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Academic Events

Localization of fast radio bursts in Taiwan 2025
Colloquium 14:20~15:20 [R1203]
Cold molecular gas (cloud) properties in nearby galaxies
Fuheng Eric Liang (Heidelberg University)
14:20~15:20 [R1203]
Nearby low-metallicity dwarf galaxies: feedback and end-products
Daniel Wang (UMass/ASIAA)
Colloquium 14:20~15:20 [R1203]
High-resolution simulations of the interstellar medium coupled with a dust-evolving chemistry network Chia-Yu Hu (NTU)
Lunch Talk 12:00~12:40 [R1412]

Hiddo Algera (ASIAA)
Colloquium 14:20~15:20 [R1203]

Nhat-Minh Nguyen (IPMU)
14:20~15:20 [R1203]

Yuya Fukuhara (Institute of Science Tokyo)
Colloquium 14:20~15:20 [R1203]

Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA)