I, "Star Formation Properties of Sloan Digital Sky Survey BOSS Void Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", ApJ: 926(2), id.115 (13 pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  39. Tam S-I; Umetsu K; Amara A, "Likelihood-free Forward Modeling for Cluster Weak Lensing and Cosmology", ApJ: 925(2), id.145 (14pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  40. Mercurio A; Rosati P; Biviano A; Annunziatella M; Girardi M; Sartoris B; Nonino M; Brescia M; Riccio G; Grillo C; Balestra I; Caminha GB; De Lucia G; Gobat R; Seitz S; Tozzi P; Scodeggio M; Vanzella E; Angora G; Bergamini P; Borgani S; Demarco R; Meneghetti M; Strazzullo V; Tortorelli L; Umetsu K; Fritz A; Gruen D; Kelson D; Lombardi M; Maier C; Postman M; Rodighiero G; Ziegler B, "CLASH-VLT: Abell S1063. Cluster assembly history and spectroscopic catalogue", A&A: 656, A147 (24pp), Dec, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  41. Ueda S; Umetsu K; Ng FL; Ichinohe Y; Kitayama T; Molnar SM, "Systematic Perturbations of the Thermodynamic Properties in Cool Cores of HIFLUGCS Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 922(1), id.81 (17pp), Nov, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  42. Amara A; De La Bella L; Birrer S; Bridle S; Cordero J; Favole G; Harrison I; Harry I; Hartley W; Krawczyk C; Lundgren A; Nord B; Nuttall L; Rollins R; Sudek P; Tam S-I; Tessore N; Tolley A; Umetsu K; Williamson A; Wolz L, "SkyPy: A package for modelling the Universe", The Journal of Open Source Software: 6, 3056, Sep, 2021 ( ADS | Fulltext )
  43. Bonoli S; Marín-Franch A; Varela J; Vázquez Ramió H; Abramo LR; Cenarro AJ; Dupke RA; Vílchez JM; Cristóbal-Hornillos D; González Delgado RM; Hernández-Monteagudo C; López-Sanjuan C; Muniesa DJ; Civera T; Ederoclite A; Hernán-Caballero A; Marra V; Baqui PO; Cortesi A; Cypriano ES; Daflon S; De Amorim AL; Díaz-García LA; Diego JM; Martínez-Solaeche G; Pérez E; Placco VM; Prada F; Queiroz C; Alcaniz J; Alvarez-Candal A; Cepa J; Maroto AL; Roig F; Siffert BB; Taylor K; Benitez N; Moles M; Sodré L; Carneiro S; Mendes De Oliveira C; Abdalla E; Angulo RE; Aparicio Resco M; Balaguera-Antolínez A; Ballesteros FJ; Brito-Silva D; Broadhurst T; Carrasco ER; Castro T; Cid Fernandes R; Coelho P; De Melo RB; Doubrawa L; Fernandez-Soto A; Ferrari F; Finoguenov A; García-Benito R; Iglesias-Páramo J; Jiménez-Teja Y; Kitaura FS; Laur J; Lopes PaA; Lucatelli G; Martínez VJ; Maturi M; Overzier RA; Pigozzo C; Quartin M; Rodríguez-Martín JE; Salzano V; Tamm A; Tempel E; Umetsu K; Valdivielso L; Von Marttens R; Zitrin A; Díaz-Martín MC; López-Alegre G; López-Sainz A; Yanes-Díaz A; Rueda-Teruel F; Rueda-Teruel S; Abril Ibañez J; L Antón Bravo J; Bello Ferrer R; Bielsa S; Casino JM; Castillo J; Chueca S; Cuesta L; Garzarán Calderaro J; Iglesias-Marzoa R; Ýniguez C; Lamadrid Gutierrez JL; Lopez-Martinez F; Lozano-Pérez D; Maícas Sacristán N; Molina-Ibáñez EL; Moreno-Signes A; Rodríguez Llano S; Royo Navarro M; Tilve Rua V; Andrade U; Alfaro EJ; Akras S; Arnalte-Mur P; Ascaso B; Barbosa CE; Beltrán Jiménez J; Benetti M; Bengaly CaP; Bernui A; Blanco-Pillado JJ; Borges Fernandes M; Bregman JN; Bruzual G; Calderone G; Carvano JM; Casarini L; Chaves-Montero J; Chies-Santos AL; Coutinho De Carvalho G; Dimauro P; Duarte Puertas S; Figueruelo D; González-Serrano JI; Guerrero MA; Gurung-López S; Herranz D; Huertas-Company M; Irwin JA; Izquierdo-Villalba D; Kanaan A; Kehrig C; Kirkpatrick CC; Lim J; Lopes AR; Lopes De Oliveira R; Marcos-Caballero A; Martínez-Delgado D; Martínez-González E; Martínez-Somonte G; Oliveira N; Orsi AA; Penna-Lima M; Reis RRR; Spinoso D; Tsujikawa S; Vielva P; Vitorelli AZ; Xia JQ; Yuan HB; Arroyo-Polonio A; Dantas MLL; Galarza CA; Gonçalves DR; Gonçalves RS; Gonzalez JE; Gonzalez AH; Greisel N; Jiménez-Esteban F; Landim RG; Lazzaro D; Magris G; Monteiro-Oliveira R; Pereira CB; Rebouças MJ; Rodriguez-Espinosa JM; Santos Da Costa S; Telles E, "The miniJPAS survey: A preview of the Universe in 56 colors", A&A: 653, id.A31 (37 pp), Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  44. Sayers J; Sereno M; Ettori S; Rasia E; Cui W; Golwala S; Umetsu K; Yepes G, "CLUMP-3D: the lack of non-thermal motions in galaxy cluster cores", MNRAS: 505(3), 4338-4344, Aug, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  45. CHEX-MATE Collaboration; Arnaud M; Ettori S; Pratt GW; Rossetti M; Eckert D; Gastaldello F; Gavazzi R; Kay ST; Lovisari L; Maughan BJ; Pointecouteau E; Sereno M; Bartalucci I; Bonafede A; Bourdin H; Cassano R; Duffy RT; Iqbal A; Maurogordato S; Rasia E; Sayers J; Andrade-Santos F; Aussel H; Barnes DJ; Barrena R; Borgani S; Burkutean S; Clerc N; Corasaniti P-S; Cuillandre J-C; De Grandi S; De Petris M; Dolag K; Donahue M; Ferragamo A; Gaspari M; Ghizzardi S; Gitti M; Haines CP; Jauzac M; Johnston-Hollitt M; Jones C; Kéruzoré F; LeBrun AMC; Mayet F; Mazzotta P; Melin J-B; Molendi S; Nonino M; Okabe N; Paltani S; Perotto L; Pires S; Radovich M; Rubino-Martin J-A; Salvati L; Saro A; Sartoris B; Schellenberger G; Streblyanska A; Tarrío P; Tozzi P; Umetsu K; van der Burg RFJ; Vazza F; Venturi T; Yepes G; Zarattini S, "The Cluster HEritage project with XMM-Newton: Mass Assembly and Thermodynamics at the Endpoint of structure formation. I. Programme overview", A&A: 650, A104 (25pp), Jun, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  46. Willis JP; Oguri M; Ramos-Ceja ME; Gastaldello F; Sereno M; Adami C; Alis S; Altieri B; Chiappetti L; Corasaniti PS; Eckert D; Ettori S; Garrel C; Giles P; Lefevre J; Faccioli L; Fotopoulou S; Hamabata A; Koulouridis E; Lieu M; Lin YT; Maughan B; Nishizawa AJ; Okabe T; Okabe N; Pacaud F; Paltani S; Pierre M; Plionis M; Poggianti B; Pompei E; Sadibekova T; Umetsu K; Valageas P, "Understanding X-ray and optical selection of galaxy clusters: a comparison of the XXL and CAMIRA cluster catalogues obtained in the common XXL-HSC SSP area", MNRAS: 503(4), 5624-5637, June, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  47. Strait V; Bradač M; Coe D; Lemaux BC; Carnall AC; Bradley L; Pelliccia D; Sharon K; Zitrin A; Acebron A; Neufeld C; Andrade-Santos F; Avila RJ; Frye BL; Mahler G; Nonino M; Ogaz S; Oguri M; Ouchi M; Paterno-Mahler R; Stark DP; Mainali R; Oesch PA; Trenti M; Carrasco D; Dawson WA; Jones C; Umetsu K; Vulcani B, "RELICS: Properties of z ≥ 5.5 Galaxies Inferred from Spitzer and Hubble Imaging, Including A Candidate z ∼ 6.8 Strong [O III] emitter", ApJ: 910(2), id.135 (20pp), Apr, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  48. Okabe N; Dicker S; Eckert D; Mroczkowski T; Gastaldello F; Lin Y-T; Devlin M; Romero CE; Birkinshaw M; Sarazin C; Horellou C; Kitayama T; Umetsu K; Sereno M; Mason BS; Zuhone JA; Honda A; Akamatsu H; Chiu IN; Kohno K; Lin K-Y; Medezinski E; Miyazaki S; Mitsuishi I; Nishizawa AJ; Oguri M; Ota N; Pacaud F; Pierre M; Sievers J; Smolčić V; Stanchfield S; Tanaka K; Yamamoto R; Yang C; Yoshida A, "Active gas features in three HSC-SSP CAMIRA clusters revealed by high angular resolution analysis of MUSTANG-2 SZE and XXL X-ray observations", MNRAS: 501(2), 1701-1732, Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  49. Chiu I-N; Okumura T; Oguri M; Agrawal A, ...; Umetsu K; Lin Y-T, "A clustering-based self-calibration of the richness-to-mass relation of CAMIRA galaxy clusters out to z ≍ 1.1 in the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey", MNRAS: 498(2), 2030-2053, Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  50. Ricci M; Adam R; Eckert D; ...; Umetsu K, "The XXL Survey. XLIV. Sunyaev-Zel'dovich mapping of a low-mass cluster at z ∼ 1: a multi-wavelength approach", A&A: 642, A126 (20pp.), Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  51. Trudeau A; Garrel C; Willis J; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The XXL Survey. XLII. Detection and characterisation of the galaxy population of distant galaxy clusters in the XXL-N/VIDEO field: A tale of variety", A&A: 642, id.A124 (25pp.), Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  52. Molnar SM; Ueda S; Umetsu K; et al., "The Dynamical State of the Frontier Fields Galaxy Cluster Abell 370", ApJ: 900(2), id.151 (10pp.), Sep, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  53. Acebron A; Zitrin A; Coe D; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Czakon NG; et al., "RELICS: A Very Large (θE ∼ 40″) Cluster Lens—RXC J0032.1+1808", ApJ: 898(1), id.6 (23pp.), July, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  54. Tian Y; Umetsu K; Ko C-M; ...; Chiu I-N, "The Radial Acceleration Relation in CLASH Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 896(1), id.70 (10 pp.), Jun, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  55. Jian H-Y; Lin L; Koyama Y; ...Umetsu K; Hsieh B-C; Higuchi Y; ...; Chang YY, "Redshift Evolution of Green Valley Galaxies in Different Environments from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", ApJ: 894(2), id.125 (18pp.), May, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  56. Sartoris B; Biviano A; Rosati P; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: a full dynamical reconstruction of the mass profile of Abell S1063 from 1 kpc out to the virial radius", A&A: 637, id.A34 (11pp.), May, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  57. Chiu IN; Umetsu K; Murata R; et al., "The Richness-to-Mass Relation of CAMIRA Galaxy Clusters from Weak-lensing Magnification in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", MNRAS: 495(1), 428-450, Apr, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  58. Steinhardt CL; Jauzac M; Acebron A; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The BUFFALO HST Survey", ApJS: 247(2), id.64 (20 pp.), Apr, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  59. Ueda S; Ichinohe Y; Molnar SM; Umetsu K; et al., "Gas Density Perturbations in the Cool Cores of CLASH Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 892(2), id.100 (20pp.), Apr, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  60. Sereno M; Umetsu K; Ettori S; ...; Chiu I-N; et al., "XXL Survey groups and clusters in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey. Scaling relations between X-ray properties and weak lensing mass", MNRAS: 492(3), 4528-4545, Mar, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  61. Salmon B; Coe D; Bradley L; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "RELICS: The Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey and the Brightest High-z Galaxies", ApJ: 889(2), id.189 (18pp.), Feb, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  62. Caminha GB; Rosati P; Grillo C; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Strong lensing models of eight CLASH clusters from extensive spectroscopy: Accurate total mass reconstructions in the cores", A&A: 632, id.A36 (27 pp.), Dec, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  63. Coe D; Salmon B; Bradač M; ...; Czakon NG; Umetsu K; et al., "RELICS: Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey", ApJ: 884(1), id. 85 (24 pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  64. Acebron A; Alon M; Zitrin A; ...; Umetsu K; ....; Czakon NG; et al., "RELICS: High-resolution Constraints on the Inner Mass Distribution of the z = 0.83 Merging Cluster RXJ0152.7-1357 from Strong Lensing", ApJ: 874(2), id. 132 (13 pp.), Apr, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  65. Miyatake H; Battaglia N; Hilton M; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Weak-lensing Mass Calibration of ACTPol Sunyaev─Zel’dovich Clusters with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", ApJ: 875(1), id. 63 (17 pp.), Apr, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  66. Mahler G; Sharon K; Fox C;; ...; Czakon NG; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of MACS J0417.5─1154 and Predictions for Observing the Magnified High-redshift Universe with JWST", ApJ: 873, id. 96 (15 pp.), Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  67. Ueda S; Ichinohe Y; Kitayama T; Umetsu K, "Line-of-Sight Gas Sloshing in the Cool Core of Abell 907", ApJ: 871(2), id. 207 (6 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  68. Fujita Y; Donahue M; Ettori S; Umetsu K; et al., "Halo Concentrations and the Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters", Galaxies: 7(1), id. 8 (16pp.), Jan, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  69. Jauzac M; Eckert D; Schaller M; ...; Umetsu K, "Growing a 'Cosmic Beast': Observations and Simulations of MACS J0717.5+3745", MNRAS: 481(3), 2901-2917, Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  70. Salmon B; Coe D; Bradley L; ...; Umetsu K, "RELICS: A Candidate z similar to 10 Galaxy Strongly Lensed into a Spatially Resolved Arc", ApJL: 864(1), id. L22 (6 pp), Sep, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  71. Cibirka N; Acebron A; Zitrin A; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Czakon NG; et al., "RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of the Galaxy Clusters Abell S295, Abell 697, MACS J0025.4-1222, and MACS J0159.8-0849", ApJ: 863(2), id. 145 (25 pp.), Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  72. Fujita Y; Umetsu K; Ettori S; et al., "A New Interpretation of the Mass-Temperature Relation and Mass Calibration of Galaxy Clusters Based on the Fundamental Plane", ApJ: 863(1), id.37 (9pp.), Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  73. Liu A; Yu H; Diaferio A; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Inside a Beehive: the Multiple Merging Processes in the Galaxy Cluster Abell 2142", ApJ: 863(1), id. 102 (12 pp), Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  74. Paterno-Mahler R; Sharon K; Coe D; ...; Czakon NG; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "RELICS: A Strong Lens Model for SPT-CLJ0615─5746, a z = 0.972 Cluster", ApJ: 863(2), id. 154 (11 pp.), Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  75. Okumura T; Nishimichi T; Umetsu K; et al., "Splashback radius of nonspherical dark matter halos from cosmic density and velocity fields", Phys Rev D: 98(2), id. 023523 (18 pp.), July, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  76. Siegel SR; Sayers J; Mahdavi A; ...; Umetsu K; Czakon N; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lin KY; ...; Molnar SM; et al, "Constraints on the Mass, Concentration, and Nonthermal Pressure Support of Six CLASH Clusters from a Joint Analysis of X-ray, SZ, and Lensing Data", ApJ: 861(1), id.71 (29pp.), July, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  77. Cerny C; Sharon K; Andrade-Santos F; ...; Czakon NG; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "RELICS: Strong Lens Models for Five Galaxy Clusters From the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey", ApJ: 859(2), id.159 (18 pp.), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  78. Chiu IN; Umetsu K; Sereno M; et al., "CLUMP-3D: Three-dimensional Shape and Structure of 20 CLASH Galaxy Clusters from Combined Weak and Strong Lensing", ApJ: 860(2), id. 126 (23 pp.), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  79. Sereno M; Umetsu K; Ettori S; ...; Chiu I-N;et al., "CLUMP-3D: Testing ΛCDM with Galaxy Cluster Shapes", ApJL: 806(1), L4 (6 pp), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  80. Acebron A; Cibirka N; Zitrin A; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Czakon NG; et al., "RELICS: Strong-lensing Analysis of the Massive Clusters MACS J0308.9+2645 and PLCK G171.9-40.7", ApJ: 858(1), 42, May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  81. Fujita Y; Umetsu K; Rasia E; et al., "Discovery of a New Fundamental Plane Dictating Galaxy Cluster Evolution from Gravitational Lensing", ApJ: 857(2), 118, April, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  82. Jimenez-Teja Y; Dupke R; Benitez N; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Unveiling the Dynamical State of Massive Clusters through the ICL Fraction", ApJ: 857(2), 79, April, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  83. Medezinski E; Oguri M; Nishizawa AJ; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Source selection for cluster weak lensing measurements in the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey", PASJ: 70(2), 30, March, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  84. Aihara H; Arimoto N; Armstrong R; ...; Chan JHH; ...; Ho PTP; Hsieh B-C; Huang K; Huang S; Ikeda H; Imanishi M; ...; Jian H-Y; ... ; Lin L; Lin Y-T; ...; Suyu SH; ...; Toba Y; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Wang S-Y; Wang W-H; Wong KC; et al., "The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design", PASJ: 70(SP1), S4, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  85. Aihara H; Armstrong R; Bickerton S; ...; Coupon J; ...; ...; Wang S-Y; ...; Ho PTP; Hsieh B-C; ...; Jian H-Y; ...; Lin L; Lin Y-T; ...; Toba Y; ...; Umetsu K; Urata, Yuji; et al., "First Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program", PASJ: 70(SP1), S8, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  86. Medezinski E; Battaglia N; Umetsu K; Oguri M; ...; Chiu I-N; Lin YT; et al., "Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Mass Calibration Using Hyper Suprime-Cam Weak Lensing", PASJ: 70(SP1), S28, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  87. Miyaoka K; Okabe N; Kitaguchi T; ...; Lin Y-T;...; Chiu I-N; ...; Umetsu K;et al., "Multiwavelength study of X-ray Luminous Clusters in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A field", PASJ: 70(SP1), S22, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  88. Miyazaki S; Oguri M; Hamana T; Umetsu K; ...; Lin Y-T; et al., "A large sample of shear-selected clusters from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A Wide field mass maps", PASJ: 70(SP1), S27, Jan, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  89. Caminha GB; Grillo C; Rosati P; M; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Mass distribution in the core of MACS J1206. Robust modeling from an exceptionally large sample of central multiple images", A&A: 607, A93, Nov 20, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  90. Connor T; Donahue M; Kelson DD; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Crowded Field Galaxy Photometry: Precision Colors in the CLASH Clusters", ApJ: 848(1), 37, Oct, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  91. Molino A; Ascaso B; Coe D; ...; Czakon N; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH: Accurate Photometric Redshifts with 14 HST bands in Massive Galaxy Cluster Cores", MNRAS: 470(1), 95-113, Aug, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  92. Pearce CJJ; van Weeren RJ; Andrade-Santos F; ...; Umetsu K, "VLA Radio Observations of the HST Frontier Fields Cluster Abell 2744: The Discovery of New Radio Relics", ApJ: 845(1), 81, Aug, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  93. Wong KC; Raney C; Keeton CR; Umetsu K; et al., "Joint Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the Massive Cluster Field J0850+3604", ApJ: 844(2), 127, Aug 1, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  94. Pizzuti L; Sartoris B; Amendola L; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: constraints on f(R) gravity models with galaxy clusters using lensing and kinematic analyses", JCAP: 07, 023, July, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  95. Wegner GA; Umetsu K; Molnar SM; et al., "The Double Galaxy Cluster Abell 2465 III. X-ray and Weak-lensing Observations", ApJ: 844(1), 67, July 20, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  96. Sereno M; Ettori S; Meneghetti M; ...; Umetsu K; ....; Chiu I-N; et al., "CLUMP-3D. Three Dimensional Lensing and Multi-probe Analysis of MACS J1206.2-0847, A Remarkably Regular Cluster", MNRAS: 467(4), 3801-3826, June, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  97. Jimeno P; Broadhurst T; Lazkoz R; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Precise Clustering and Density Evolution of redMaPPer Galaxy Clusters versus MXXL Simulation", MNRAS: 466(3), 2658-2674, April, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  98. Pierre M; Adami C; Birkinshaw M; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The XXL survey: First results and future", AN: 338(2-3), 334-341, March, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  99. Umetsu K; Diemer B, "Lensing Constraints on the Mass Profile Shape and the Splashback Radius of Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 836(2), 231, Feb, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  100. van Weeren RJ; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Chandra and JVLA Observations of HST Frontier Fields Cluster MACS J0717.5+3745", ApJ: 835(2), 197, Feb, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  101. Fujita Y; Akahori T; Umetsu K; Sarazin C; Wong K-W, "Probing WHIM around Galaxy Clusters with Fast Radio Bursts and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect", ApJ: 834(1), 13, Jan, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  102. Lin K-Y; Nishioka H; Wang F-C; Huang C-W L; Liao Y-W; Wu J-H P; Koch PM; Umetsu K; Chen MT; ...; Chang S-H; Hoang Ngoc Duy; Han C-C; ...; Ho PTP; Huang Y-D; Jiang H; Li C-T;...; Martin-Cocher P; Molnar SM; et al., "AMiBA: Cluster Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Observations with the Expanded 13-Element Array", ApJ: 830(2), 91, Oct, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  103. Balestra I; Mercurio A; Sartoris B; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: Dissecting the Frontier Fields Galaxy Cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 with ∼800 Spectra of Member Galaxies", A&A: 224(2), 33, June, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  104. Parry W; Grillo C; Mercurio A; ...; Umetsu K, "Dark matter fraction of low-mass cluster members probed by galaxy-scale strong lensing", MNRAS: 458(2), 1493-1503, May 11, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  105. Pizzuti L; Sartoris B; Borgani S; Amendola L; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: Testing the Nature of Gravity with Galaxy Clusters Mass Profiles", JCAP: 4, 023, April, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  106. Umetsu K; Zitrin A; Gruen D; et al., "CLASH: Joint Analysis of Strong-lensing, Weak-lensing Shear, and Magnification Data for 20 Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 821(2), 116, April 20, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  107. Caminha GB; Grillo C; Rosati P; ...; Suyu S; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: A highly precise strong lensing model of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 (Abell S1063) and prospects for cosmography", A&A: 587, A80, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  108. Ogrean GA; van Weeren RJ; Jones C; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Frontier Fields Clusters: Deep Chandra Observations of the Complex Merger MACS J1149.6+2223", ApJ: 819(2), 113, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  109. Okabe N; Umetsu K; ...; Tam SI, "Central Mass Profiles of the Nearby Cool-core Galaxy Clusters Hydra A and A478", MNRAS: 456(4), 4475-4487, March, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  110. Smith GP; Mazzotta P; Okabe N; ... ; Umetsu K, "LoCuSS: Testing Hydrostatic Equilibrium in Galaxy Clusters", MNRAS: 456(1), L74-L78, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  111. van Weeren RJ; Ogrean GA; Jones C; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The Discovery of Lensed Radio and X-ray Sources behind the Frontier Fields Cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 with the JVLA and Chandra", ApJ: 817(2), 98, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  112. Xu B; Postman M; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The Detection and Statistics of Giant Arcs Behind CLASH Clusters", ApJ: 817(2), 85, Feb, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  113. Medezinskil E; Umetsu K; Okabe N; ...; Molnar S; et al., "Frontier Fields: Subaru Weak-lensing Analysis of the Merging Galaxy Cluster A2744", ApJ: 817(1), 24, Jan, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  114. Okabe N; ; Akamatsu H; Kakuwa J; ...; Umetsu K, "Radio Relics Tracing the Projected Mass Distribution in CIZA J2242.8+5301", PASJ: 67(6), 114 (9pp), Dec, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  115. Ogrean GA; van Weeren RJ; Jones C; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Frontier Fields Clusters: Chandra and JVLA View of the Pre-merging Cluster MACS J0416.1-2403", ApJ: 812(2), 153, Oct 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  116. Young AH; Mroczkowski T; Romero C; ...; Czakon N; ...; Umetsu K, "Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in MACS J0647.7+7015 and MACS J1206.2-0847 at High Angular Resolution with MUSTANG", ApJ: 809(2), 185, Aug 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  117. Girardi M; Mercurio A; Balestra I; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: Substructure in the Galaxy Cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 from Kinematics of Galaxy Populations", A&A: 579, A4, July, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  118. Czakon NG; Sayers J; Mantz A;. ..; Koch PM; Lin KY; ...; Umetsu K, "Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations between BOLOCAM Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Chandra X-ray Measurements", ApJ: 806(1), 18, June 10, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  119. Merten J; Meneghetti M; Postman M; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Czakon N; et al., "CLASH: The Concentration-Mass Relation of Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 806(1), 4, June 10, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  120. Jimeno P; Broadhurst T; Coupon J; Umetsu K; Lazkoz R, "Comparing gravitational redshifts of SDSS galaxy clusters with the magnified redshift enhancement of background BOSS galaxies", MNRAS: 448(3), 1999, April 11, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  121. Huang X; Zheng W; Wang J; ...; Umetsu K, "CLASH: Extreme Emission-line Galaxies and Their Implication on Selection of High-redshift Galaxies", ApJ: 801(1) ,, 12, March, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  122. Zitrin A; Fabris A; Merten J; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Hubble Space Telescope Combined Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the CLASH Sample: Mass and Magnification Models and Systematic Uncertainties", ApJ: 801(1), 44, March, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  123. Grillo C; Suyu SH; Rosati P; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: Insights on the Mass Substructures in the Frontier Fields Cluster MACS J0416.1–2403 through Accurate Strong Lens Modeling", ApJ: 800(1), 38, Feb 10, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  124. Diego JM; Broadhurst T; Benitez N; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "A Free-Form Lensing Grid Solution for A1689 with New Multiple Images", MNRAS: 446(1), .683-704, Jan, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  125. Meneghetti M; Rasia E; Vega J; ...; Umetsu K; ...; Czakon N; et al., "The MUSIC of CLASH: Predictions on the Concentration-Mass Relation", ApJ: 797(1), 34, Dec 10, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  126. Annunziatella M; Biviano A; Mercurio A; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: The stellar mass function and stellar mass density profile of the z = 0.44 cluster of galaxies MACS J1206.2-0847", A&A: 571, A80, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  127. Bouwens RJ; Bradley L; Zitrin A; ...; Umetsu K; ...; et al., "A Census of Star-forming Galaxies in the Z ~ 9-10 Universe based on HST+Spitzer Observations over 19 Clash Clusters: Three Candidate Z ~ 9-10 Galaxies and Improved Constraints on the Star Formation Rate Density at Z ~ 9.2", ApJ: 795(2), 126, Nov, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  128. Donahue M; Voit GM; Mahdavi A; Umetsu K; ...; Czakon N; et al., "CLASH-X: A Comparison of Lensing and X-ray Techniques for Measuring the Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 794(2), 136, Oct 20, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  129. Okabe N; Umetsu K; Tamura T; ...; et al., "Universal Profiles of the Intracluster Medium from Suzaku X-Ray and Subaru Weak-Lensing Observations", PASJ: 66(5), 9914, Oct, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  130. Bradley LD; Zitrin A; Coe D; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH: A Census of Magnified Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 6-8", ApJ: 792(1), 76, Sept 1, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  131. Grillo C; Gobat R; Presotto V; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH: Extending Galaxy Strong Lensing to Small Physical Scales with Distant Sources Highly Magnified by Galaxy Cluster Members", ApJ: 786(1), 11, May, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  132. Patel B; McCully C; Jha SW; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Three Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae Behind CLASH Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 786(1), 9, May, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  133. Presotto V; Girardi M; Nonino M; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Intracluster light properties in the CLASH-VLT cluster MACS J1206.2-0847", A&A: 565, A126, May, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  134. Sartoris B; Biviano A; Rosati P; ...; Umetsu K; Czakon N; et al., "CLASH-VLT: Constraints on the Dark Matter Equation of State from Accurate Measurements of Galaxy Cluster Mass Profiles", ApJL: 783(1), L2, March, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  135. Smit R; Bouwens RJ; Labbé I; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Evidence for Ubiquitous High-equivalent-width Nebular Emission in z ~ 7 Galaxies: Toward a Clean Measurement of the Specific Star-formation Rate Using a Sample of Bright, Magnified Galaxies", ApJ: 784(1), 58, March, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  136. Jouvel S; Host O; Lahav O; ...; Umetsu K, "CLASH: Photometric redshifts with 16 HST bands in galaxy cluster fields", A&A: 562, 86, Feb, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  137. Monna A; Seitz S; Greisel N; ...; Suyu SH; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH: z~6 Young Galaxy Candidate Quintuply Lensed by the Frontier Field Cluster RXC J2248.7-4431", MNRAS: 438(2), 1417-1434, Feb, 2014 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  138. Balestra I; ...; Umetsu K, "CLASH-VLT: spectroscopic confirmation of a z = 6.11 quintuply lensed galaxy in the Frontier Fields cluster RXC J2248.7-4431", A&A: 559, L9, Nov, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  139. Medezinski E; Umetsu K; ...; Czakon N; et al., "CLASH: Complete Lensing Analysis of the Largest Cosmic Lens MACS J0717.5+3745 and Surrounding Structures", ApJ: 777(1), 43, Nov, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  140. Sayers J; ...; Czakon N; ...; Koch PM; Lin KY; ...; Molnar SM; ...; Umetsu K, "A Measurement of the Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Signal toward MACS J0717.5+3745", ApJ: 778(1), 52, Nov, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  141. Biviano A; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH-VLT: The mass, velocity-anisotropy, and pseudo-phase-space density profiles of the z=0.44 galaxy cluster MACS J1206.2-0847", A&A: 558, A1, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  142. Lemze D; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The Contribution of Halos with Different Mass Ratios to the Overall Growth of Cluster-sized Halos", ApJ: 776(2), 91, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  143. Eichner T; ...; Suyu SH; ...; Umetsu K; ...; et al, "Galaxy Halo Truncation and Giant Arc Surface Brightness Reconstruction in the Cluster MACSJ1206.2-0847", ApJ: 774(2), 124, Sept, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  144. Molnar S; Broadhurst T; Umetsu K; et al., "Tangential Velocity of the Dark Matter in the Bullet Cluster from Precise Lensed Image Redshifts", ApJ: 774(1), 70, Sept 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  145. Coupon J; Broadhurst T; Umetsu K, "Cluster Lensing Profiles Derived from a Redshift Enhancement of Magnified BOSS-Survey Galaxies", ApJ: 772(1), 65, July, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  146. Liao Y-W; Lin K-Y; Huang Y-D; Wu JHP; Ho PTP; Chen M-T; Huang CWL; Koch PM; Nishioka H; Cheng T-A; Fu S-Y; Liu G-C; Molnar SM; Umetsu K; Wang F-C; Chang Y-Y; Han C-C; Li C-T; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P, "Platform Deformation Phase Correction for the AMiBA-13 Coplanar Interferometer", ApJ: 769(1), 71, May, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  147. Okabe N; Smith GP; Umetsu K; et al., "LoCuSS: The Mass Density Profile of Massive Galaxy Clusters at z=0.2", ApJL: 769(2), L35, May 17, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  148. Sayers J; Czakon NG; Mantz A; ...; Koch PM; Lin K-Y; ...; Molnar SM; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-measured Pressure Profiles from the Bolocam X-ray/SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample", ApJ: 768(2), 177, May 10, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  149. Sereno M; Umetsu K; et al., "On mass and shape of galaxy clusters by comparison of X-ray, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, and gravitational lensing observations", AN: 334(4-5), 445-448, May, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  150. Ichikawa K;Matsushita K; Okabe N; ...; Umetsu K, "Suzaku Observations of the Outskirts of A1835: Deviation from Hydrostatic Equilibrium", ApJ: 766(2), 90, April 1, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  151. Sayers J; Mroczkowski T; Czakon NG; ...; Koch PM; Lin KY; ...; Umetsu K, "The Contribution of Radio Galaxy Contamination to Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrement in Massive Galaxy Clusters at 140 GHz with Bolocam", ApJ: 764(2), 152, Feb 20, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  152. Krause E; Chang T-C; Dor'e O; Umetsu K, "The Weight of Emptiness: The Gravitational Lensing Signal of Stacked Voids", ApJL: 762(2), L20, Jan, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  153. Sereno M; Ettori S; Umetsu K; Baldi A, "Mass, shape and thermal properties of Abell 1689 using a multiwavelength X-ray, lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich analysis", MNRAS: 428(3), 2241-2254, Jan, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  154. Zitrin A; Meneghetti M; Umetsu K; ...; et al., "CLASH: The Enhanced Lensing Efficiency of the Highly Elongated Merging Cluster MACS J0416.1-2403", ApJL: 762(2), L30, Jan, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  155. Mroczkowski T;...; Koch PM; Lin KY;...; Umetsu K; et al., "A Multi-Wavelength Study of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the Triple-Merger Cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 with MUSTANG and BOLOCAM", ApJ: 716(1), 47, Dec 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  156. Zitirn A; Bartelmann M; Umetsu K; Oguri M; Broadhurst T, "Miscentring in Galaxy Clusters: Dark Matter to Brightest Cluster Galaxy Offsets in 10,000 SDSS Clusters", MNRAS: 426(4), 2944-2956, Nov 11, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  157. Coe D; Umetsu K; ...; et al., "CLASH: Precise New Constraints on the Mass Profile of Abell 2261", ApJ: 757(1), 22, Sept 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  158. Zheng W; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "A Magnified Young Galaxy from about 500 Million Years after the Big Bang", Nature: 489(7416), 406-408, Sept 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  159. Hanami H; Ishigaki T; ...; Umetsu K; Ohyama Y; et al., "Star Formation and AGN Activity in Galaxies Classified Using the 1.6 μm Bump and PAH Features at z = 0.4-2", PASJ: 64(4), 70, Aug, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  160. Zitrin A; Broadhurst T; ...; Umetsu K, "The Universal Einstein Radius Distribution from 10,000 SDSS Clusters", MNRAS: 423(3), 2308-2324, July, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  161. Postman M; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The Cluster Lensing And Supernova Survey with Hubble: An Overview", ApJS: 199(2), 25, April, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  162. Sayers J; ...; Koch PM; Lin KY; Molnar SM; Umetsu K, "Bolocam Observations of Two Unconfirmed Galaxy Cluster Candidates from the Planck Early SZ Sample", ApJL: 749(1), L15, April 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  163. Zitrin A; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "CLASH: New Multiple Images Constraining the Inner Mass Profile of MACS J1206.2-0847", ApJ: 749(2), 97, April, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  164. Zitrin A; Rephaeli Y; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Cluster-Cluster Lensing and the Case of Abell 383", MNRAS: 420(2), 1621-1629, Feb, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  165. Zitrin A; Broadhurst T; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The Cluster Lensing and Supernova Survey with Hubble (CLASH): Strong-lensing Analysis of A383 from 16-band HST/WFC3/ACS Imaging", ApJ: 742(2), 117, Dec 1, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  166. Morandi A; Limousin M; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "Triaxiality and non-thermal gas pressure in Abell 1689", MNRAS: 416(4), 2567-2573, Oct, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  167. Sereno M; Umetsu K, "Weak- and strong-lensing analyses of the triaxial matter distribution of Abell 1689", MNRAS: 416(4), 3187-3200, Oct, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  168. Medezinski E; Broadhurst T; Umetsu K; et al., "A Weak Lensing Detection of the Cosmological Distance-Redshift Relation behind Three Massive Clusters", MNRAS: 414(3), 1840-1850, July, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  169. Zitrin A; Broaodhurst T; ...; Umetsu K, "Strong-Lensing Analysis of MS 1358.4+6245: New Multiple Images and Implications for the Well-Resolved z=4.92 Galaxy", MNRAS: 413(3), 1753-1763, May, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  170. Koch PM; Raffin P; Huang Y-D; Chen M-T; Han C-C; Lin K-Y; Altamirano P; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Li C-T; Liao Y-W; Liu G-C; Nishioka H; ...; Oshiro P; Umetsu K; et al., "1.2 m Shielded Cassegrain Antenna for Close-Packed Radio Interferometer", PASP: 123(900), 198-212, Feb, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  171. Molnar SM; Chiu I-N; Umetsu K; Chen P; Hearn N; Broadhurst T; Bryan G; Shang C, "Testing Strict Hydrostatic Equilibrium in Simulated Clusters of Galaxies: Implications to Abell 1689", ApJ: 724(1), L1-L4, Nov 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  172. Molnar SM; Umetsu K; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Koch PM; Liao YWV; Lin KY; Liu GC; Nishioka H; et al., "Constraining Intra-Cluster Gas Models with AMiBA13", ApJ: 723(2), 1272-1285, Nov 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  173. Zitrin A; Broadhurst T; Umetsu K; et al., "Full Lensing Analysis of Abell 1703: Comparison of Independent Lens-Modelling Techniques", MNRAS: 408(3), 1916-1927, Nov, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  174. Liu G-C; Birkinshaw M; Wu J-HP; Ho PTP; Huang C-WL; Liao Y-W; Lin K-Y; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Koch PM; Umetsu K; Wang F-C; Altamirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chen M-T; Han C-C; Huang Y-D; Hwang Y-J; Jiang H; Kestevan M; Kubo DY; Li C-T; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei T; Wilson W, "Contamination of the Central Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrements in AMiBA Galaxy Cluster Observations", ApJ: 720(1), 608-613, Sept, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  175. Okabe N; Zhang Y-Y; Finoguenov A; Takada M; Smith GP; Umetsu K; Futamase T, "LoCuSS: Calibrating Mass-Observable Scaling Relations for Cluster Cosmology with Subaru Weak Lensing Observations", ApJ: 721(1), 875-885, Sept, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  176. Huang CWL; ...; Ho PTP; Koch PM; ...; Lin KY; Liu GC; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; ...; Altamirano P; ...; Chang CH; Chang SH; Chang SW; Chen MT; ...; Han CC; Huang YD; Hwang YJ; Jiang H; ...; Kubo D; Li CT; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei T; et al., "AMiBA: scaling relations between the integrated Compton-y and X-ray derived temperature, mass, and luminosity", ApJ: 716(1), 758-765, June 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  177. Li CT; Kubo DY; Wilson W; ...; Lin KY; Chen MT; Ho PTP; Chen CC; Han CC; Oshiro P; Martin-Cocher P; Chang CH; Chang SH; Altamirano P; Jiang H;...; Wang H; ...; Chang SW; Huang YD; Hwang YJ; ...; Koch P; Liu GC; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; Wei T; Wu JHP, "AMiBA Wideband Analog Correlator", ApJ: 716(1), 746-757, June 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  178. Medezinski E; Broadhurst T; Umetsu K;Oguri M; et al., "Detailed Cluster Mass and Light Profiles of A1703, A370, & RXJ1347-11 from Deep Subaru Imaging", MNRAS: 405(1), 257-273, June, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  179. Okabe N; Takada M; Umetsu K; et al., "LoCuSS: Subaru Weak Lensing Study of 30 Galaxy Clusters", PASJ: 62(3), 811-870, June 25, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  180. Kawaharada M; Okabe N; Umetsu K; Takizawa M; Matsushita K; Fukazawa Y; Hamana T; Miyazaki S; Nakazawa K; Ohashi T, "Suzaku Observation of A1689: Anisotropic Temperature and Entropy Distributions Associated with the Large-Scale Structure", ApJ: 714(1), 423-441, May, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  181. Liao Y-W; Wu J-HP; Ho PTP; Huang C-WL; Koch PM; Lin K-Y; Liu G-C; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; Wang F-C; Altamirano P; Birkinshaw M; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chen M-T; Chiueh T; Han C-C; Huang Y-D; Hwang Y-J; Jiang H; Kesteven M; Kubo DY; Li C-T; Martin-Cocher P;Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei T; Wilson W, "AMiBA: Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Derived Properties and Scaling Relations of Massive Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 713(1), 584-591, APR 10 2010, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  182. Lemze D; ...; Umetsu K, "Dynamical Study of A1689 from Wide-Field VLT/VIMOS Spectroscopy: Mass Profile, Concentration Parameter, and Velocity Anisotropy", ApJ: 701(2), 1336-1346, August 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  183. Haines CP; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "LoCuSS: Luminous infrared galaxies in the merging cluster Abell 1758 at z=0.28", MNRAS: 396(3), 1297-1307, July 2009, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  184. Zitrin A; Broadhurst T; Umetsu K; et al., "New Multiply-Lensed Galaxies Identified in ACS/NIC3 Observations of Cl0024+1654, Using an Improved Mass Model", MNRAS: 396(4), 1985-2002, July 11, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  185. Chen M-T; Li C-T; Hwang Y-J; Jiang H; Altamirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chiueh T-D; Chu T-H; Han C-C; Huang Y-D; Kesteven M; Kubo D; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei T; Wang H; Wilson W; Ho PTP; Huang C-W; Koch P; Liao Y-W; Lin K-Y; Liu G-C; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; Wang F-C; Wu J-HP ; et al., "AMiBA: Broadband Heterodyne CMB Interferometry", ApJ: 694(2), 1664-1669, April 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  186. Ho PTP; Altamirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chen C-C; Chen K-J; Chen M-T; Han C-C; Ho WM; Huang Y-D; Hwang Y-J; Ibañez-Romano F; Jiang H; Koch PM; Kubo DY; Li C-T; Lim J; Lin K-Y; Liu G-C; Lo K-Y; Ma C-J; Martin RN; Martin-Cocher P; Molnar SM; Ng K-W; Nishioka H; O'Connell KE; Oshiro P; Patt F; Raffin P; Umetsu K; Wei T; et al., "The Yuan-Tseh Lee Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy", ApJ: 694(2), 1610-1618, April 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  187. Koch PM; Kesteven M; Nishioka H; Jiang H; Lin K-Y; Umetsu K; Huang Y-D; Raffin P; Chen K-J; Ibañez-Romano F; Chereau G; Huang C-WL; Chen M-T; Ho PTP; Pausch K; Willmeroth K; Altamirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Han C-C; Kubo D; Li C-T; Liao Y-W; Liu G-C; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P; Wang F-C; Wei T-S; Wu J-HP; Birkinshaw M; Chiueh T; Lancaster K; Lo KY; Martin RN; Molnar SM; et al., "The AMiBA Hexapod Telescope Mount", ApJ: 694(2), 1670-1684, April 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  188. Lin K-Y; Li C-T; Ho PTP; Huang C-WL; Liao Y-W; Liu G-C; Koch PM; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; Wang F-C; Wu J-HP; Kestevan M; Birkinshaw M; Altamirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chen M-T; Martin-Cocher P; Han C-C; Huang Y-D; Hwang Y-J; Ibañez-Roman F; Jiang H; Kubo DY; Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei T; Wilson W; Chen K-J; Chiueh T, "AMiBA: System Performance", ApJ: 694(2), 1629-1636, Apr 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  189. Nishioka H; Wang F-C; Wu J-HP; Ho PTP; Huang C-WL; Koch PM; Liao Y-W; Lin K-Y; Liu G-C; Molnar SM; Umetsu K; Birkinshaw M; Altamirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chen M-T; Han C-C; Huang Y-D; Hwang Y-J; Jiang H; Kesteven M; Kubo DY; Li C-T; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei T; Wilson W, "Tests of AMiBA Data Integrity", ApJ: 694(2), 1637-1642, Apr 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  190. Wu JHP; Ho PTP; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lin KY; Liu GC; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; ...; Altamirano P; ...; Chang CH; Chang SH; Chang SW; Chen MT; ...; Han CC; Huang YD; Hwang YJ; Jiang HM; ...; Kubo DY; ...; Li CT; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P; Raffin P; Wei TS; et al., "Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy: Observations, Data Analysis, and Results for Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich Effects", ApJ: 694(2), 1619-1628, Apr 1, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  191. Broadhurst T; Umetsu K; Medezinski E; Oguri M; et al., "Comparison of Cluster Lensing Profiles with Lambda CDM Predictions", ApJ: 685(1), L9-L12, Sep 2008, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  192. Ho PTP; Altimirano P; Birkinshaw M; Chang SW; Chang CH; Chen KJ; Chen M; Chiueh TD; Chiueh T; Chu TH; Han CC; Huang CW; Huang YD; Hwang WYP; Hwang YJ; Jiang H; Kesteven M; Koch P; Kubo D; Lancaster K; Li CT; Liang H; Liao YW; Lim J; Lin YS; Lin KY; Liu GC; Lo KY; Ma CJ; Martin-Cocher P; Martin RN; Molnar S; Ng KW; Nishioka H; Park CG; Patt F; Peterson JB; Raffin P; Romano F; Wang H; Umetsu K; Wang FC; Wu JHP, "The Yuan Tseh Lee AMiBA Project", MPLA: 23(20), 1243-1251, June, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  193. Okura Y; Umetsu K; Futamase T, "A Method for Weak Lensing Flexion Analysis by the HOLICs Moment Approach", ApJ: 680(1), 1-16, June 10, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  194. Wu J-HP; Chiueh T-H; Huang C-W; Liao Y-W; Wang F-C; Altimirano P; Chang C-H; Chang S-H; Chang S-W; Chen M-T; Chereau G; Han C-C; Ho PTP; Huang Y-D; Hwang Y-J; Jiang H; Koch P; Kubo D; Li C-T; Lin K-Y; Liu G-C; Martin-Cocher P; Molnar S; Nishioka H; Raffin P; Umetsu K; et al., "AMiBA: First-Year Results for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect", MPLA: 23(17-20), 1675-1686, June, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  195. Okabe N; Umetsu K, "Subaru Weak Lensing Study of Seven Merging Clusters of Galaxies: Distributions of Mass and Baryon", PASJ: 60(2), 345-375, April 25, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  196. Medezinski E.; Broadhurst T.; Umetsu K.; Coe D., "Using Weak-Lensing Dilutuion to Measure Light Properties of A1689", MPLA: 23(17-20), 1521-1528, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  197. Medezinski E; Broadhurst T; Umetsu K; et al., "Using Weak Lensing Dilution to Improve Measurements of the Luminous and Dark Matter in A1689", ApJ: 663(2), 717-733, July 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  198. Okura Y; Umetsu K; Futamase T, "A New Measure for Weak Lensing Flexion", ApJ: 660(2), 995-1002, May 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  199. Oguri M; Takada M; Umetsu K; Broadhurst T, "Can the Steep Mass Profile of A1689 Be Explained by a Triaxial Dark Halo?", ApJ: 632(2), 841-847, Oct 20, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  200. Tanaka M; Kodama T; ...; Umetsu K; et al., "The build-up of the colour-magnitude relation as a function of environment", MNRAS: 362(1), 268-288, Sept 2005, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  201. Kodama T; Tanaka M; ...; Kawasaki W; ...; Umetsu K; et al, "Panoramic views of cluster-scaleassemblies explored by subaru wide-field Imaging", PASJ: 57(2), 309-323, Apr, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  202. Broadhurst T; Takada M; Umetsu K; et al., "The Surprisingly Steep Mass Profile of A1689, from a Lensing Analysis of Subaru Images", ApJ: 619(2), L143-L146, Feb 1, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  203. Ho PTP; Chen M-T; ...; Chiueh T; Chu T-H; Jiang H; Koch P; Kubo D; Li C-T; ...; Lin K-Y; Liu G-C; Lo K-Y; Ma C-J; Martin RN; Ng K-W; Nishioka H; Patt F; ...; Wang H; Hwang Y-J; Umetsu K; et al., "The AMiBA Project", MPLA: 19(13-16), 993-1000, May 30, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  204. Park CG; Ng KW; ...; Liu GC; Umetsu K, "Observational Strategies of Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature and Polarization Interferometry Experiments", ApJ: 589(1), 67-81, May 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  205. Sato J; Umetsu K; Futamase T; Yamada T, "The Topology of a Weak Lensing Field in the Neighborhood of MS 1054-03", ApJ: 582(2), L67-L70, Jan 10, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )