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Science Highlight
Deep inside Perseus A —
A telescope larger than the Earth makes a sharp image of the forming black hole jets in the core of a radio galaxy
深入英仙座A —
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- (arXiv) "A wide and collimated radio jet in 3C 84 on the scale of a few hundred gravitational radii"
- (MPIfR) Deep inside Perseus A -- A telescope larger than the Earth makes a sharp image of the formation of black hole jets in the core of a radio galaxy
- (Nature Astronomy Letter) A wide and collimated radio jet in 3C84 on the scale of a few hundred gravitational radii
- (Science Daily) Deep inside Perseus A – A telescope larger than the Earth makes a sharp image of the formation of black hole jets in the core of a radio galaxy
- [ 中研院天文所] 深入英仙座A — 比地球更大的望遠鏡取得電波星系中心黑洞噴流正在形成的清晰圖像
- [Astronomy Magazine] Astronomers zoom in on a supermassive black hole's jets
- [SpaceBattles] Deep inside Perseus A: sharp image of the formation of black hole jets in the core of a radio galaxy
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