Colloquiums and Seminars

ASIAA Colloquium is usually held on Wednesdays at 2:20-3:20 pm in Room 1203 of the Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU. All scientists are welcome to attend. Seminars on more specialized topics are also held on a regular basis.

The ASIAA-NTU joint colloquium series aims to bring to the physics/astronomy/cosmology community in ASIAA/NTU world renown researchers who will talk about the forefront development of physical sciences.

Contact: Colloquium Committee (talks   _replace_to_@_

Topic / Abstract
2016-01-06 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Dae-Won Kim
Gaia and Data Intensive Astronomy
2016-01-15 Fri 14:20~15:20 ASMAB 1F Auditorium
Rachel Mandelbaum
Galaxy halo masses and implications for galaxy evolution from weak lensing measurements
2016-01-18 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Andrew Cooper
Durham University
Modelling Galaxy Formation in a LambdaCDM Universe
2016-01-20 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Jean Coupon
University of Geneva
Probing the relationship between Galaxies and Dark Matter with Lensing and Clustering in CFHTLenS/VIPERS
2016-01-21 Thu 14:30~15:30 R1107
John Carpenter
Joint ALMA Observatory
The Evolution of Circumstellar Disks: ALMA Observations of the Upper Sco OB Association
2016-02-03 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Howard Yee
University of Toronto
The Evolution of Galaxy Cluster Shape and Brightest Cluster Galaxies since z~1.8
2016-02-17 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Shigehisa Takakuwa
SMA and ALMA Study of Protostellar Binaries
2016-02-24 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hauyu Baobab Liu
Gravitational unstable disks around FU Orionis objects?
2016-03-01 Tue 14:20~15:20 Physics 104
Howard K.C. Yee
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto
*ASIAA/NTU Joint Colloquium*
The Evolution of Galaxies in Clusters at z~1 and Beyond
2016-03-09 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Michal Michalowski
University of Edinburgh
Massive stars formed in atomic hydrogen reservoirs
2016-03-16 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hyosun Kim
Circumstellar Spirals/Shells/Arcs: the Messages from Evolved Stars
2016-03-22 Tue 11:00~12:00 R1203
Thiem Hoang
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Quantitative Polarimetry: from Star Formation to Cosmological Studies
2016-03-22 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ken Chen
Cosmic Dawn : Physics of the First Stars, Supernovae, and Galaxies
2016-03-23 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Susanne Aalto
Chalmers Univ. of Technology / Onsala Space Observatory
The Cold Winds of Change - Hot Cores and Cool Outflows in Dusty Galaxies
2016-03-24 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Yao-Yuan Mao
Constraining the Flexibility in the Galaxy-Halo Connection
2016-03-28 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chihway Chang
ETH Zurich
Mapping the Invisible Landscape — the Dark Energy Survey and Beyond
2016-03-29 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ana Duarte-Cabral
University of Exeter
Observing simulations: Molecular clouds and their journey in the Galaxy.
2016-03-30 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Nicolas Peretto
Cardiff University
The timescale of star formation: Clues from the gas dynamics of infrared dark clouds
2016-04-06 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hsiang-Yi Yang
University of Maryland
Solving the Cooling-Flow Problem in Galaxy Clusters
2016-04-07 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Min-Kai Lin
University of Arizona
Hydrodynamic activity in protoplanetary disks
2016-04-13 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Benedikt Diemer
The Edge of Darkness, and Other Halo Surprises
2016-04-21 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Fabien Defrance
Observatoire de Paris
Instrumentation of a 2.6 THz heterodyne receiver
2016-04-27 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Lei Hao
The Co-evolution of AGNs and Galaxies, Viewed from 2D Spectroscopy
2016-04-29 Fri 14:20~15:20 R1203
Steve Charnley
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA
Models of Complex Molecule Formation in Space
2016-05-03 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chao-Ling Hung
University of Texas
Connecting dusty starburst galaxies and proto galaxy clusters: a case study at z=2
2016-05-04 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Juntai Shen
Gas inflow patterns and nuclear rings in barred galaxies
2016-05-05 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Keiichi Wada
Kagoshima University
A new dynamical picture of AGNs
2016-05-11 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chian-Chou Chen
Durham University
Submillimeter “Pain-in-the-neck” Galaxy - challenging the models of galaxy formation and evolution for nearly two decades
2016-05-12 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Harold A. Weaver, Jr.
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
The Exploration of Pluto and the Kuiper Belt by New Horizons
2016-05-16 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Teppei Okumura
Kavli IPMU/University of Tokyo
Probing cosmic acceleration with large-scale structure of the Universe
2016-05-18 Wed 14:20~15:20 Room 104, CCMS-New Physics Building
Chung-Pei Ma
Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley
*ASIAA/NTU Joint Colloquium*
Supermassive Black Holes at the Centers of Galaxies
2016-05-19 Thu 11:00~12:00 R1203
Andrew Cooper
Univ. Durham
The Cosmological Context of Galactic Stellar Halos and Satellites
2016-05-19 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Jun Yi Kevin Koay
University of Copenhagen
The curious case of the changing-look Seyfert galaxy Mrk 590
2016-05-30 Mon 11:00~12:00 R1203
Ramesh Narayan
Numerical Simulations of Black Hole Accretion
2016-05-30 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hui Li
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Asymmetries in Protoplanetary Disks and Implications for Planet Formation
2016-05-31 Tue 14:20~15:20 Room 104, CCMS-New Physics Building
David L. Meier
California Institute of Technology
*ASIAA/NTU Joint Colloquium*
Black Holes: The Ultimate Engines
2016-06-01 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Lisa Kewley
Galaxy Formation and Evolution in 3D
2016-06-15 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Woong Tae Kim
Star Formation in Nuclear Rings of Barred-Spiral Galaxies
2016-06-22 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Lee Mundy
University of Maryland
Filaments, Dense Gas and Stars: Connecting the Dots
2016-06-28 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Anders Thygesen
Magnesium isotopes as a chemical evolution probe
2016-06-29 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Yoshiki Toba
Dust Obscured Galaxies viewed with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam
2016-07-06 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Michael Aye
LASP/University of Colorado
Small scale structures and traveling features in Saturn’s rings and the importance of CO2 gas jets at the Martian southpole.
2016-07-13 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chi-Ting Chiang
Stony Brook University
Simulating the large-scale structure in different environments
2016-07-19 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1107
Chia-Hsun Chuang
AIP Potsdam
Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurements from the BOSS final data release
2016-07-20 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ian Czekala
Harvard/Smithsonian CfA
The Fundamental Properties of Young Stars
2016-07-26 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1107
Youngmin JeongAhn
Spatial distribution of steep lunar craters may be linked to size-dependent orbital distribution of impactors
2016-07-27 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ting-Hui Lee/Steve Gibson
Western Kentucky University
(1) Chemical Abundances of Galactic Compact Planetary Nebulae (T.-H. Lee); (2) Mapping the Dark Neutral Medium (S. Gibson)
2016-08-03 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hsi-An Pan
Environmental Dependence of GMCs: simulation and observation
2016-08-10 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Yuichi Higuchi
Testing ΛCDM model with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam survey
2016-08-17 Wed 14:20~15:20 1F auditorium
Scott Ransom
Extraordinary Physics with Millisecond Pulsars
2016-08-19 Fri 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ting-Wen Lan
Exploring the diffuse interstellar bands with SDSS
2016-09-06 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Alan Heays
Leiden Observatory
Laboratory astrochemistry: UV photodestruction of molecules and its observable isotope effects
2016-09-21 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Wen-Ping Chen
National Central University
Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters
2016-09-27 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Houjun Mo
Reconstructing the initial conditions to simulate the formation of the local universe
2016-10-03 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
I-Ting Ho
Univ. Hawai'i & Australian National Univ.
Gas flows in star-forming galaxies in 3D
2016-10-04 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Jifeng Liu
Ultraluminous Supersoft X-ray sources as super-critical accretion onto stellar black holes
2016-10-05 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Eva Villaver
Autonomous University of Madrid
Single rotating stars and their AGB winds
2016-10-12 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Nobuo Arimoto
Origin of Elliptical Galaxies -- A Transition from Star Forming Main Sequence Galaxies to Passively Evolving Early Type Galaxies
2016-10-18 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Toshifumi Futamase
Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan
Constraints on Neutrino Masses from the Lensing Dispersion of Type Ia Supernovae
2016-10-19 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Ue-Li Pen
The Cosmic Neutrino Background
2016-10-24 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Sergio Martin
Astrochemistry in opaqueness Compact Obscured Nuclei: Arp 220
2016-10-25 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Min S. Yun
University of Massachusetts
The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) and the Most Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Universe
2016-10-26 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Scott Chapman
Dalhousie University
Gas, Dust, and Quenching in Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies in the Early Universe
2016-10-31 Mon 14:20~15:20 R1203
Dominique Bockelee-Morvan
LESIA, Observatory of Paris
Comet composition : clues to Solar System formation
2016-11-01 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Mikako Matsuura
Cardiff University
Dust and molecules in Supernova 1987A
2016-11-02 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Edwige Chapillon
Study of protoplanetary disks at millimeter wavelength
2016-11-09 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Erik Rosolowsky
University of Alberta
The Care and Feeding of Star Forming Regions
2016-11-16 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Christian Fendt
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
How to make astrophysical jets?
2016-11-23 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Elizabeth Tasker
From Galaxies to Planets (A medley!)
2016-11-30 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Tien-Hao Hsieh
Widening of Protostellar Outflows: an Infrared Outflow Survey in Low Luminosity Objects
2016-12-07 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Andreas Schulze
Black hole growth and black hole - galaxy co-evolution
2016-12-14 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Martin Bizzarro
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Early formation of planetary building blocks inferred from Pb isotopic ages of chondrules
2016-12-15 Thu 14:20~15:20 R1203
Chia-Yu Hu
Center for Computational Astrophysics
The interstellar medium in dwarf galaxies
2016-12-20 Tue 14:20~15:20 R1203
Hsin-Yu Chen
University of Chicago
Cosmology and Astrophysics with Gravitational-Wave Observations
2016-12-21 Wed 14:20~15:20 R1203
Siyi Xu
Planetary Systems around White Dwarfs
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