Liu, Sheng-Yuan 呂聖元

Research Fellow

photo of Liu, Sheng-Yuan
Office: ASMAB 1315
Email: syliu   _replace_to_@_
pubLON 3909891/sheng-yuan-liu/

Research Interests

How stars like our Sun are formed? How life comes about? These are the questions continuously being asked by every one of us but not fully solved yet. My research is related to the understanding of the formation of stars, namely the condition and early evolution during their formation, particularly for stars much more massive than our sun. I am also interested in the chemical environments which massive stars are formed from and which they consequently shape. The large amount of dense and hot molecular gas in massive star forming regions provides us an access to probe the interstellar chemistry in warm conditions, especially for those minor but interesting organic trace species. In order to facilitate and achieve these research goals, I am involved in developing software tools for millimeter and submillimeter interferometric observations as well as for molecular line radiative transfer.



Honors & Awards

Journal Papers affiliated with ASIAA(167)

  1. Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Zinchenko I; Wang K-S; ...; Hsieh IT, "ALMA View of the Infalling Envelope around a Massive Protostar in S255IR SMA1", ApJ: 904(2), id.181 (17pp), Dec, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Liu SY; Su YN; Zinchenko I; Wang KS; et al., "A Submillimeter Burst of S255IR SMA1: The Rise and Fall of Its Luminosity", ApJL: 863(1), L12 (6 pp.), Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Liu C-F; Shang H; Johnstone D; Ai T-H; Lee TM; Krasnopolsky R; Hirano N; Dutta S; Hsu S-Y; López-Vázquez JA; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Tatematsu KI; Zhang Q; Rawlings MG; Eden D; Ren Z; Sanhueza P; Kwon W; Lee CW; Kuan Y-J; Bandopadhyay S; Väisälä MS; Lee C-F; Das I, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Nested Morphological and Kinematic Structures of Outflows Revealed in SiO and CO Emission", ApJ: 979(1), id.17, Jan, 2025 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Feng Y; Li X; Yang X; Millar TJ; Szczerba R; Qin S-L; Jiang X; Quan D; Tuo J; Miao Z; Liu S-Y; Liu X, "Observations of Molecular CN toward S-type Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars", AJ: 168(6), 285 (7 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Taniguchi K; Nakamura F; Liu S-Y; Shimoikura T; Chiong C-C; Dobashi K; Hirano N; Yonekura Y; Nomura H; Nishimura A; Ogawa H; Chien C; Ho C-T; Hwang Y-J; Yeh Y-T; Lai S-P; Fujii Y; Yamasaki Y; Nguyen-Luong Q; Kawabe R, "Q-band Line Survey Observations toward a Carbon-chain-rich Clump in the Serpens South Region", PASJ: 76(6), 1270-1301, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Wu J; Qiu K; Poidevin F; Bastien P; Liu J; Ching T-C; Bourke TL; Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Arzoumanian D; Lee CW; Fanciullo L; Onaka T; Hwang J; Le Gouellec VJM; Soam A; Tamura M; Tahani M; Eswaraiah C; Li H-B; Berry D; Furuya RS; Coudé S; Kwon W; Lin S-J; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Hoang T; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kim S; Kim M-R; Kim KH; Kim K-T; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee H; Lee C-F; Lee S-S; Lee J-E; Li D; Li D; Li G; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Liu H-L; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; Looze ID; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "A Tale of Three: Magnetic Fields along the Orion Integral-shaped Filament as Revealed by the JCMT BISTRO Survey", ApJL: 977(2), id.L31 (14 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Zinchenko II; Liu SY; Su YN, "Fine structure and kinematics of the ionized and molecular gas in the jet and disk around S255IR NIRS3 from high-resolution ALMA observations", A&A: 692, id.A181 (8 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Hsu S-Y; Lee C-F; Liu S-Y; Johnstone D; Liu T; Takahashi S; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Dutta S; Eden DJ; Evans NJ, Ii; Hirano N; Juvela M; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Liu X; Luo Q; Qin S-L; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Tatematsu K; Yang Y-L, "ALMASOP. The Localized and Chemically rich Features near the Bases of the Protostellar Jet in HOPS 87", ApJ: 976(1), id.29, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Li C; Qin S-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Tang M; Liu H-L; Chen L; Li X; Xu F; Zhang T; Liu M; Shi H; Wu Y, "Correlations of methyl formate (CH3OCHO), dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3), and ketene (H2CCO) in high-mass star-forming regions", MNRAS: 533(2), 1583-1617, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Park G; Johnstone D; Contreras Pena C; Lee J-E; Liu S-Y; Herczeg G; Mairs S; Chen Z; Hatchell J; Kim K-T; Kim M-R; Qiu K; Wang Y-T; Zhang X; The JTT, "Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Variability of Young Stellar Objects in the M17SWex Intermediate-Mass Star-Forming Region", AJ: 168(3), id.122 (27 pp.), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Nakamura F; Chiong C-C; Taniguchi K; Chien C; Ho C-T; Hwang Y-J; Yeh Y-T; Shimoikura T; Yamasaki Y; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Lai S-P; Nishimura A; Kawabe R; Dobashi K; Fujii Y; Yonekura Y; Ogawa H; Nguyen-Luong Q, "An ultra wide-band, high-sensitivity Q-band receiver for single-dish telescopes, eQ: rest frequency determination of CCS ( JN = 43 - 32 ) and SO ( JN = 10 - 01 ), and high-redshift CO ( J = 1-0) detection", PASJ: 76(4), pp.563-578, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Eden DJ; Liu T; Moore TJT; Di Francesco J; Fuller G; Kim K-T; Li D; Liu SY; Plume R; Tatematsu KI; Thompson MA; Wu Y; Bronfman L; Butner HM; Currie MJ; Garay G; Goldsmith PF; Hirano N; Johnstone D; Juvela M; Lai SP; Lee CW; Mannfors EE; Olguin F; Pattle K; Park G; Polychroni D; Rawlings M; Rigby AJ; Sanhueza P; Traficante A; Urquhart JS; Weferling B; White GJ; Yadav RK, "A study of galactic plane Planck galactic cold clumps observed by SCOPE and the JCMT plane survey", MNRAS: 530 (4), pp.5192-5208, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Xu F; Wang K; Liu T; Zhu L; Garay G; Liu X; Goldsmith P; Zhang Q; Sanhueza P; Qin S; He J; Juvela M; Tej A; Liu H; Li S; Morii K; Zhang S; Zhou J; Stutz A; Evans NJ; Kim K-T; Liu Shengyuan; Mardones D; Li G; Bronfman L; Tatematsu KI; Lee CW; Lu X; Mai X; Jiao S; Chibueze JO; Su K; Tóth VL, "The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. II. The ACA 1.3 mm Continuum Source Catalog and the Assembly of Dense Gas in Massive Star-Forming Clumps", RAA: 24 (6), 65011 (21pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Mairs S; Lee S; Johnstone D; Broughton C; Lee J-E; Herczeg GJ; Bell GS; Chen Z; Contreras-Peña C; Francis L; Hatchell J; Kim M-R; Liu S-Y; Park G; Qiu K; Wang Y-T; Zhang X; The JTT, "The JCMT Transient Survey: Six Year Summary of 450/850 μm Protostellar Variability and Calibration Pipeline Version 2.0", ApJ: 966(2), id.215 (23 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Xu F; Wang K; Liu T; Eden D; Liu X; Juvela M; He J; Johnstone D; Goldsmith P; Garay G; Wu Y; Soam A; Traficante A; Ristorcelli I; Falgarone E; Chen H-RV; Hirano N; Doi Y; Kwon W; White GJ; Whitworth A; Sanhueza P; Rawlings MG; Alina D; Ren Z; Lee CW; Tatematsu KI; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Lai S-P; Ward-Thompson D; Liu S-Y; Gu Q; Chakali E; Zhu L; Mardones D; Tóth LV, "On the Scarcity of Dense Cores (n > 105 cm‑3) in High-latitude Planck Galactic Cold Clumps", ApJL: 963(1), id.L9 (11pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  16. Chen L; Qin S-L; Liu T; Liu H-L; Liu S-Y; Liu M; Shi H; Li C; Tang M; Zhang T; Tatematsu KI; Li X; Xu F; Wu Y; Yang D, "ALMA High-resolution Spectral Survey of Thioformaldehyde (H2CS) toward Massive Protoclusters", ApJ: 962(1), id.13 (19 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  17. Dutta S; Lee C-F; Johnstone D; Lee J-E; Hirano N; Di Francesco J; Moraghan A; Liu T; Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Tatematsu KI; Goldsmith PF; Lee CW; Li S; Eden D; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Hsu S-Y; Kim K-T; Kwon W; Sanhueza P; Liu X; López-Vázquez JA; Luo Q; Yi H-W, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Molecular Jets and Episodic Accretion in Protostars", AJ: 167(2), id.72 (68 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  18. Liu X; Liu T; Zhu L; Garay G; Liu H-L; Goldsmith P; Evans N; Kim K-T; Liu S-Y; Xu F; Lu X; Tej A; Mai X; Bronfman L; Li S; Mardones D; Stutz A; Tatematsu KI; Wang K; Zhang Q; Qin S-L; Zhou J; Luo Q; Zhang S; Cheng Y; He J; Gu Q; Li Z; Zhang Z; Zhang S; Saha A; Dewangan L; Sanhueza P; Shen Z, "The ALMA-QUARKS survey: -- I. Survey description and data reduction", RAA: 24(2), id.025009 (21 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  19. Wang JW; Koch PM; Clarke SD; Fuller G; Peretto N; Tang Y-W; Yen H-W; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; Arzoumanian D; Johnstone D; Furuya R; Inutsuka S-I; Lee CW; Ward-Thompson D; Le Gouellec VJM; Liu H-L; Fanciullo L; Hwang J; Pattle K; Poidevin F; Tahani M; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Chung EJ; Liu J; Lyo AR; Priestley F; Hoang T; Tamura M; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Kwon W; Chen M; Eswaraiah C; Soam A; Hasegawa T; Qiu K; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y (Yunhee Choi); Choi Y (Youngwoo Choi); Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Khan Z; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim KH; Kim S; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Li D; Li H-B; Li G; Li D; Lin S-J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Park G; Parsons H; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Filamentary Network and Magnetic Field Structures Revealed with BISTRO in the High-mass Star-forming Region NGC 2264: Global Properties and Local Magnetogravitational Configurations", ApJ: 962(2), id.136 (34pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  20. Hirano N; Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Tatematsu KI; Dutta S; Li S; Lee C-F; Li PS; Hsu S-Y; Lin S-J (Lin, Sheng-Jun); Johnstone D; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Eden DJ; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu H-L; Rawlings MG; Ristorcelli I; Traficante A, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Discovery of an Extremely Dense and Compact Object Embedded in the Prestellar Core G208.68-19.92-N2", ApJ: 961(1), id.123 (23 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  21. Liu M; Qin S-L; Liu T; Tang M; Liu S-Y; Chen L; Li C; Shi H; Li X; Zhang T; Tatematsu K; Xu F; Wu Y, "A low-mass line-rich core found in Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 16351-4722", ApJ: 958(2), id.174 (17pp), Dec, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  22. Chen W-A; Li C-J; Chu Y-H; Ueda S; Wang K-S; Liu S-Y; Chen B-A, "New Insights on 30 Dor B Revealed by High-quality Multiwavelength Observations", AJ: 166(5), id. 204 (12pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  23. Takami M; Gu P-G; Otten G; Delacroix C; Liu S-Y; Wang S-Y; Karr JL, "Semi-analytic calculations for extended mid-infrared emission associated with FU Ori-type objects", A&A: 679, id.A21 (23pp), Nov, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  24. Hsu S-Y; Liu S-Y; Johnstone D; Liu T; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Dutta S; Eden DJ; Evans NJ, Ii; Hirano N; Juvela M; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee C-F; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Liu X; Luo Q; Qin S-L; Rawlings MG; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Tatematsu K; Yang Y-L, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): The Warm-Envelope Origin of Hot Corinos", ApJ: 956(2), id.120 (23pp), Oct, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  25. Karoly J; Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Berry D; Whitworth A; Kirk J; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coude S; Hwang J; Kwon W; Soam A; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Furuya R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hoang T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Konyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Andre P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Studying the Complex Magnetic Field of L43", ApJ: 952(1), id.29 (18 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  26. Luo Q-Y; Liu T; Lee AT; Offner SSR; Di Francesco J; Johnstone D; Juvela M; Goldsmith PF; Qin S-L; Mai X; Liu X-C; Sanhueza P; Xu F-W; Tatematsu KI; Dutta S; Chen H-RV; Li S; Yang A; Liu S-Y; Lee C-F; Hirano N; Lee CW; Sahu D; Shang H; Hsu S-Y; Bronfman L; Kwon W; Rawlings MG; Eden D; Lu X; Gu Q-L; Ren Z; Ward-Thompson D; Shen Z-Q, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): A Forming Quadruple System with Continuum "Ribbons" and Intricate Outflows", ApJL: 952(1), L2 (10 pp), July, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  27. Ward-Thompson D; Karoly J; Pattle K; Whitworth A; Kirk J; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Hwang J; Kwon W; Soam A; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Furuya R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Hoang T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "First BISTRO Observations of the Dark Cloud Taurus L1495A-B10: The Role of the Magnetic Field in the Earliest Stages of Low-mass Star Formation", ApJ: 946(2), id.62 (12pp), April, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  28. Liu X; Liu T; Shen Z; Goldsmith PF; Evans NJ; Qin S-L; Luo Q; Cheng Y; Liu S-Y; Zhu F; Tatematsu KI; Liu M; Yang D; Li C; Chen L; Li J; Lu X; Gu Q; Zhao R; Li B; Wu Y; Zhong W; Zhao Z; Wang J; Liu Q; Xia B; Fu L; Yan Z; Zhang C; Wang L; Ye Q; Liu H; Zhang C; Xu F; Sahu D, "First detection of radio recombination lines of ions heavier than helium", A&A: 671, id. L1 (6pp), March, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  29. Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Johnstone D; Liu T; Evans NJ, Ii; Hirano N; Tatematsu KI; Di Francesco J; Lee C-F; Kim K-T; Dutta S; Hsu S-Y; Li S; Luo Q-Y; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Traficante A; Juvela M; Lee CW; Eden DJ; Goldsmith PF; Bronfman L; Kwon W; Lee J-E; Kuan Y-J; Ristorcelli I, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Density Structure of Centrally Concentrated Prestellar Cores from Multiscale Observations", ApJ: 945 (2), id.156 (15pp), March, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  30. Tahani M; Bastien P; Furuya RS; Pattle K; Johnstone D; Arzoumanian D; Doi Y; Hasegawa T; Inutsuka S-I; Coudé S; Fissel L; Chen MC-Y; Poidevin F; Sadavoy S; Friesen R; Koch PM; Di Francesco J; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Chen Z; Chung EJ; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Gledhill T; Le Gouellec VJM; Hoang T; Hwang J; Kang J-H; Kim KH; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu H-L; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Soam A; Tamura M; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Whitworth AP; Kwon J; Hoang TD; Redman M; Berry D; Ching T-C; Wang J-W; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Ward-Thompson D; Houde M; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Diep PN; Duan H-Y; Fiege J; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Fuller G; Graves SF; Greaves JS; Griffin MJ; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi SS; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kanamori Y; Kang M; Kang S-J; Kataoka A; Kawabata KS; Kemper F; Kim G; Kim J; Kim K-T; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kirk JM; Kobayashi MIN; Konyves V; Kusune T; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee C-F; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Liu J; Liu S-Y; Liu T; De Looze I; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews BC; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife AMM; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres SPS; Falle S; Van Loo S; Robitaille J-F, "JCMT BISTRO Observations: Magnetic Field Morphology of Bubbles Associated with NGC 6334", ApJ: 944(2), id.139 (21pp), Feb, 2023 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  31. Ching T-C; Qiu K; Li D; Ren Z; Lai S-P; Berry D; Pattle K; Furuya R; Ward-Thompson D; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Lee CW; Hoang T; Hasegawa T; Kwon W; Bastien P; Eswaraiah C; Wang J-W; Kim KH; Hwang J; Soam A; Lyo AR; Liu J; Le Gouellec VJM; Arzoumanian D; Whitworth A; Di Francesco J; Poidevin F; Liu T; Coudé S; Tahani M; Liu H-L; Onaka T; Li D; Tamura M; Chen Z; Tang X; Kirchschlager F; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen M; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai YS; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim H; Kim K-T; Kim G; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Lee Y-H; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO-2 Survey: Magnetic Fields of the Massive DR21 Filament", ApJ: 941(2), id.122 (21 pp), Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  32. Hwang J; Kim J; Pattle K; Lee CW; Koch PM; Johnstone D; Tomisaka K; Whitworth A; Furuya RS; Kang J-H; Lyo AR; Chung EJ; Arzoumanian D; Park G; Kwon W; Kim S; Tamura M; Kwon J; Soam A; Han I; Hoang T; Kim KH; Onaka T; Eswaraiah C; Ward-Thompson D; Liu H-L; Tang X; Chen WP; Matsumura M; Hoang TD; Chen Z; Le Gouellec VJM; Kirchschlager F; Poidevin F; Bastien P; Qiu K; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Byun D-Y; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Choi Y; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Kim H; Kim K-T; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Kim M-R; Yoo H; Yun H-S; Chen M; Francesco JD; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Houde M; Lacaille K; Matthews B; Sadavoy S; Moriarty-Schieven G; Tahani M; Ching T-C; Dai YS; Duan Y; Gu Q; Law C-Y; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Liu T; Lu X; Qian L; Wang H; Wu J; Xie J; Yuan J; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; Berry D; Friberg P; Graves S; Liu J; Mairs S; Parsons H; Rawlings M; Doi Y; Hayashi S; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kim G; Kobayashi MIN; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Pyo T-S; Saito H; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tsukamoto Y; Zenko T; Chen H-RV; Duan H-Y; Fanciullo L; Kemper F; Lee C-F; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Ohashi N; Rao R; Tang Y-W; Wang J-W; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Bourke TL; Chrysostomou A; Debattista V; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Greaves J; Griffin M; Hatchell J; Karoly J; Kirk J; Könyves V; Longmore S; Van Loo S; De Looze I; Peretto N; Priestley F; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Savini G; Scaife A; Viti S; Diep PN; Ngoc NB; Tram LN; André P; Coudé S; Dowell CD; Friesen R; Robitaille J-F, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: A Spiral Magnetic Field in a Hub-filament Structure, Monoceros R2", ApJ: 941(1), id.51 (19pp), Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  33. Meyer DMA; Vorobyov EI; Elbakyan VG; Kraus S; Liu SY; Nayakshin S; Sobolev AM, "The burst mode of accretion in massive star formation with stellar inertia", MNRAS: 517(4), 4795-4812, Dec, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  34. Liu X; Liu T; Shen Z; Qin S-L; Luo Q; Cheng Y; Gu Q; Zhang T; Zhu F; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Zhao R; Zhong W; Wu Y; Li J; Zhao Z; Wang J; Liu Q; Xia B; Li B; Fu L; Yan Z; Zhang C; Wang L; Ye Q; Tatematsu KI; Liu H; Shang H; Xu F; Lee C-F; Zhang C; Dutta S, "A Q-band Line Survey toward Orion KL Using the Tianma Radio Telescope", ApJS: 263(1), id.13 (21 pp), Nov, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  35. Dutta S; Lee C-F; Hirano N; Liu T; Johnstone D; Liu S-Y; Tatematsu K; Goldsmith PF; Sahu D; Evans NJ; Sanhueza P; Kwon W; Qin S-L; Ranjan Samal M; Zhang Q; Kim K-T; Shang H; Lee CW; Moraghan A; Jhan K-S; Li S; Lee J-E; Traficante A; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Eden D; Soam A; He J; Liu H-L; Kuan Y-J; Pelkonen V-M; Luo Q; Yi H-W; Hsu S-Y, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Evidence for a Molecular Jet Launched at an Unprecedented Early Phase of Protostellar evolution", ApJ: 931(2), id.130 (13pp), June, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  36. Luo Q; Liu T; Tatematsu K; Liu S-Y; Li PS; Di Francesco J; Johnstone D; Goldsmith PF; Dutta S; Hirano N; Lee C; Li D; Kim K; Lee CW; Lee J; Liu X; Juvela M; He J; Qin S; Liu H; Eden D; Kwon W; Sahu D; Li S; Xu F; Zhang S; Hsu S-Y; Bronfman L; Sanhueza P; Pelkonen V; Zhou J; Liu R; Gu Q; Wu Y; Mai X; Falgarone E; Shen Z, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): How do dense core properties affect the multiplicity of protostars?", ApJ: 931(2), id.158 (22pp), June, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  37. Jhan K-S; Lee C-F; Johnstone D; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Tatematsu KI; Dutta S; Moraghan A; Shang H; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Hsu S-Y; Kwon W; Sahu D; Liu X-C; Kim K-T; Luo Q; Qin S-L; Sanhueza P; Bronfman L; Qizhou Z; Eden D; Traficante A; Lee CW; Almasop T, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Deriving Inclination Angle and Velocity of the Protostellar Jets from Their SiO Knots", ApJL: 931(1), id.L5 (9pp), May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  38. Salii SV; Zinchenko II; Liu S-Y; Sobolev AM; Aberfelds A; Su Y-N, "The methanol emission in the J1- J0 A-+ line series as a tracer of specific physical conditions in high-mass star-forming regions", MNRAS: 512(3), 3215-3229, May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  39. Scicluna P; Kemper F; Mcdonald I; Srinivasan S; Trejo A; Wallström SHJ; Wouterloot JGA; Cami J; Greaves J; He J; Hoai DT; Kim H; Jones OC; Shinnaga H; Clark CJR; Dharmawardena T; Holland W; Imai H; Van Loon JT; Menten KM; Wesson R; Chawner H; Feng S; Goldman S; Liu FC; Macisaac H; Tang J; Zeegers S; Amada K; Antoniou V; Bemis A; Boyer ML; Chapman S; Chen X; Cho S-H; Cui L; Dell'agli F; Friberg P; Fukaya S; Gomez H; Gong Y; Hadjara M; Haswell C; Hirano N; Hony S; Izumiura H; Jeste M; Jiang X; Kaminski T; Keaveney N; Kim J; Kraemer KE; Kuan Y-J; Lagadec E; Lee CF; Li D; Liu S-Y; Liu T; De Looze I; Lykou F; Maraston C; Marshall JP; Matsuura M; Min C; Otsuka M; Oyadomari M; Parsons H; Patel NA; Peeters E; Pham TA; Qiu J; Randall S; Rau G; Redman MP; Richards AMS; Serjeant S; Shi C; Sloan GC; Smith MWL; Suh K-W; Toalá JA; Uttenthaler S; Ventura P; Wang B; Yamamura I; Yang T; Yun Y; Zhang F; Zhang Y; Zhao G; Zhu M; Zijlstra AA, "The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey II: Constructing a volume-limited sample and first results from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope", MNRAS: 512(1), 1091-1110, May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  40. Tatematsu KI; Yeh Y-T; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Dutta S; Sahu D; Evans NJ, Ii; Juvela M; Yi H-W; Lee J-E; Sanhueza P; Li S; Eden D; Kim G; Lee C-F; Wu Y; Kim K-T; T'oth LV; Choi M; Kang M; Thompson MA; Fuller GA; Di L; Wang K; Sakai T; Kandori R; Hsu S-Y; Chiong C-C; JCMT Large Program SCOPE collaboration; ALMASOP collaboration, "Nobeyama Survey of Inward Motions toward Cores in Orion Identified by SCUBA-2", ApJ: 931(1), id.33 (24pp), May, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  41. Hsu S-Y; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Sahu D; Lee C-F; Tatematsu K; Kim K-T; Hirano N; Yang Y-L; Johnstone D; Liu H; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Dutta S; Eden DJ; Jhan K-S; Kuan Y-J; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Qin S-L; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Soam A; Traficante A; Zhou J, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): A Hot Corino Survey toward Protostellar Cores in the Orion Cloud", ApJ: 927(2), id.218 (27pp), March, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  42. Kwon W; Pattle K; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Johnstone D; Ward-Thompson D; Francesco JD; Koch PM; Furuya R; Doi Y; Le Gouellec VJM; Hwang J; Lyo AR; Soam A; Tang X; Hoang T; Kirchschlager F; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Kim KH; Onaka T; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Lee CW; Tamura M; Bastien P; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Berry D; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen WP; Chen H-RV; Chen M; Chen Z; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Coudé S; Dai S; Diep PN; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim K-T; Kim G; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim J; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee C-F; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu S-Y; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu T; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wang J-W; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; Looze ID; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Loo SV, "B-fields in Star-forming Region Observations (BISTRO): Magnetic Fields in the Filamentary Structures of Serpens Main", ApJ: 926(2), id.163 (13pp), Feb, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  43. Dewangan LK; Zinchenko II; Zemlyanukha PM; Liu SY; Su YN; Kurtz SE; Ojha DK; Pazukhin AG; Mayya YD, "The Disk-Outflow System around the Rare Young O-type Protostar W42-MME", ApJ: 925(1), id.41 (25pp), Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  44. Dutta S; Lee C-F; Johnstone D; Liu T; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; Lee J-E; Shang H; Tatematsu KI; Kim K-T; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Di Francesco J; Jhan K-S; Lee CW; Kwon W; Li S; Bronfman L; Liu H-L; Traficante A; Kuan Y-J; Hsu S-Y; Moraghan A; Liu C-F; Eden D; Soam A; Luo Q; ALMASOP Team, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Detection of a Dense SiO Jet in the Evolved Protostellar Phase", ApJ: 925(1), id.11 (10pp), Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  45. Feher O; Toth LV; Kraus A; Bogner R; Kim G; Liu T; Tatematsu K; Toth V; Eden DJ; Hirano N; Juvela M; Kim KT; Li D; Liu SY; Wu YF, "Ammonia Emission in Various Star-forming Environments: A Pilot Study of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps", ApJS: 258(1), id.17 (17 pp), Jan, 2022 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  46. Lee Y-H; Johnstone D; Lee J-E; Herczeg G; Mairs S; Contreras-Peña C; Hatchell J; Naylor T; Bell GS; Bourke TL; Broughton C; Francis L; Gupta A; Harsono D; Liu S-Y; Park G; Plovie S; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Scholz A; Sharma T; Teixeira PS; Wang Y-T; Aikawa Y; Bower GC; Chen H-RV; Bae J; Baek G; Chapman S; Chen WP; Du F; Dutta S; Forbrich J; Guo Z; Inutsuka S-I; Kang M; Kirk H; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lalchand B; Lane JMM; Lee C-F; Liu T; Morata O; Pearson S; Pon A; Sahu D; Shang H; Stamatellos D; Tang S-Y; Xu Z; Yoo H; Rawlings JMC, "The JCMT Transient Survey: Four-year Summary of Monitoring the Submillimeter Variability of Protostars", ApJ: 920(2), id.119 (23pp), Oct, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  47. Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Liu T, "Anatomy of Orion molecular clouds - the astrochemistry perspective/approach", Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences: 8, id.137 (14pp), Oct, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  48. Tatematsu KI; Kim G; Liu T; Evans NJ, Ii; Yi H-W; Lee J-E; Wu Y; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; Dutta S; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Kim K-T; Juvela M; Tóth LV; Fehér O; He J; Ge J; Feng S; Choi M; Kang M; Thompson MA; Fuller GA; Li D; Ristorcelli I; Wang K; Di Francesco J; Eden D; Ohashi S; Kandori R; Vastel C; Hirota T; Sakai T; Lu X; Nguyên Lu'o'ng Q; Shinnaga H; Kim J; Scope Collaboration; JCMT Large Program, "Molecular Cloud Cores with High Deuterium Fractions: Nobeyama Mapping Survey", ApJS: 256(2), id.25 (26pp), Oct, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  49. Xu F; Wu Y; Liu T; Liu X; Zhang C; Esimbek J; Qin S-L; Li D; Wang K; Yuan J; Meng F; Zhang T; Eden D; Tatematsu K; Evans NJ; Goldsmith PF; Zhang Q; Henkel C; Yi H-W; Lee J-E; Saajasto M; Kim G; Juvela M; Sahu D; Hsu S-Y; Liu S-Y; Dutta S; Lee C-F; Zhang C-P; Xu Y; Ju B, "Planck Galactic Cold Clumps at High Galactic Latitude-a Study with CO Lines", ApJ: 920(2), id.103 (29pp), Oct, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  50. Lyo A-R; Kim J; Sadavoy S; Johnstone D; Berry D; Pattle K; Kwon W; Bastien P; Onaka T; Di Francesco J; Kang J-H; Furuya R; Hull CLH; Tamura M; Koch PM; Ward-Thompson D; Hasegawa T; Hoang T; Arzoumanian D; Won Lee C; Lee C-F; Byun D-Y; Kirchschlager F; Doi Y; Kim K-T; Hwang J; Diep PN; Fanciullo L; Lee S-S; Park G; Yoo H; Chung EJ; Whitworth A; Mairs S; Soam A; Liu T; Tang X; Coudé S; André P; Bourke TL; Vivien Chen H-R; Chen Z; Ping Chen W; Chen M; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Dowell CD; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eden D; Eswaraiah C; Eyres S; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim G; Kim M-R; Kim S; Kim KH; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Könyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Lai S-P; Law C-Y; Lee J-E; Lee Y-H; Lee H; Li D; Li D; Li H-B; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Qiu K; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tahani M; Tang Y-W; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang J-W; Wang H; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Dowell CD; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: An 850/450 μm Polarization Study of NGC 2071IR in Orion B", ApJ: 918(2), id.85 (17pp), Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  51. Shibayama Y; Watanabe Y; Oya Y; Sakai N; López-Sepulcre A; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Zhang Y; Sakai T; Hirota T; Yamamoto S, "Exploring the 100 au Scale Structure of the Protobinary System NGC 2264 CMM3 with ALMA", ApJ: 918(1), id.32 (16pp), Sep, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  52. Liu H-L; Liu T; Evans NJ; Wang K; Garay G; Qin S-L; Li S; Stutz A; Goldsmith PF; Liu S-Y; Tej A; Zhang Q; Juvela M; Li D; Wang J-Z; Bronfman L; Ren Z; Wu Y-F; Kim K-T; Lee C-W; Tatematsu Ki; Cunningham MR; Liu X-C; Wu J-W; Hirota T; Lee J-E; Li P-S; Kang S-J; Mardones D; Ristorcelli I; Zhang Y; Luo Q-Y; Toth LV; Yi H-w; Yun H-S; Peng Y-P; Li J; Zhu F-Y; Shen Z-Q; Baug T; Dewangan L; Chakali E; Liu R; Xu F-W; Wang Y; Zhang C; Li J; Zhang C; Zhou J; Tang M; Xue Q; Issac N; Soam A; Álvarez-Gutiérrez RH, "ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - III. Catalogues of candidate hot molecular cores and hyper/ultra compact H II regions", MNRAS: 505(2), 2801-2818, Aug, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  53. Eswaraiah C; Li D; Furuya RS; Hasegawa T; Ward-Thompson D; Qiu K; Ohashi N; Pattle K; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Berry D; Doi Y; Ching T-C; Lai S-P; Wang J-W; Koch PM; Kwon J; Kwon W; Bastien P; Arzoumanian D; Coudé S; Soam A; Fanciullo L; Yen H-W; Liu J; Hoang T; Ping Chen W; Shimajiri Y; Liu T; Chen Z; Li H-b; Lyo A-R; Hwang J; Johnstone D; Rao R; Bich Ngoc N; Ngoc Diep P; Mairs S; Parsons H; Tamura M; Tahani M; Chen H-R; Nakamura F; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Cho J; Won Lee C; Inutsuka S-i; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Qian L; Xie J; Li D; Liu H-L; Zhang C-P; Chen M; Zhang G; Zhu L; Zhou J; André P; Liu S-Y; Yuan J; Lu X; Peretto N; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Dai S; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Matthews B; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Kim K-T; Lee C-F; Kim J; Pyo T-S; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Jung Chung E; Ngoc Tram L; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Kawabata K; Jeong I-G; Kang J-h; Kang S-j; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kemper F; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Kim G; Hee Kim K; Kim M-R; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Konyves V; Kusune T; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Matsumura M; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakanishi H; Onaka T; Park G; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Yoo H; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; de Looze I; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Revealing the Diverse Magnetic Field Morphologies in Taurus Dense Cores with Sensitive Submillimeter Polarimetry", ApJL: 912(2), id.L27 (15 pp), May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  54. Hsieh T-H; Takami M; Connelley MS; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Hirano N; Tamura M; Otsuka M; Karr JL; Pyo T-S, "K-band High-resolution Spectroscopy of Embedded High-mass Protostars", ApJ: 912(2), id.108 (13pp), May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  55. Pattle K; Lai S-P; Wright M; Coudé S; Plambeck R; Hoang T; Tang Y-W; Bastien P; Eswaraiah C; Furuya RS; Hwang J; Inutsuka S-I; Kim K-T; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu S-Y; Lyo A; Ohashi N; Rawlings MG; Tahani M; Tamura M; Soam A; Wang J-W; Ward-Thompson D, "OMC-1 dust polarization in ALMA Band 7: diagnosing grain alignment mechanisms in the vicinity of Orion Source I", MNRAS: 503(3), 3414-3433, May, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  56. Arzoumanian D; Furuya RS; Hasegawa T; Tahani M; Sadavoy S; Hull CLH; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Inutsuka S; Doi Y; Hoang T; Onaka T; Iwasaki K; Shimajiri Y; Inoue T; Peretto N; André P; Bastien P; Berry D; Chen HRV; Di Francesco J; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fissel LM; Hwang J; Kang JH; Kim G; Kim KT; Kirchschlager F; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu HL; Lyo AR; Pattle K; Soam A; Tang X; Whitworth A; Ching TC; Coudé S; Wang JW; Ward-Thompson D; Lai SP; Qiu K; Bourke TL; Byun DY; Chen M; Chen Z; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Diep PN; Duan HY; Duan Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Jeong IG; Kang M; Kang SJ; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim MR; Kim KH; Kim J; Kim S; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Könyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law CY; Lee CF; Lee YH; Lee SS; Lee H; Lee JE; Li HB; Li D; Li DL; Liu J; Liu T; Liu SY; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Pyo TS; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Shinnaga H; Tamura M; Tang YW; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Xie J; Yen HW; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun HS; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang CP; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Friesen R; Robitaille JF; Van Loo S, "Dust polarized emission observations of NGC 6334. BISTRO reveals the details of the complex but organized magnetic field structure of the high-mass star-forming hub-filament network", A&A: 647, id.A78 (29 pp), Mar, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  57. Ngoc NB; Diep PN; Parsons H; Pattle K; Hoang T; Ward-Thompson D; Tram LN; Hull CLH; Tahani M; Furuya R; Bastien P; Qiu K; Hasegawa T; Kwon W; Doi Y; Lai S-P; Coudé S; Berry D; Ching T-C; Hwang J; Soam A; Wang J-W; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen Z; Chen WP; Chen M; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hatchell J; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Kang J-H; Kang S-J; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim K-T; Kim J; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings M; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Scaife A; Seta M; Kim G; Kim S; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Koch PM; Konyves V; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee Y-H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee H; Lee CW; Li D; Li H-B; Li D; Liu H-L; Liu J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Peretto N; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Xie J; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Observations of Magnetic Fields Surrounding LkHα 101 Taken by the BISTRO Survey with JCMT-POL-2", ApJ: 908(1), id.10 (20pp), Feb, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  58. Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Evans NJ, Ii; Hirano N; Tatematsu KI; Lee C-F; Kim K-T; Dutta S; Alina D; Bronfman L; Cunningham M; Eden DJ; Garay G; Goldsmith PF; He J; Hsu S-Y; Jhan K-S; Johnstone D; Juvela M; Kim G; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li D; Li PS; Li S; Luo Q-Y; Montillaud J; Moraghan A; Pelkonen V-M; Qin S-L; Ristorcelli I; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Shen Z-Q; Soam A; Wu Y; Zhang Q; Zhou J, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Detection of Extremely High-density Compact Structure of Prestellar Cores and Multiple Substructures Within", ApJL: 907(1), L15 (9pp), Jan, 2021 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  59. Dutta S; Lee CF; Liu T; Hirano N; Liu SY; ... ; Shang H; Sahu D;...; Moraghan A; Jhan KS; Hsu SY;...; Kuan YJ; et al., "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP). II. Survey Overview: A First Look at 1.3 mm Continuum Maps and Molecular Outflows", ApJS: 251(2), id.20 (35pp.), Dec, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  60. Feng S; Li D; Caselli P; ...; Liu SY; ...; Liu HB; et al., "The Chemical Structure of Young High-mass Star-forming Clumps. II. Parsec-scale CO Depletion and Deuterium Fraction of HCO<SUP>+</SUP>", ApJ: 901(2), id.145(24pp.), Oct, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  61. Eden DJ; Moore TJT; Currie MJ; ...; Chen HR; ...; Kemper F; Kuan YJ; ...; Yan CH; ...; Liu SY; ...; Scicluna P; ...; Srinivasan S; ...; Wallström S; et al., "CHIMPS2: survey description and 12CO emission in the Galactic Centre", MNRAS: 498(4), 5936-5951, Sep, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  62. Doi Y; Hasegawa T; Furuya RS; …; Koch PM; …; Wang J-W; Lai S-P; …; Chen H-RV; …; Fanciullo L; …; Kemper F; …; Lee C-F; …; Liu S-Y; …; Ohashi N; …; Rao R; …; Tang Y-W; …; Yen H-W; et al., "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Magnetic Fields Associated with a Network of Filaments in NGC 1333", ApJ: 889(1), id.28 (33pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  63. Hsu SY; Liu SY; ...; Sahu D; Hirano N; Lee CF; ...; Dutta S; ...; Jhan K-S; ...; Kuan YJ; ...; Moraghan A; ...; Shang H, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP). I. Detection of New Hot Corinos with the ACA", ApJ: 898(2), id.107 (37pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  64. Kim G; Tatematsu KI; Liu T; ...; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; ...; Feng S; et al., "Molecular Cloud Cores with a High Deuterium Fraction: Nobeyama Single-pointing Survey", ApJ: 249(2), id.33 (55pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  65. Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Das A; et al., "Constraints of the Formation and Abundances of Methyl Carbamate, a Glycine Isomer, in Hot Corinos", ApJ: 899(1), id.65 (13pp.), Aug, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  66. Liu T; Evans NJ; Kim K-T; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - I. Survey description and a first look at G9.62+0.19", MNRAS: 496(3), 2790-2820, Jun, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  67. Liu T; Evans NJ; Kim K-T; ...; Liu S-Y;et al., "ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - II. Compact objects in ACA observations and star formation scaling relations", MNRAS: 496(3), 2821-2835, Jun, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  68. Tatematsu KI; Liu T; Kim G; ...; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; et al., "ALMA ACA and Nobeyama Observations of Two Orion Cores in Deuterated Molecular Lines", ApJ: 895(2), id.119 (31pp.), Jun, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  69. Ge JX; Mardones D; He JH; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "Three-dimensional Projection Effects on Chemistry in a Planck Galactic Cold Clump", ApJ: 891(1), id.36 (17pp.), Mar, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  70. Vorobyov EI; Skliarevskii AM; Elbakyan VG; Takami M; Liu HB; Liu S-Y; et al., "The origin of tail-like structures around protoplanetary disks", A&A: 635, id.A196 (15 pp.), Mar, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  71. Baug T; Wang K; Liu T; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "ALMA Observations Reveal No Preferred Outflow-filament and Outflow-magnetic Field Orientations in Protoclusters", ApJ: 890(1), id.44 (18pp.), Feb, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  72. Zinchenko II; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Wang K-S; Wang Y, "Dense Cores, Filaments, and Outflows in the S255IR Region of High-mass Star Formation", ApJ: 889(1), id.43(15 pp.), Jan, 2020 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  73. Tang M; Ge JX; Qin S-L; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "Chemical Properties of Two Dense Cores in a Planck Galactic Cold Clump G168.72-15.48", ApJ: 887(2), id. 243 (15 pp.), Dec, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  74. Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Li Z-Y; Lee C-F; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; Hsieh I-T, "The Infall Motion in the Low-mass Protostellar Binary NGC 1333 IRAS 4A1/4A2", ApJ: 885(2), id. 98 (16 pp.), Nov, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  75. Saajasto M; Harju J; Juvela M;...; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; et al., "Cloud G074.11+00.11: a stellar cluster in formation", A&A: 630, id. A69 (17 pp.), Oct, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  76. Soam A; Liu T; Andersson B-G; ...; Tang Y-W; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "Magnetic Fields in the Infrared Dark Cloud G34.43+0.24", ApJ: 883(1), id. 95 (13 pp. ), Sep, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  77. Kim H; Liu S-Y; Taam RE, "Templates of Binary-induced Spiral-shell Patterns around Mass-losing Post-main-sequence Stars", ApJS: 243(2), id. 35 (44 pp.), Aug, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  78. Levshakov SA; Ng K-W; Henkel C; ...; Liu S-Y; Wang W-H; et al., "Testing the weak equivalence principle by differential measurements of fundamental constants in the Magellanic Clouds", MNRAS: 487(4), 5175-5187, Aug, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  79. Pattle K; Lai S-P; Hasegawa T; ...; Fanciullo L; ...; Liu SY; et al., "JCMT BISTRO Survey Observations of the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud: Dust Grain Alignment Properties Inferred Using a Ricean Noise Model", ApJ: 880(1), id. 27 (16 pp.), Jul, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  80. Coudé S; Bastien P; Houde M; ...; Lai SP; ...; Chen HR; ...; Kemper F; ...; Koch PM; ...; Liu SY; ...; Rao R; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; et al., "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Field of the Barnard 1 Star-forming Region", ApJ: 877(2), id. 88 (17 pp.), Jun, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  81. Eden DJ; Liu T; Kim K-T; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Hirano N; ...; Koch PM; ...; Chu YH; ...; Lai SP; Lee CF; ...; Morata O; ...; Pech G; ...; Shang H; ...; Tang YW; et al., "SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - survey description and compact source catalogue", MNRAS: 485(2), 2895-2908, May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  82. Lee C-F; Codella C; Li Z-Y; Liu SY, "First Abundance Measurement of Organic Molecules in the Atmosphere of HH 212 Protostellar Disk", ApJ: 876(1), id. 63 (9 pp.), May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  83. Liu JH; Qiu KP; Berry D; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lai SP; ...; Chen HRV; Fanciullo L; ... Kemper F; ...; Lee C-F; ...; Liu SY; ...; Rao R; ...; Tang Y-W; ...; Yen HW; et al., "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Field in the Starless Core ρ Ophiuchus C", ApJ: 877(1), id. 43 (17 pp.), May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  84. Wang J-W; Lai S-P; Eswaraiah C; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lee CF; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Chen HR; ...; Kemper F; ...; Fanciullo L; ...; Rao R; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW, et al., "JCMT BISTRO Survey: Magnetic Fields within the Hub-filament Structure in IC 5146", ApJ: 876(1), id. 42 (19 pp.), May, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  85. Akiyama E; Vorobyov EI; Liu HB; Dong R; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "A Tail Structure Associated with a Protoplanetary Disk around SU Aurigae", AJ: 157(4), id. 165 (7 pp.), Apr, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  86. Hsieh C-H; Hu Y; Lai S-P; Liu SY; Hsieh IT; et al., "Tracing Magnetic Field Morphology Using the Velocity Gradient Technique in the Presence of CO Self-absorption", ApJ: 873(1), id. 16 (16 pp.), Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  87. Vaisala M; Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Liu S-Y; et al., "Time Evolution of 3D Disk Formation with Misaligned Magnetic Field and Rotation Axes", ApJ: 873(2), id. 114 (22 pp.), Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  88. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Gu P-G; Hirano N; Lee CF; Liu HB; Liu SY; Wu CJ, "Signs of outflow feedback from a nearby young stellar object on the protostellar envelope around HL Tauri", A&A: 623, id. A96 (20 pp.), Mar, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  89. Hung T; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; He JH; Lee H-T; Takahashi S; Chen HR, "A Mini Survey of Methyl Cyanide toward Extended Green Objects", ApJ: 872(1), 61 (20 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  90. Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Sue Y-N; ...; Lee CF; Hirano N; Takakuwa S, "Implications of a Hot Atmosphere/Corino from ALMA Observations toward NGC 1333 IRAS 4A1", ApJ: 872(2), id. 196 (14pp), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  91. Yen H-W; Zhao B; Hsieh I-T; Koch P; Krasnopolsky R; Lee C-F; Li Z-Y; Liu S-Y; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Tang Y-W; et al., "JCMT POL-2 and ALMA Polarimetric Observations of 6000─100 au Scales in the Protostar B335: Linking Magnetic Field and Gas Kinematics in Observations and MHD Simulations", ApJ: 871(2), id. 243 (18 pp.), Feb, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  92. Dong R; Liu S-Y; Fung J, "Observational Signatures of Planets in Protoplanetary Disks: Planet-Induced Line Broadening in Gaps", ApJ: 870(2), id. 72 (15 pp.), Jan, 2019 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  93. Liu T; Kim K-T; Liu S-Y; ...; Su YN; ...; Chen HR; et al., "Compressed Magnetic Field in the Magnetically Regulated Global Collapsing Clump of G9.62+0.19", ApJL: 869(1), id. L5 (6pp), Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  94. Zhang GY; Xu JL; Vasyunin AI; ...; Liu SY; et al., "Physical properties and chemical composition of the cores in the California molecular cloud", A&A: 620, A163, Dec, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  95. Zinchenko I; Liu SY; Su YN; Wang, Y, "Disks and outflows in the S255IR area of high mass star formation from ALMA observations", RAA: 18(8), id. 93, Aug, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  96. Soam A; Pattle K; Ward-Thompson D; ...; Koch PM; ...; Lai SP; ...; Rao R; ...; Chen R-H; ....; Kemper F; ...; Liu SY; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; et al., "Magnetic Fields toward Ophiuchus-B Derived from SCUBA-2 Polarization Measurements", ApJ: 861(1), id. 65 (13 pp. ), July, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  97. Dong R; Liu S-Y; Eisner J; ....; Liu HB; et al., "The Eccentric Cavity, Triple Rings, Two-Armed Spirals, and Double Clumps of the MWC 758 Disk", ApJ: 860(2), id. 124 (14 pp.), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  98. Liu T; Li PS; Juvela M; ...; Liu SY; ...; Koch PM; ...; Hirano N; Tang YW; et al., "A Holistic Perspective on the Dynamics of G035.39-00.33: The Interplay between Gas and Magnetic Fields", ApJ: 859(2), id.151 (20 pp.), June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  99. Yi HW; Lee JE; Liu T; ...; Koch PM; ...; Liu HYB; ...; Liu SY; et al., "Planck Cold Clumps in the lambda Orionis Complex. II. Environmental Effects on Core Formation", ApJS: 236(2), 51, June, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  100. Kwon J; Doi Y; Tamura M; ...; Lai, S-P; ...; Koch PM; …; Rao R; …; Chen H-R; …; Kemper F; ...; Liu S-Y;…; Ohashi N; …; Tang Y-W; ...; Yen H-W; et al., "A First Look at BISTRO Observations of the ρ Oph-A core", ApJ: 859(1), id. 4 (22 pp.), May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  101. Zemlyanukha PM; Zinchenko II; Salii SV; Ryabukhina OL; Liu SY, "The Spatial-Kinematic Structure of the Region of Massive Star Formation S255N on Various Scales", Astronomy Reports: 62(5), 326-345, May, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  102. Juvela M; He JH; Pattle K; ...; Hirano N; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "Herschel and SCUBA-2 observations of dust emission in a sample of Planck cold clumps", A&A: 612, A71, April, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  103. Sahu D; Minh YC; Lee C-F; Liu S-Y; et al., "Deuterated Formaldehyde in the low-mass protostar HH212", MNRAS: 475(4), 5322-5329, April, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  104. Liu T; Kim K-T; Juvela M; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Koch PM; ...; Hirano N; ...; Chen H-R; Lee C-F; ...; Morata O; ...; Shang H; ...; Tang Y-W; et al., "The TOP-SCOPE Survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps: Survey Overview and Results of an Exemplar Source, PGCC G26.53+0.17", ApJS: 234(2), 28, Feb, 2018 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  105. Yen H-W; Takakuwa S; Chu Y-H; Hirano N; Ho PTP; Kanagawa, KD; Lee C-F; Liu HB; Liu S-Y; Matsumoto T; Matsushita S; ...; Tang Y-W; Trejo A; Wu C-J, "1000 AU Exterior Arcs Connected to the Protoplanetary Disk around HL Tau", A&A: 608, A134, Dec, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  106. Liu T; Lacy J; Li PS; ...; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; Su Y-N; et al., "ALMA Reveals Sequential High-mass Star Formation in the G9.62+0.19 Complex", ApJ: 849(1), 25, Nov, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  107. Watanabe Y; Sakai N; López-Sepulcre A; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., "Discovery of Striking Difference of Molecular-emission-line Richness in the Potential Proto-binary System NGC 2264 CMM3", ApJ: 847(2), 108, Oct, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  108. Zinchenko I; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., "Detection of a new methanol maser line with ALMA", A&A: 606, L6, Oct 10, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  109. Kim J; Lee J-E; Liu T; ...; Liu S-Y; JCMT Large Program “SCOPE” Collaboration; TRAO Key Science Program “TOP” Collaboration, "Star Formation Conditions in a Planck Galactic Cold Clump, G108.84–00.81", ApJS: 231(1), 9, July, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  110. Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Bastien P; ...; Lai S-P; ...; Koch PM; ...; Rao R; ...; Kemper F; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Tang YW; ...; Yen HW; ...; et al., "First Results from BISTRO: A SCUBA-2 Polarimeter Survey of the Gould Belt", ApJ: 842(1), 66, June, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  111. Kim H; Trejo A; Liu S-Y; Saha R; Taam RE; ...; Hirano N; et al., "The large-scale nebular pattern of a superwind binary in an eccentric orbit", Nature Astronomy: 1, 0060, March, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  112. Peng Y; Qin S-L; Schilke P; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "ALMA Observations of Vibrationally Excited HC3N Lines Toward Orion KL", ApJ: 837(1), 49, March, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  113. Tatematsu K; Liu T; Ohashi S; ...; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; ...; et al., "Astrochemical Properties of Planck Cold Clumps", ApJS: 228(2), 12, Feb, 2017 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  114. Kim H; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Zhao-Geisler R; Trejo A; Yen H-W; Taam RE; Kemper F; et al., "Spiral-shells and nascent bipolar outflow in CIT 6: hints for an eccentric-orbit binary?", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.: 728(7), 072018, Oct, 2016 ( ADS | Fulltext )
  115. Liu T; Kim K-T; Yoo H; Liu S-Y; et al., "Star Formation Laws in Both Galactic Massive Clumps and External Galaxies: Extensive Study with Dust Coninuum, HCN (4-3), and CS (7-6)", ApJ: 829(2), 59, Oct, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  116. Lee C-D; Chen WP; Liu S-Y, "Evolutionary status of isolated B[e] stars", A&A: 592, id.A130 (9 pp.), Aug, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  117. Chen H-R; Keto E; Zhang Q; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N, "A Hot and Massive Accretion Disk around the High-mass Protostar IRAS 20126+4104", ApJ: 823(2), 125, June, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  118. Liu T; Zhang Q; Kim K-T; ...; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; et al., "Discovery of an Extremely Wide-angle Bipolar Outflow in AFGL 5142", ApJ: 824(1), 31, June, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  119. Liu T; Liu T; Zhang Q; ...; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Koch P; Tang Y-W; Liu HB; et al., "Planck Cold Clumps in the λ Orionis Complex. I. Discovery of an Extremely Young Class 0 Protostellar Object and a Proto-brown Dwarf Candidate in the Bright-rimmed Clump PGCC G192.32-11.88", ApJS: 222(1), 7, Jan, 2016 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  120. Kim H; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Zhao-Geisler R; Trejo A; Yen H-W; Taam RE; Kemper F; et al ., "High-resolution CO observation of the carbon star CIT 6 revealing the spiral structure and a nascent bipolar outflow", ApJ: 814(1), 61, Nov 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  121. Liu T; Kim K-T; Wu Y; ...; Liu S-Y; et al., "Extremely Energetic Outflow and Decelerated Expansion in W49N", ApJ: 810(2), 147, Sept 10, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  122. Zinchenko I; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., "The Disk-outflow System in the S255IR Area of High-mass Star Formation", ApJ: 810(1), 10, Sept 1, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  123. Watanabe Y; Sakai N; López-Sepulcre A; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., "Spectral Line Survey toward the Young Massive Protostar NGC 2264 CMM3 in the 4 mm, 3 mm, and 0.8 mm Bands", ApJ: 809(2), 162, Aug 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  124. ALMA Partnership; Fomalont EB; Vlahakis C; ...; Matsushita S; …; Espada D.; …; Chapillon E; ...; Hasegawa T; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Huang Y-D; Liu S-Y; Kemper F; Koch PM; Chen M-T; ...; Su Y-N; Trejo-Cruz A; Wang K-S; ...; Ho PTP; et al., "The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: An Overview", ApJL: 808(1), L1, July 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  125. Minh YC; Liu HB; Su Y-N; Hsieh P-Y; Liu S-Y; ...; Ho PTP, "SiO Emission in the Galactic Center", ApJ: 808(1), 86, July 20, 2015 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  126. Gómez-Ruiz AI; Hirano N; Leurini S; Liu SY, "The L 1157 protostellar outflow imaged with the Submillimeter Array", A&A: 558, 94, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  127. Kim H; Hsieh I-T; Liu S-Y; Taam RE, "Evidence of a Binary Induced Spiral From an Incomplete Ring Pattern of CIT 6", ApJ: 776(2), 86, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  128. Lee H-T; Liao W-T; ...; Karr J; ...; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Duan H-Y; Takami M, "Near-infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects. II. Complete Census for the Northern Galactic Plane", ApJS: 208(2), 23, Oct, 2013 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  129. Minh YC; Chen H-R; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y, "SMA Observations of the Hot Cores of DR21(OH)", JKAS: 45(6), 157-166, Dec, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  130. Yamaguchi T; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; et al., "The 3 mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region. I. Data", PASJ: 64(5), 105, Oct 25, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  131. Zinchenko I; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., "A Multi-Wavelength High Resolution Study of the S255 Star Forming Region. General structure and kinematics", ApJ: 755(2), 177, Aug 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  132. Chen H-R; Rao R; Wilner DJ; Liu S-Y, "The Magnetized Environment of the W3(H2O) Protostars", ApJL: 751(1), L13, May 20, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  133. Lee H-T; Takami M; Duan H-Y; Karr J; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Froebrich D; Yeh Cosmos C, "Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects", ApJS: 200(1), 2, May, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  134. Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; Tang Y-W, "The Extremely High Velocity Outflow from the Luminous Young Stellar Object G5.89-0.39", ApJL: 744(2), L26, Jan 10, 2012 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  135. Chen H-R; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Wang M-Y, "Deuterium Fractionation as an Evolutionary Probe in Massive Protostellar/Cluster Cores", ApJ: 743(2), 196, Dec 20, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  136. Yamaguchi T; ...; Liu SY; Su Y-N; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; et al., "Detection of Phosphorus Nitride in the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region", PASJ: 63(5), L37-L41, Oct 25, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  137. Minh YC; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; Su Y-N, "H2CS in Outflows of the Massive Star-forming Core DR21(OH)", ApJ: 737(1), L25, Aug 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  138. Liu T; ...; Liu S-Y; ...; Su Y-N; Chen H-R; et al., "Infall and Outflow Motions in the High-mass Star-forming Complex G9.62+0.19", ApJ: 730(2), 102, Apr 1, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  139. Sugimura M; ...; Hirano N; Liu S-Y; ...; Su Y-N; Takakuwa S; et al., "Early Results of the 3mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region", PASJ: 63(2), 459-472, Apr 25, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  140. Saruwatari O; Sakai N; Sakai T; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Yamamoto S, "Compact Molecular Outflow from NGC2264 CMM3, a Candidate for Very Young High-Mass Protostar", ApJ: 729(2), 147, Mar 10, 2011 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  141. Minh YC; Su Y-N; Chen H-R; Liu S-Y; Yan C-H;Kim S-J, "Submillimeter Array Observations toward the Massive Star-forming Core MM1 of W75N", ApJ: 723(2), 1231-1240, Nov 10, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  142. Hirano N; Ho PTP; Liu SY; Shang H; Lee CF;et al., "Extreme active molecular jets in L1448C", ApJ: 717(1), 58-73, July 1, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  143. Chen H-R; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Zhang Q, "Deuterium Fractionation as an Evolutionary Probe in the Infrared Dark Cloud G28.34+0.06", ApJ: 713(1), L50-L54, April, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  144. Wang K-S; Kuan Y-J; Liu S-Y; Charnley SB, "Kinetic Temperatures of the Dense Gas Clumps in the Orion KL Molecular Core", ApJ: 713(2), 1192-1206, Apr 20, 2010 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  145. Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Wang K-S; Chen Y-H, Chen H-R, "The Hot and Clumpy Molecular Cocoon Surrounding the Ultracompact HII Region G5.89-0.39", ApJ: 704(1), L5-L9, Oct 10, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  146. Su YN; Liu SY; Lim J, "Subarcsecond Imaging of the High-Mass Star Forming Region Onsala 1", ApJ: 698(2), 1981-1988, Jun 20, 2009 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  147. Qin SL; Zhao JH; ...; Liu SY; Kuan YJ, "Infall and outflow of molecular gas in Sgr B2", ApJ: 677(1), 353-372, Apr 10, 2008 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  148. Su YN; Liu SY; Chen HR; Zhang Q; Cesaroni R, "The Outflow from the Luminous Young Stellar Object IRAS 20126+4104:From 4000 AU to 0.4 pc", ApJ: 671(1), 571-580, Dec 10, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  149. Minh YC; Muller S; Liu SY; Yoon TS, "Unveiling the on-going star formation in the starburst galaxy NGC253", ApJ: 661(2), L135-L138, June 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  150. Zhang QZ; Hunter TR; Beuther H; ...; Liu SY; Su YN; et al., "Multiple jets from the high-mass (proto) stellar cluster AFGL 5142", ApJ: 658(2), 1152-1163, Apr 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  151. Chen HR; Su YN; Liu SY; Hunter TR; Wilner DJ; Zhang Q; Lim J; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Hirano N, "654 GHz Continuum and C18O(6-5) Observations of G240.31+0.07 with the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 654(1), L87-L90, Jan 1, 2007 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  152. Beuther H; Zhang Q; Reid MJ; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Liu SY, "Submillimeter array 440 mu m/690 GHz line and continuum observations of Orion KL", ApJ: 636(1), 323-331, Jan 1, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  153. Hirano N; Liu SY; Shang H; Ho PTP; ...; Kuan YJ; et al., "SiO J=5-4 in the HH 211 protostellar jet imaged with the Submillimeter Array", ApJ: 636(2), L141-L144, Jan 10, 2006 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  154. Beuther H; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Liu SY; Chang CM, "Line Imaging of Orion KL at 865 mum with the Submillimeter Array", AJ: 632(1), 355-370, Oct, 2005 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  155. Beuther H; Hunter TR; ...; Ho PTP; Ohashi N; Su YN; Lim J; Liu SY, "Submillimeter Array Outflow/Disk Studies in the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732", ApJ: 616(1), L23-L26, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  156. Beuther H; Zhang Q; ...; Ho PTP; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Su YN; Lim J, "Submillimeter Array Multiline Observations of the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732", ApJ: 616(1), L19-L22, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  157. Beuther H; Zhang Q; Greenhill LJ; ...; Liu SY, "Subarcsecond Submillimeter Continuum Observations of Orion KL", ApJ: 616(1), L31-L34, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  158. Kuan YJ; ...; Hirano N; ...; Liu SY; Ohashi N; et al, "Organic Molecules in Low-Mass Protostellar Hot Cores: Submillimeter Imaging of IRAS 16293-2422", ApJ: 616(1), L27-L30, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  159. Matsushita S; Sakamoto K; Kuo CY; Hsieh PY; Dinh-V-Trung; ...; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Lim J, "Submillimeter Array 12CO (J=3-2) Interferometric Observations of the Central Region of M51", ApJ: 616(1), L55-L58, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  160. Su Y-N; Liu SY; Lim J; Ohashi N; ...; Ho PTP, "Search for Calibrators for the Submillimeter Array.I. High-Mass Star-forming Regions", ApJ: 616(1), L39-L42, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  161. Young KH; ...; Hirano N; Ho PTP; Liu SY; Lo KY; Martin R; Matsushita S; ...; Ohashi N; ...; Patt F; ...; Dihn-V-Trung, "Submillimeter Array Observations of CS J = 14-13 Emission from the Evolved Star IRC +10216", ApJ: 616(1), L51-L54, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  162. Remijan A; Sutton EC; Snyder LE; Friedel DN; Liu SY; Pei CC, "High-Resolution Observations of Methyl Cyanide (CH3CN) toward the Hot Core Regions W51e1/e2", ApJ: 606(2), 917-928, May 10, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  163. Sollins PK; Hunter TR; ...; Ho PTP; Lim J; Liu SY; Ohashi N; Sridharan TK; Su YN; et al, "Mapping the Outflow from G589-039 in SiO J = 5 --> 4", ApJ: 616(1), L35-L38, Nov 20, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  164. Hogerheijde MR; de Pater I; ...; Kuan YJ; ...; Liu SY, "Combined BIMA and OVRO Observations of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)", ApJ: 127(4), 2406-2412, Apr, 2004 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  165. Hollis JM; Pedelty JA; Boboltz DA; ...;Liu SY; et al, "Kinematics of the Sagittarius B2(N-LMH) Molecular Core", ApJ: 596(2), L235-L238, Oct 20, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  166. Remijan A; Snyder LE; ...; Liu SY; et al, "A Survey of Acetic Acid toward Hot Molecular Cores", ApJ: 590(1), 314-332, Jun 10, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  167. Hollis JM; Pedelty JA; Snyder LE;...; Liu SY, "A Sensitive Very Large Array Search for Small-Scale Glycine Emission toward OMC-1", ApJ: 588(1), 353-359, May, 2003 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )