Journal Paper

315 Journal papers published in 2024

  1. López-Vázquez JA; Lee C-F; Shang H; Cabrit S; Krasnopolsky R; Codella C; Liu C-F; Podio L; Dutta S; Murphy A; Wiseman J, "Multiple Components of the Outflow in the Protostellar System HH 212: Outer Outflow Shell, Rotating Wind, Shocked Wind, and Jet", ApJ: 977(1), id.126 (17 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  2. Narang M; Puravankara M; Vedantham HK; Ishwara Chandra CH; De A; Tyagi H; Banerjee B; Nayak PK; Surya A; Shridharan B; Pathak VC; Tripathi M, "uGMRT Survey of EXoplanets Around M-dwarfs (GS-EXAM): Radio observations of GJ 1151", AJ: 168(6), id.265 (6 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  3. Toba Y; Masu K; Ota N; Gao Z-K; Imanishi M; Yanagawa A; Yamada S; Dosaka I; Kakimoto T; Kobayashi S; Kurokawa N; Oki A; Soga S; Shibata K; Takeuchi S; Tsujita Y; Nagao T; Tanaka M; Ueda Y; Wang W-H, "Discovery of a hyperluminous quasar at z = 1.62 with Eddington ratio >3 in the eFEDS field confirmed by KOOLS-IFU on Seimei Telescope", PASJ: 76(6), pp.1173-1180, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  4. Wang S-C; Lin M-K, "Streaming instabilities in accreting protoplanetary disks: A parameter study", ApJ: 976(2), id.157 (13 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  5. Chen T-C; Lin Y-T; Schive H-Y; Oguri M; Chen K-F; Okabe N; Ali S; Bottrell C; Dalal R; Koyama Y; Monteiro-Oliveira R; Shimakawa R; Goto T; Hsieh B-C; Kodama T; Nishizawa AJ, "A Systematic Search of Distant Superclusters with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", ApJ: 975(2), id.200, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  6. Chen W-Y; Chen K-J; Ono M, "Multidimensional Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of SN 1987A Shock Breakout", ApJ: 976(1), id.147 (22 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  7. Hsu S-Y; Lee C-F; Liu S-Y; Johnstone D; Liu T; Takahashi S; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Dutta S; Eden DJ; Evans NJ, Ii; Hirano N; Juvela M; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li S; Liu C-F; Liu X; Luo Q; Qin S-L; Sahu D; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Tatematsu K; Yang Y-L, "ALMASOP. The Localized and Chemically rich Features near the Bases of the Protostellar Jet in HOPS 87", ApJ: 976(1), id.29, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  8. Kuo I-H G; Yen H-W; Gu P-G, "ALMA Observations of Proper Motions of the Dust Clumps in the Protoplanetary Disk MWC 758", ApJL: 975(2), id.L33 (10 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  9. Lin H-H; Scholz P; Ng C; Pen U-L; Bhardwaj M; Chawla P; Curtin AP; Li D; Newburgh L; Reda A; Sand KR; Tendulkar SP; Andersen B; Bandura K; Brar C; Cassanelli T; Cook AM; Dobbs M; Dong FA; Eadie G; Fonseca E; Gaensler BM; Giri U; Herrera-Martin A; Hill AS; Kaczmarek J; Kania J; Kaspi V; Khairy K; Lanman AE; Leung C; Masui KW; Mena-Parra J; Meyers BW; Michilli D; Milutinovic N; Ordog A; Pearlman AB; Pleunis Z; Rafiei-Ravandi M; Rahman M; Ransom S; Sanghavi P; Shin K; Smith K; Stairs I; Stenning DC; Vanderlinde K; Wulf D, "Do All Fast Radio Bursts Repeat? Constraints from CHIME/FRB Far Sidelobe FRBs", ApJ: 975(1), id.75 (25 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  10. Lopez-Coba C; Lin L; Neumann J; Bershady MA, "On the Role of Noncircular Motions in MaNGA Galaxies. I. Global Properties", ApJ: 975(2), id.182 (11 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  11. Murphy A; Whelan ET; Bacciotti F; Coffey D; Comerón F; Eislöffel J; Nisini B; Antoniucci S; Alcalá JM; Ray TP, "Investigating the asymmetry of young stellar outflows: Combined MUSE-X-shooter study of the Th 28 jet", A&A: 691, id.A48 (19 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  12. Roy Choudhury S; Okumura T, "Updated Cosmological Constraints in Extended Parameter Space with Planck PR4, DESI Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, and Supernovae: Dynamical Dark Energy, Neutrino Masses, Lensing Anomaly, and the Hubble Tension", ApJL: 976(1), id. L11 (10pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  13. Smallwood JL; Lin M-K; Nealon R; Aly H; Longarini C, "Polar alignment of a dusty circumbinary disc-II. Application to 99 Herculis", MNRAS: 534(4), 4018-4030, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  14. Okumura T; Sasaki M, "Extracting parity-violating gravitational waves from projected tidal force tensor in three dimensions", JCAP: 2024(10), id.060 (25 pp.), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  15. Park J; Zhao G-Y; Nakamura M; Mizuno Y; Pu H-Y; Asada K; Takahashi K; Toma K; Kino M; Cho I; Hada K; Edwards PG; Ro H; Kam M; Yi K; Lee Y; Koyama S; Byun D-Y; Phillips C; Reynolds C; Hodgson JA; Lee S-S, "Discovery of Limb Brightening in the Parsec-scale Jet of NGC 315 through Global Very Long Baseline Interferometry Observations and Its Implications for Jet Models", ApJL: 973(2), L45 (18 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  16. Ueda S; Ichinohe Y, "Three-dimensional Thermodynamic Structures of the Intracluster Medium across Edges in the X-Ray Surface Brightness of Massive, Bright, Dynamically Active Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 973(2), id.98 (23 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  17. Flores C; Connelley MS; Reipurth B; Boogert A; Doppmann G, "iSHELL K-band Survey of Class I and Flat Spectrum Sources: Magnetic Field Measurements in the Protostellar Phase", ApJ: 972(2), id.149 (25 pp.), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  18. Lin S-J (Lin, Shang-Jing); Yen H-W; Lai S-P, "Multiple Misaligned Outflows and Warped Accretion Flows in the Proto-multiple System Per-emb-8 and 55", AJ: 168(3), id.107 (13pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  19. Yen H-W; Lee Y-N, "Protostellar Disk Formation Regimes: Angular Momentum Conservation versus Magnetic Braking", ApJL: 972(2), L27 (9 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  20. Bi J; Lin M-K, "Shoulder of Dust Rings Formed by Planet–Disk Interactions", ApJ: 971(1), id.76 (10pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  21. Chung C-Y; Andrews SM; Gurwell MA; Wright M; Long F; Xu W; Liu HB, "SMA 200–400 GHz Survey for Dust Properties in the Icy Class II Disks in the Taurus Molecular Cloud", ApJS: 273(2), id.29 (40 pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  22. Gao Z-K; Lim C-F; Wang W-H; Chen C-C; Smail I; Chapman SC; Zheng XZ; Shim H; Kodama T; Ao Y; Chang S-Y; Clements DL; Dunlop JS; Ho LC; Hsu Y-H; Hwang C-Y; Hwang HS; Koprowski MP; Scott D; Serjeant S; Toba Y; Urquhart SA, "SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES). V. Confusion-limited Submillimeter Galaxy Number Counts at 450 $\mu$m and Data Release for the COSMOS Field", ApJ: 971(1), id.117 (21pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  23. Hirashita H, "Evolution of grain size distribution in the circumgalactic medium", PASJ: 76(4), pp.753-764, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  24. Izumi N; Ressler ME; Lau RM; Koch PM; Saito M; Kobayashi N; Yasui C, "Overview Results of JWST Observations of Star-forming Clusters in the Extreme Outer Galaxy", AJ: 168(2), id.68 (27 pp.), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  25. Kuo CY; Gao F; Braatz JA; Pesce DW; Humphreys EML; Reid MJ; Impellizzeri CMV; Henkel C; Wagner J; Wu CE., "What determines the boundaries of H2O maser emission in an x-ray illuminated gas disk?", MNRAS: 532(3), pp.3020-3035, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  26. Lee C-F; Li Z-Y; Ching T-C; Yang H; Lai S-P; Lin Z-YD; Hu Y-C, "Polarization Substructure in the Spiral-dominated HH 111 Disk: Evidence for Grain Growth", ApJL: 971(1), id.L23 (11pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  27. Lin S-J (Lin, Sheng-Jun); Lai S-P; Pagani L; Lefèvre C; Thieme TJ, "Deuterium fractionation of the starless core L 1498", A&A: 688, id.A118 (22pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  28. You K-A; Chen K-J; Pan Y-C; Tsai S-H; Ou P-S, "Modeling the Progenitor Stars of Observed Type IIP Supernovae", ApJ: 970(2), id.145, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  29. Lehmann M; Lin M-K, "Convective Overstability in Radially Global Protoplanetary Disks. I. Pure Gas Dynamics", ApJ: 970(1), id.15 (25 pp), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  30. Smallwood JL; Lin M-K; Aly H; Nealon R; Longarini C, "Polar alignment of a dusty circumbinary disc - I. Dust ring formation", MNRAS: 532(1), 1068-1086, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  31. Yen H-W; Williams JP; Sai J; Koch PM; Han I; Jørgensen JK; Kwon W; Lee CW; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Narang M Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Tobin JJ; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Lai S-P; Lee J-E; Tomida K, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XV. Influence of Magnetic Field Morphology in Dense Cores on Sizes of Protostellar Disks", ApJ: 969(2), id.125 (14pp.), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  32. Ng FL; Ueda S, "The Relation between the Cool-core Radius and the Host Galaxy Clusters: Thermodynamic Properties and Cluster Mass", ApJ: 968(1), id.45 (18 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  33. Ou P-S; Chao R-C; Chu Y-H; Hsu C-Y; Li C-J, "Stellar Population near NGC 2021: Procession of Star Formation in the South Rim of Supergiant Shell LMC 4", AJ: 168(1), id.33 (8 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  34. Thieme TJ; Lai S-P; Lee Y-N; Lin S-J; Yen H-W, "The First Estimation of the Ambipolar Diffusivity Coefficient from Multi-Scale Observations of the Class 0/I Protostar, HOPS-370", ApJ: 968(1), id.26 (15pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  35. Yamaguchi M; Muto T; Tsukagoshi T; Nomura H; Hirano N; Nakazato T; Ikeda S; Tamura M; Kawabe R, "ALMA 2D Super-resolution Imaging of Taurus-Auriga Protoplanetary Disks: Probing Statistical Properties of Disk Substructures", PASJ: 76(3), 437-474, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  36. Okumura T; Taruya A; Kurita T; Nishimichi T, "Nonlinear redshift space distortion in halo ellipticity correlations: Analytical model and N-body simulations", Phys Rev D: 109(10), id.103501 (26 pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  37. Park J; Kino M; Nagai H; Nakamura M; Asada K; Kam M; Hodgson JA, "Observational Evidence to Support a Dense Ambient Medium Shaping the Jet in 3C 84", A&A: 685, id.A115 (18 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  38. Sai J; Yen H-W; Machida MN; Ohashi N; Aso Y; Maury AJ; Maret S, "Multiple Outflows around a Single Protostar IRAS 15398‑3359", ApJ: 966(2), id.192 (14 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  39. Shang H; Johnstone D; Lizano S, "Frank Shu: The forever fighter", PNAS: 121(22), e2406780121, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  40. Toba Y; Hashiguchi A; Ota N; Oguri M; Okabe N; Ueda Y; Imanishi M; Nishizawa AJ; Goto T; Hsieh B-C; Kondo M; Koyama S; Lee K; Mitsuishi I; Nagao T; Oogi T; Sakuta K; Schramm M; Yanagawa A; Yoshimoto A, "Active Galactic Nucleus Properties of ∼1 Million Member Galaxies of Galaxy Groups and Clusters at z < 1.4 Based on the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", ApJ: 967(1), id.65 (19 pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  41. Ai T-H; Liu C-F; Shang H; Johnstone D; Krasnopolsky R, "A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars: Kinematic and Mixing Structures in HH 30", ApJ: 964(2), id.147 (15 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  42. Chuang C-Y; Jespersen CK; Lin Y-T; Ho S; Genel S, "Leaving No Branches Behind: Predicting Baryonic Properties of Galaxies from Merger Trees", ApJ: 965(2), id.101(15pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  43. Harada N; Meier DS; Martín S; Muller S; Sakamoto K; Saito T; Gorski MD; Henkel C; Tanaka K; Mangum JG; Aalto S; Aladro R; Bouvier M; Colzi L; Emig KL; Herrero-Illana R; Huang K-Y; Kohno K; König S; Nakanishi K; Nishimura Y; Takano S; Rivilla VM; Viti S; Watanabe Y; Van Der Werf PP; Yoshimura Y, "The ALCHEMI atlas: principal component analysis reveals starburst evolution in NGC 253", ApJS: 271(2), id.38 (50 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  44. Hirotani K; Shang H; Krasnopolsky R; Nishikawa K, "Formation of Limb-brightened Radio Jets by Angle-dependent Energy Extraction from Rapidly Rotating Black Holes", ApJ: 965(1), id.50 (11 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  45. Hsu Q-N; Cowie LL; Chen C-C; Barger AJ, "A Full Resolution of the 450 μm Extragalactic Background Light", ApJL: 964(2), id.L32 (7pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  46. López-Cobá C; Lin L; Sánchez SF, "XookSuut: A Bayesian Tool for Modeling Circular and Non–Circular Flows on 2D Velocity Maps", RevMexAA: 60, pp19-39, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  47. Narang M; Manoj P; Chandra CHI; Banerjee B; Tyagi H; Tamura M; Henning T; Mathew B; Lazio J; Surya A; Nayak PK, "A uGMRT search for radio emission from planets around evolved stars", MNRAS: 529(2), 1161-1168, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  48. Teachey A; Agarwal G, "On the impact and utility of single-exomoon modelling for multimoon systems", MNRAS: 529(2), 1232-1249, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  49. Vijarnwannaluk B; Akiyama M; Schramm M; Ueda Y; Matsuoka Y; Toba Y; Matsumoto N; Ruiz A; Georgantopoulos I; Pouliasis E; Koulouridis E; Ichikawa K; Sawicki M; Gwyn S, "Observational properties of active galactic nucleus obscuration during the peak of accretion growth", MNRAS: 529(4), 3610-3629, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  50. Chen K-J; Tang C-Y; Whalen DJ; Ho M-Y; Tsai S-H; Ou P-S; Ono M, "How Population III Supernovae Determined the Properties of the First Galaxies", ApJ: 964(1), id.91 (12pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  51. Chiang ID; Sandstrom KM; Chastenet J; Bolatto AD; Koch EW; Leroy AK; Sun J; Teng Y-H; Williams TG, "Resolved Measurements of the CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor in 37 Nearby Galaxies", ApJ: 964(1), id.18 (23pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  52. Izumi N; Sanhueza P; Koch PM; Lu X; Li S; Sabatini G; Olguin FA; Zhang Q; Nakamura F; Tatematsu KI; Morii K; Sakai T; Tafoya D, "The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). X. Hot Gas Reveals Deeply Embedded Star Formation", ApJ: 963(2), id.163 (24 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  53. Lin L; Pan H-A; Ellison SL; Harada N; Jimenez-Donaire MJ; French KD; Baker WM; Hsieh B-C; Koyama Y; Lopez-Coba C; Michiyama T; Rowlands K; Sanchez SF; Thorp M, "The ALMaQUEST Survey. XII. Dense Molecular Gas as Traced by HCN and HCO+ in Green Valley Galaxies", ApJ: 963(2), id.115 (16 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  54. Matsuoka T; Sawada R, "Binary Interaction Can Yield a Diversity of Circumstellar Media around Type II Supernova Progenitors", ApJ: 963(2), id.105 (12 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  55. Ono M; Nozawa T; Nagataki S; Kozyreva A; Orlando S; Miceli M; Chen K-J, "The impact of effective matter mixing based on three-dimensional hydrodynamical models on the molecule formation in the ejecta of SN 1987A", ApJS: 271(1), id.33 (57pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  56. Otsuki M; Hirashita H, "Dust enrichment in the circum-galactic medium", MNRAS: 528(3), 5008-5018, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  57. Takakuwa S; Saigo K; Kido M; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Jørgensen JK; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Gavino S; Han I; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li Z-Y; Lin Z-YD; Looney LW; Mori S; Sai J; Sharma R; Sheehan PD; Tomida K; Williams JP; Yamato Y; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XIV. Flared Dust Distribution and Viscous Accretion Heating of the Disk around R CrA IRS 7B-a", ApJ: 964(1), id.24 (21pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  58. Tang C-Y; Chen K-J, "Clumpy Structures within the Turbulent Primordial Cloud", MNRAS: 529(4), 4248-4261, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  59. Clarke SD; Makeev VA; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Williams GM; Tang YW; Walch S; Higgins R; Nürnberger PC; Suri S, "GMF G214.5-1.8 as traced by CO: I - cloud-scale CO freeze-out as a result of a low cosmic-ray ionization rate", MNRAS: 528(2), 1555-1572, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  60. Dutta S; Lee C-F; Johnstone D; Lee J-E; Hirano N; Di Francesco J; Moraghan A; Liu T; Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Tatematsu KI; Goldsmith PF; Lee CW; Li S; Eden D; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Hsu S-Y; Kim K-T; Kwon W; Sanhueza P; Liu X; López-Vázquez JA; Luo Q; Yi H-W, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Molecular Jets and Episodic Accretion in Protostars", AJ: 167(2), id.72 (68 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  61. Lehmann M; Salo H, "Viscous overstability in dense planetary rings - Effect of vertical motions and dense packing", MNRAS: 528(1), 634-657, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  62. Liao C-L; Chen C-C; Wang W-H; Smail I; Ao Y; Chapman SC; Dudzeviciute U; Frias Castillo M; Lee MM; Serjeant S; Swinbank AM; Taylor DJ; Umehata H; Zhao Y, "An ALMA Spectroscopic Survey of the Brightest Submillimeter Galaxies in the SCUBA-2-COSMOS Field (AS2COSPEC): Physical Properties of z=2-5 Ultra and Hyper Luminous Infrared Galaxies", ApJ: 961(2), id.226 (25 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  63. López-Cobá C; Lin L; Sánchez SF, "Unveiling a Hidden Bar-like Structure in NGC 1087: Kinematic and Photometric Evidence Using MUSE/VLT, ALMA, and JWST", ApJ: 962(1), id.65 (8 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  64. López-Vázquez JA; Lee C-F; Fernández-López M; Louvet F; Guerra-Alvarado O; Zapata LA, "Multiple Shells Driven by Disk Winds: ALMA Observations in the HH 30 Outflow", ApJ: 962(1), id.28 (17pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  65. Narang M; Manoj P; Tyagi H; Watson DM; Megeath ST; Federman S; Rubinstein AE; Gutermuth R; Caratti O Garatti A; Beuther H; Bourke TL; Van Dishoeck EF; Evans NJ; Anglada G; Osorio M; Stanke T; Muzerolle J; Looney LW; Yang Y-L; Klaassen P; Karnath N; Atnagulov P; Brunken N; Fischer WJ; Furlan E; Green J; Habel N; Hartmann L; Linz H; Nazari P; Pokhrel R; Rahatgaonkar R; Rocha WRM; Sheehan P; Slavicinska K; Stutz AM; Tobin JJ; Tychoniec L; Wolk S, "Discovery of a Collimated Jet from the Low-luminosity Protostar IRAS 16253‑2429 in a Quiescent Accretion Phase with the JWST", ApJL: 962(1), id.L16 (15pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  66. Shim J; Pichon C; Pogosyan D; Appleby S; Cadiou C; Kim J; Kraljic K; Park C, "Probing cosmology via the clustering of critical points", MNRAS: 528(2), 1604-1614, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  67. Suyu SH; Goobar A; Collett T; More A; Vernardos G, "Strong Gravitational Lensing and Microlensing of Supernovae", Space Sci Rev: 220(1), id.13, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  68. Wang JW; Koch PM; Clarke SD; Fuller G; Peretto N; Tang Y-W; Yen H-W; Lai S-P; Ohashi N; Arzoumanian D; Johnstone D; Furuya R; Inutsuka S-I; Lee CW; Ward-Thompson D; Le Gouellec VJM; Liu H-L; Fanciullo L; Hwang J; Pattle K; Poidevin F; Tahani M; Onaka T; Rawlings MG; Chung EJ; Liu J; Lyo AR; Priestley F; Hoang T; Tamura M; Berry D; Bastien P; Ching T-C; Coudé S; Kwon W; Chen M; Eswaraiah C; Soam A; Hasegawa T; Qiu K; Bourke TL; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y (Yunhee Choi); Choi Y (Youngwoo Choi); Chrysostomou A; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan Y; Duan H-Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Houde M; Inoue T; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Khan Z; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim KH; Kim S; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee S-S; Lee H; Lee J-E; Lee C-F; Li D; Li H-B; Li G; Li D; Lin S-J; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Lu X; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Park G; Parsons H; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhang G; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "Filamentary Network and Magnetic Field Structures Revealed with BISTRO in the High-mass Star-forming Region NGC 2264: Global Properties and Local Magnetogravitational Configurations", ApJ: 962(2), id.136 (34pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  69. Wu Y; Lin M-K; Cui C; Krapp L; Lee Y-N; Youdin AN, "Dust Dynamics in Hall-effected Protoplanetary Disks. I. Background Drift Hall Instability", ApJ: 962(2), id.173 (17pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  70. Hirano N; Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Tatematsu KI; Dutta S; Li S; Lee C-F; Li PS; Hsu S-Y; Lin S-J (Lin, Sheng-Jun); Johnstone D; Bronfman L; Chen H-RV; Eden DJ; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Liu H-L; Rawlings MG; Ristorcelli I; Traficante A, "ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Discovery of an Extremely Dense and Compact Object Embedded in the Prestellar Core G208.68-19.92-N2", ApJ: 961(1), id.123 (23 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  71. Lin S-J (Lin, Sheng-Jun); Lai S-P; Pattle K; Berry D; Clemens DP; Pagani L; Ward-Thompson D; Thieme TJ; Ching T-C, "Magnetic fields of the starless core L 1512", ApJ: 961(1), id.117 (18 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  72. Matsuoka T; Kimura SS.; Maeda K; Tanaka M, "A New Insight into Electron Acceleration Properties from Theoretical Modeling of Double-peaked Radio Light Curves in Core-collapse Supernovae", ApJ: 960(1), id.70 (13 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  73. Motoyama K; Krasnopolsky R; Shang H; Aida K; Sakane E, "An Efficient Algorithm for Astrochemical Systems Using Stoichiometry Matrices", ApJS: 270(2), id.19 (11 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  74. Smallwood JL; Nealon R; Cuello N; Dong R; Booth RA, "Formation of misaligned second-generation discs through flyby encounters", MNRAS: 527(2), 2094-2109, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  75. Smallwood JL; Nealon R; Yen H-W; Pinte C; Longarini C; Aly H; Lin M-K, "Observational Signatures of Dust Traffic Jams in Polar-Aligning Circumbinary Disks", ApJL: 976(2), id.L23 (9 pp), 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  76. Algaba JC; Baloković M; Chandra S; Cheong WY; Cui YZ; D'ammando F; Falcone AD; Ford NM; Giroletti M; Goddi C; Gurwell MA; Hada K; Haggard D; Jorstad S; Kaur A; Kawashima T; Kerby S; Kim JY; Kino M; Kravchenko EV; Lee SS; Lu RS; Markoff S; Michail J; Neilsen J; Nowak MA; Principe G; Ramakrishnan V; Ripperda B; Sasada M; Savchenko SS; Sheridan C; Akiyama K; Alberdi A; Alef W; Anantua R; Asada K; Azulay R; Bach U; Baczko AK; Ball D; Bandyopadhyay B; Barrett J; Bauböck M; Benson BA; Bintley D; Lackburn L; Blundell R; Bouman KL; Bower GC; Boyce H; Bremer M; Brissenden R; Britzen S; Broderick AE; Broguiere D; Bronzwaer T; Bustamante S; Carlstrom JE; Chael A; Chan CK; Chang DO; Chatterjee K; Chatterjee S; Chen MT; Chen Y; Cheng X; Cho I; Christian P; Conroy NS; Conway JE; Crawford TM; Crew GB; Cruz-Osorio A; Dahale R; Davelaar J; De Laurentis M; Deane R; Dempsey J; Desvignes G; Dexter J; Dhruv V; Dihingia IK; Doeleman SS; Dzib SA; Eatough RP; Emami R; Falcke H; Farah J; Fish VL; Fomalont E; Ford HA; Foschi M; Fraga-Encinas R; Freeman WT; Friberg P; Fromm CM; Fuentes A; Galison P; Gammie CF; García R; Gentaz O; Georgiev B; Gold R; Gómez-Ruiz AI; Gómez JL; Gu M; Hesper R; Heumann D; Ho LC; Ho P; Honma M; Huang CWL; Huang L; Hughes DH; Ikeda S; Impellizzeri CMV; Inoue M; Issaoun S; James DJ; Jannuzi BT; Janssen M; Jeter B; Jiang W; Jiménez-Rosales A; Johnson MD; Jones AC; Joshi AV; Jung T; Karuppusamy R; Keating GK; Kettenis M; Kim DJ; Kim J; Kim J; Koay JY; Kocherlakota P; Kofuji Y; Koch PM; Koyama S; Kramer C; Kramer JA; Kramer M; Krichbaum TP; Kuo CY; La Bella N; Levis A; Li Z; Lico R; Lindahl G; Lindqvist M; Lisakov M; Liu J; Liu K; Liuzzo E; Lo WP; Lobanov AP; Loinard L; Lonsdale CJ; Lowitz AE; Macdonald NR; Mao J; Marchili N; Marrone DP; Marscher AP; Martí-Vidal I; Matsushita S; Matthews LD; Medeiros L; Menten KM; Mizuno I; Mizuno Y; Montgomery J; Moran JM; Moriyama K; Moscibrodzka M; Mulaudzi W; Müller C; Müller H; Mus A; Musoke G; Myserlis I; Nagai H; Nagar NM; Nair DG; Nakamura M; Narayanan G; Natarajan I; Nathanail A; Navarro Fuentes S; Ni C; Oh J; Okino H; Olivares H; Oyama T; özel F; Palumbo DCM; Filippos Paraschos G; Park J; Parsons H; ...; .; Pen UL; …; Pu H-Y; …; Romero-Cañizales C; et al., "Broadband multi-wavelength properties of M87 during the 2018 EHT campaign including a very high energy flaring episode", A&A: 692, id.A140 (44 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  77. Amiri M; Chakraborty A; Foreman S; Halpern M; Hill AS; Hinshaw G; Landecker TL; Maceachern J; Masui KW; Mena-Parra J; Milutinovic N; Newburgh L; Ordog A; Pen U-L; Pinsonneault-Marotte T; Reda A; Siegel SR; Singh S; Wang H; Wulf D; The CHIME Collaboration, "Holographic Beam Measurements of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)", ApJ: 976(2), id.163 (26 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  78. Baczko A-K; Kadler M; Ros E; Fromm CM; Wielgus M; Perucho M; Krichbaum TP; Baloković M; Blackburn L; Chan C-K; Issaoun S; Janssen M; Ricci L; Akiyama K; Albentosa-Ruíz E; Alberdi A; Alef W; Algaba JC; Anantua R; Asada K; Azulay R; Bach U; Ball D; Bandyopadhyay B; Barrett J; Bauböck M; Benson BA; Bintley D; Blundell R; Bouman KL; Bower GC; Boyce H; Bremer M; Brinkerink CD; Brissenden R; Britzen S; Broderick AE; Broguiere D; Bronzwaer T; Bustamante S; Byun D-Y; Carlstrom JE; Ceccobello C; Chael A; Chang DO; Chatterjee K; Chatterjee S; Chen M-T; Chen Y; Cheng X; Cho I; Christian P; Conroy NS; Conway JE; Cordes JM; Crawford TM; Crew GB; Cruz-Osorio A; Cui Y; Dahale R; Davelaar J; De Laurentis M; Deane R; Dempsey J; Desvignes G; Dexter J; Dhruv V; Dihingia IK; Doeleman SS; Dougall ST; Dzib SA; Eatough RP; Emami R; Falcke H; Farah J; Fish VL; Fomalont E; Alyson Ford H; Foschi M; Fraga-Encinas R; Freeman WT; Friberg P; Fuentes A; Galison P; Gammie CF; García R; Gentaz O; Georgiev B; Goddi C; Gold R; Gómez-Ruiz AI; Gómez JL; Gu M; Gurwell M; Hada K; Haggard D; Haworth K; Hecht MH; Hesper R; Heumann D; Ho LC; Ho P; Honma M; Huang C-WL; Huang L; Hughes DH; Violette Impellizzeri CM; Inoue M; James DJ; Jannuzi BT; Jeter B; Jiang W; Jiménez-Rosales A; Johnson MD; Jorstad S; Joshi AV; Jung T; Karami M; Karuppusamy R; Kawashima T; Keating GK; Kettenis M; Kim D-J; Kim J-Y; Kim J; Kim J; Kino M; Koay JY; Kocherlakota P; Kofuji Y; Koyama S; Kramer C; Kramer JA; Kramer M; Kuo C-Y; La Bella N; Lauer TR; Lee D; Lee S-S; Leung PK; Levis A; Li Z; Lico R; Lindahl G; Lindqvist M; Lisakov M; Liu J; Liu K; Liuzzo E; Lo W-P; Lobanov AP; Loinard L; Lonsdale CJ; Lowitz AE; Lu R-S; Macdonald NR; Mao J; Marchili N; Markoff S; Marrone DP; Marscher AP; Martí-Vidal I; Matsushita S; Matthews LD; Medeiros L; Menten KM; Michalik D; Mizuno I; Mizuno Y; Moran JM; Moriyama K; Moscibrodzka M; Mulaudzi W; Müller C; Müller H; Mus A; Musoke G; Myserlis I; Nadolski A; Nagai H; Nagar NM; Nair DG; Nakamura M; Narayanan G; Natarajan I; Nathanail A; Fuentes SN; Neilsen J; Neri R; Ni C; Noutsos A; Nowak MA; Oh J; Okino H; Sánchez HRO; Ortiz-León GN; Oyama T; özel F; Palumbo DCM; Paraschos GF; Park J; ...; Pen UL; …; Pu H-Y; …; Romero-Cañizales C; et al., "The putative center in NGC 1052", A&A: 692, id.A205 (15 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  79. Behrens E; Mangum JG; Viti S; Holdship J; Huang K-Y; Bouvier M; Butterworth J; Eibensteiner C; Harada N; Martín S; Sakamoto K; Muller S; Tanaka K; Colzi L; Henkel C; Meier DS; Rivilla VM; Van Der Werf PP, "Neural Network Constraints on the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate and Other Physical Conditions in NGC 253 with ALCHEMI Measurements of HCN and HNC", ApJ: 977 (1), id.38 (26 pp.), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  80. Birney M; Whelan ET; Dougados C; Pascucci I; Murphy A; Flores-Rivera L; Flock M; Kirwan A, "Forbidden emission line spectro-imaging of the RU Lupi jet and low-velocity component", A&A: 692, L5, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  81. Bolamperti A; Grillo C; Caminha GB; Granata G; Suyu SH; Cañameras R; Christensen L; Vernet J; Zanella A, "Cosmography from accurate mass modeling of the lens group SDSS J0100+1818: Five sources at three different redshifts", A&A: 692, id.A239 (15 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  82. Cañameras R; Schuldt S; Shu Y; Suyu SH; Taubenberger S; Andika IT; Bag S; Inoue KT; Jaelani AT; Leal-Taixé L; Meinhardt T; Melo A; More A, "HOLISMOKES: XI. Evaluation of supervised neural networks for strong-lens searches in ground-based imaging surveys", A&A: 692, id.A72 (22 pp.), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  83. Choi Y; Kwon W; Pattle K; Arzoumanian D; Bourke TL; Hoang T; Hwang J; Koch PM; Sadavoy S; Bastien P; Furuya R; Lai S-P; Qiu K; Ward-Thompson D; Berry D; Byun D-Y; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Chen Z; Ching T-C; Cho J; Choi M; Choi Y; Coudé S; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Debattista V; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eswaraiah C; Fanciullo L; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hasegawa T; Houde M; Hull CLH; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Johnstone D; Karoly J; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee CW; Lee H; Lee C-F; Lee J-E; Lee S-S; Li D; Li D; Li G; Li H-B; Lin S-J; Liu H-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Liu J; Longmore S; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Bich Ngoc N; Ohashi N; Onaka T; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Soam A; Kang M; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kemper F; Kim J; Kim S; Kim G; Kim KH; Kim M-R; Kim K-T; Kim H; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Tamura M; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Tomisaka K; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Wang J-W; Wu J; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang Y; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Zhu L; De Looze I; André P; Dowell CD; Eden D; Eyres S; Falle S; Le Gouellec VJM; Poidevin F; Van Loo S, "The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Fields of the IC 348 Star-forming Region", ApJ: 977(1), id.32 (17 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  84. Cotton DV; Bailey J; Kedziora-Chudczer L; Bott K; De Horta A; Filcek N; Marshall JP; Melville G; Buzasi DL; Boiko I; Borsato NW; Perkins J; Opitz D; Melrose S; Grüning G; Evensberget D; Zhao J, "Polarization position angle standard stars: a reassessment of θ and its variability for seventeen stars based on a decade of observations", MNRAS: 535(2), 1586-1615, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  85. De A; Narang M; Puravankara M; Baskaran S; Tyagi H; Banerjee B; Nayak PK; Surya A, "Demography of stellar radio population within 500 pc: A VLASS-Gaia DR3 study", AJ: 68(6), id.288 (14 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  86. Dobson MM; Schwamb ME; Fitzsimmons A; Kelley MSP; Holt CE; Murtagh J; Hsieh HH; Denneau L; Erasmus N; Heinze AN; Shingles LJ; Siverd RJ; Smith KW; Tonry JL; Weiland H; Young DR; Lister T; Gomez E; Chatelain J; Greenstreet S, "Analyzing the Onset of Cometary Activity by the Jupiter-family Comet 2023 RN3", AJ: 168(6), id.286 (14 pp.), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  87. Donati JF; Cristofari PI; Alencar SHP; Kóspál Ñ; Bouvier J; Moutou C; Carmona A; Gregorio-Hetem J; Manara CF; Artigau E; Doyon R; Takami M; Shang H; Dias Do Nascimento J; Ménard F; Gaidos E, "SPIRou observations of the young planet-hosting star PDS 70", MNRAS: 535(4), 3363-3382, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  88. Feng Y; Li X; Yang X; Millar TJ; Szczerba R; Qin S-L; Jiang X; Quan D; Tuo J; Miao Z; Liu S-Y; Liu X, "Observations of Molecular CN toward S-type Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars", AJ: 168(6), 285 (7 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  89. George M; Xiong Z; Wu M-R; Lin C-Y, "Evolution and the quasistationary state of collective fast neutrino flavor conversion in three dimensions without axisymmetry", Phys Rev D: 110(12), id.123018 (12pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  90. Gu Q-L; Liu T; Shen Z-Q; Jiao S; Montillaud J; Juvela M; Lu X; Lee CW; Liu J; Li PS; Liu X; Johnstone D; Kwon W; Kim K-T; Tatematsu KI; Sanhueza P; Ristorcelli I; Koch P; Zhang Q; Pattle K; Hirano N; Alina D; Di Francesco J, "The magnetic field in quiescent star-forming filament G16.96+0.27", ApJ: 976(2), id.249 (10 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  91. Hada K; Asada K; Nakamura M; Kino M, "M 87: a cosmic laboratory for deciphering black hole accretion and jet formation", A&ARv: 32(1), id.5, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  92. Hirota A; Koda J; Egusa F; Sawada T; Sakamoto K; Heyer M; Lee AM; Maeda F; Boissier S; Calzetti D; Elmegreen BG; Harada N; Ho LC; Kobayashi MIN; Kuno N; Madore BF; Martín S; Donovan Meyer J; Muraoka K; Watanabe Y, "Whole-disk sampling of molecular clouds in M83", ApJ: 976(2), id.198 (30 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  93. Kashyap P; Majumdar L; Dutrey A; Guilloteau S; Willacy K; Chapillon E; Teague R; Semenov D; Henning T; Turner N; Sahai R; Kóspál Ñ; Coutens A; Piétu V; Gratier P; Ruaud M; Phuong NT; Di Folco E; Lee C-F; Tang YW, "Chemistry in the GG Tau A Disk: Constraints from H2D+, N2H+, and DCO+ High Angular Resolution ALMA Observations", ApJ: 976(2), id.258 (22 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  94. Kim T; Gadotti DA; Lee YH; López-Cobá C; Kim W-T; Kim M; Park M-G, "Do Strong Bars Exhibit Strong Noncircular Motions?", ApJ: 976(2), id.220 (18 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  95. Orlando S; Greco E; Hirai R; Matsuoka T; Miceli M; Nagataki S; Ono M; Chen KJ; Milisavljevic D; Patnaude D; Bocchino F; Elias-Rosa N, "Constraining the Circumstellar Medium Structure and Progenitor Mass-loss History of Interacting Supernovae Through 3D Hydrodynamic Modeling: The Case of SN 2014C", ApJ: 977(1), id.118 (35 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  96. Ramakrishnan V; Lee K-S; Artale MC; Gawiser E; Yang Y; Park C; Chiang Y-K; Ciardullo R; Dey A; Gronwall C; Guaita L; Hwang HS; Im SH; Jeong W-S; Kim S; Kumar A; Lee J; Lee S-K; Moon B; Padilla N; Pope A; Popescu R; Singh A; Song H; Troncoso P; Valdes F; Zabludoff A, "ODIN: Identifying Protoclusters and Cosmic Filaments Traced by Lyα-emitting Galaxies", ApJ: 977(1), id.119 (24 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  97. Rosado RC; Goulding AD; Greene JE; Petter GC; Hickox RC; Kokron N; Strauss MA; Givans JJ; Toba Y; Henderson CS, "Cross-correlation of Luminous Red Galaxies with Machine Learning Selected Active Galactic Nuclei in HSC-SSP: Unobscured AGN Residing in More Massive Halos", ApJ: 977(2), 158, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  98. Taniguchi K; Nakamura F; Liu S-Y; Shimoikura T; Chiong C-C; Dobashi K; Hirano N; Yonekura Y; Nomura H; Nishimura A; Ogawa H; Chien C; Ho C-T; Hwang Y-J; Yeh Y-T; Lai S-P; Fujii Y; Yamasaki Y; Nguyen-Luong Q; Kawabe R, "Q-band Line Survey Observations toward a Carbon-chain-rich Clump in the Serpens South Region", PASJ: 76(6), 1270-1301, Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  99. Van Der Giessen SA; Matsumoto K; Relano M; De Looze I; Romano L; Hirashita H; Nagamine K; Baes M; Palla M; Hou KC; Faesi C, "Radial properties of dust in galaxies: Comparison between observations and isolated galaxy simulations", A&A: 692, id.A39 (16 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  100. Wu J; Qiu K; Poidevin F; Bastien P; Liu J; Ching T-C; Bourke TL; Ward-Thompson D; Pattle K; Johnstone D; Koch PM; Arzoumanian D; Lee CW; Fanciullo L; Onaka T; Hwang J; Le Gouellec VJM; Soam A; Tamura M; Tahani M; Eswaraiah C; Li H-B; Berry D; Furuya RS; Coudé S; Kwon W; Lin S-J; Wang J-W; Hasegawa T; Lai S-P; Byun D-Y; Chen Z; Chen H-RV; Chen WP; Chen M; Cho J; Choi Y; Choi Y; Choi M; Chrysostomou A; Chung EJ; Dai S; Di Francesco J; Diep PN; Doi Y; Duan H-Y; Duan Y; Eden D; Fiege J; Fissel LM; Franzmann E; Friberg P; Friesen R; Fuller G; Gledhill T; Graves S; Greaves J; Griffin M; Gu Q; Han I; Hayashi S; Hoang T; Houde M; Inoue T; Inutsuka S-I; Iwasaki K; Jeong I-G; Könyves V; Kang J-H; Kang M; Karoly J; Kataoka A; Kawabata K; Kim S; Kim M-R; Kim KH; Kim K-T; Kim J; Kim H; Kim G; Kirchschlager F; Kirk J; Kobayashi MIN; Kusune T; Kwon J; Lacaille K; Law C-Y; Lee H; Lee C-F; Lee S-S; Lee J-E; Li D; Li D; Li G; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Liu H-L; Lu X; Lyo AR; Mairs S; Matsumura M; Matthews B; Moriarty-Schieven G; Nagata T; Nakamura F; Nakanishi H; Ngoc NB; Ohashi N; Park G; Parsons H; Peretto N; Priestley F; Pyo T-S; Qian L; Rao R; Rawlings J; Rawlings M; Retter B; Richer J; Rigby A; Sadavoy S; Saito H; Savini G; Seta M; Sharma E; Shimajiri Y; Shinnaga H; Tang Y-W; Tang X; Thuong HD; Tomisaka K; Tram LN; Tsukamoto Y; Viti S; Wang H; Whitworth A; Xie J; Yang M-Z; Yen H-W; Yoo H; Yuan J; Yun H-S; Zenko T; Zhang G; Zhang C-P; Zhang Y; Zhou J; Zhu L; Looze ID; André P; Dowell CD; Eyres S; Falle S; Robitaille J-F; Van Loo S, "A Tale of Three: Magnetic Fields along the Orion Integral-shaped Filament as Revealed by the JCMT BISTRO Survey", ApJL: 977(2), id.L31 (14 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  101. Zinchenko II; Liu SY; Su YN, "Fine structure and kinematics of the ionized and molecular gas in the jet and disk around S255IR NIRS3 from high-resolution ALMA observations", A&A: 692, id.A181 (8 pp), Dec, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  102. Acebron A; Grillo C; Suyu SH; Angora G; Bergamini P; Caminha GB; Ertl S; Mercurio A; Nonino M; Rosati P; Wang H; Bolamperti A; Meneghetti M; Schuldt S; Vanzella E, "The Next Step in Galaxy Cluster Strong Lensing: Modeling the Surface Brightness of Multiply Imaged Sources", ApJ: 976(1), id.110 (14 pp.), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  103. Bag S; Huber S; Suyu SH; Arendse N; Andika IT; Cañameras R; Kim A; Linder E; Lodha K; Melo A; More A; Schuldt S; Shafieloo A, "Detecting unresolved lensed SNe Ia in LSST using blended light curves", A&A: 691, id.A100 (16 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  104. Beilis D; Beck SC; Lacy J; Turner JL; Liu HB; Ho PTP; Consiglio SM, "The radio-infrared nebula in II Zw 40: clusters forming in colliding elongated clouds", MNRAS: 35(1), pp.1052-1066, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  105. Bernardo RC; Ng K-W, "Beyond the Hellings–Downs curve: Non-Einsteinian gravitational waves in pulsar timing array correlations", A&A: 691, id.A126 (9 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  106. Cassanelli T; Leung C; Sanghavi P; Mena-Parra J; Cary S; Mckinven R; Bhardwaj M; Masui KW; Michilli D; Bandura K; Chatterjee S; Peterson JB; Kaczmarek J; Rahman M; Shin K; Vanderlinde K; Berger S; Brar C; Boyle PJ; Breitman D; Chawla P; Curtin AP; Dobbs M; Dong FA; Fonseca E; Gaensler BM; Ibik A; Kaspi VM; Khairy K; Lanman AE; Lazda M; Lin H-H; Luo J; Meyers BW; Milutinovic N; Ng C; Noble G; Pearlman AB; Pen U-L; Petroff E; Pleunis Z; Quine B; Rafiei-Ravandi M; Renard A; Sand KR; Schoen E; Scholz P; Smith KM; Stairs I; Tendulkar SP, "A fast radio burst localized at detection to an edge-on galaxy using very-long-baseline interferometry", Nature Astronomy: 8, 1429-1442, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  107. Chuang Y-L; Kuan Y-J; Charnley SB, "Tentative Detection of Cyclopropenylidene in Comets", MNRAS: 534(4), 3439-3447, Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  108. Eibensteiner C; Sun J; Bigiel F; Leroy AK; Schinnerer E; Rosolowsky E; Kurapati S; Pisano DJ; De Blok WJG; Barnes AT; Thorp M; Colombo D; Koch EW; Chiang ID; Ostriker EC; Murphy EJ; Zabel N; Laudage S; Maccagni FM; Healy J; Sekhar S; Utomo D; Den Brok J; Cao Y; Chevance M; Dale DA; Faesi CM; Glover SCO; He H; Jeffreson S; Jiménez-Donaire MJ; Klessen R; Neumann J; Pan H-A; Pathak D; Querejeta M; Teng Y-H; Usero A; Williams TG, "PHANGS-MeerKAT and MHONGOOSE HI observations of nearby spiral galaxies: physical drivers of the molecular gas fraction, Rmol", A&A: 691, id.A163 (24 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  109. Gillman S; Smail I; Gullberg B; Swinbank AM; Vijayan AP; Lee M; Brammer G; Dudzevičiūtė U; Greve TR; Almaini O; Brinch M; Chapman SC; Chen C-C; Ikarashi S; Matsuda Y; Wang W-H; Walter F; Van Der Werf PP, "The structure of massive star-forming galaxies from JWST and ALMA: Dusty, high-redshift disc galaxies", A&A: 691, id.A299 (22 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  110. Ma Z; Sun B; Cheng C; Yan H; Ling C; Sun F; Foo N; Egami E; Diego JM; Cohen SH; Jansen RA; Summers J; Windhorst RA; D'silva JCJ; Koekemoer AM; Coe D; Conselice CJ; Driver SP; Frye B; Grogin NA; Marshall MA; Nonino M; Ortiz R; Pirzkal N; Robotham A; Ryan RE; Willmer CNA; Adams NJ; Hathi NP; Dole H; Willner SP; Espada D; Furtak LJ; Hsiao TY-Y; Li Q; Chen W; Jolly J-B; Chen C-C, "JWST View of Four Infant Galaxies at z = 8.31–8.49 in the MACS J0416.1‑2403 Field and Implications for Reionization", ApJ: 975(1), id.87 (15 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  111. Maire AL; Leclerc A; Balmer WO; Desidera S; Lacour S; D'orazi V; Samland M; Langlois M; Matthews E; Babusiaux C; Kervella P; Le Bouquin JB; Ségransan D; Gratton R; Biller BA; Bonavita M; Delorme P; Messina S; Udry S; Janson M; Henning T; Wahhaj Z; Zurlo A; Bonnefoy M; Brandner W; Cantalloube F; Galicher R; Kammerer J; Nowak M; Shangguan J; Stolker T; Wang JJ; Chauvin G; Hagelberg J; Lagrange AM; Vigan A; Meyer MR; Beuzit JL; Boccaletti A; Lazzoni C; Mesa D; Perrot C; Squicciarini V; Hinkley S; Nasedkin E; Abuter R; Amorim A; Benisty M; Berger JP; Blunt S; Bonnet H; Bourdarot G; Caselli P; Charnay B; Choquet E; Christiaens V; Clénet Y; Coudé Du Foresto V; Cridland A; Dembet R; Dexter J; Drescher A; Duvert G; Eckart A; Eisenhauer F; Gao F; Garcia P; Garcia Lopez R; Gendron E; Genzel R; Gillessen S; Girard JH; Haubois X; Heißel G; Hippler S; Houllé M; Hubert Z; Jocou L; Kreidberg L; Lapeyrère V; Léna P; Lutz D; Ménard F; Mérand A; Mollière P; Monnier JD; Mouillet D; Ott T; Otten GPPL; Paladini C; Paumard T; Perraut K; Perrin G; Pfuhl O; Pourré N; Pueyo L; Rickman E; Rousset G; Rustamkulov Z; Shimizu T; Sing D; Stadler J; Straub O; Straubmeier C; Sturm E; Tacconi LJ; Van Dishoeck EF; Vincent F; Von Fellenberg SD; Widmann F; Wieprecht E; Woillez J; Yazici S; The Gravity Collaboration, "Direct imaging and dynamical mass of a benchmark T-type brown dwarf companion to HD 167665", A&A: 691, id.A263 (18 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  112. Peng S; Lu R-S; Goddi C; Krichbaum TP; Li Z; Liu R-Y; Kim J-Y; Nakamura M; Yuan F; Chen L; Martí-Vidal I; Shen Z, "The Faraday Rotation Measure of the M87 Jet at 3.5 mm with ALMA", ApJ: 975(1), id.103 (8 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  113. Riva G; Pratt GW; Rossetti M; Bartalucci I; Kay ST; Rasia E; Gavazzi R; Umetsu K; Arnaud M; Balboni M; Bonafede A; Bourdin H; De Grandi S; De Luca F; Eckert D; Ettori S; Gaspari M; Gastaldello F; Ghirardini V; Ghizzardi S; Gitti M; Lovisari L; Maughan BJ; Mazzotta P; Molendi S; Pointecouteau E; Sayers J; Sereno M; Towler I, "CHEX-MATE: the intracluster medium entropy distribution in the gravity-dominated regime", A&A: 691, id.A340 (27 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  114. Shirasaki M; Sifón C; Miyatake H; Lau E; Zhang Z; Bahcall N; Battaglia N; Devlin M; Dunkley J; Farahi A; Hilton M; Lin Y-T; Nagai D; Staggs ST; Sunayama T; Spergel D; Wollack EJ, "Masses of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy clusters detected by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Stacked lensing measurements with Subaru HSC year 3 data", Phys Rev D: 110, id.103006 (36 pp), Nov, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  115. Yasui C; Izumi N; Saito M; Lau RM; Kobayashi N; Ressler ME, "Revealing Potential Initial Mass Function variations with metallicity: JWST observations of young open clusters in a low-metallicity environment", ApJ: 975(1), id.152 (20 pp), Nov., 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  116. Anna-Thomas R; Burke-Spolaor S; Law CJ; Schinzel FK; Aggarwal K; Bower GC; Connor L; Demorest PB, "An Unidentified Fermi Source Emitting Radio Bursts in the Galactic Bulge", ApJ: 974(1), id.72 (13pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  117. Bachetti M; Huppenkothen D; Stevens A; Swinbank J; Mastroserio G; Lucchini M; Lai E; Buchner J; Desai A; Joshi G; Pisanu F; Pisupati S; Sharma S; Tripathi M; Vats D, "Stingray 2: A fast and modern Python library for spectral timing", The Journal of Open Source Software: 9, 7389, Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  118. Chastenet J; De Looze I; Relaño M; Dale DA; Williams TG; Bianchi S; Xilouris EM; Baes M; Bolatto AD; Boyer ML; Casasola V; Clark CJR; Fraternali F; Fritz J; Galliano F; Glover SCO; Gordon KD; Hirashita H; Kennicutt R; Nagamine K; Kirchschlager F; Klessen RS; Koch EW; Levy RC; Mccallum L; Madden SC; Mcleod AF; Meidt SE; Mosenkov AV; Richie HM; Saintonge A; Sandstrom KM; Schneider EE; Sivkova EE; Smith JDT; Smith MWL; Van Der Wel A; Walch S; Walter F; Wood K, "JWST MIRI and NIRCam observations of NGC 891 and its circumgalactic medium", A&A: 690, id.A348, Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  119. Chiu IN; Chen K-F; Oguri M; Rau MM; Hamana T; Lin Y-T; Miyatake H; Miyazaki S; More S; Sunayama T; Sugiyama S; Takada M, "Weak-Lensing Shear-Selected Galaxy Clusters from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program: II. Cosmological Constraints from the Cluster Abundance", Open Journal of Astrophysics: 7, 90, Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  120. Ding J; Wang X; Pen U-L; Li X-D, "Correlation-based Beam Calibration of 21 cm Intensity Mapping", ApJS: 274(2), id.44 (14 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  121. Fu S; Dell'antonio I; Escalante Z; Nelson J; Englert A; Helhoski S; Shinde R; Brockland J; Laduca P; Larkin C; Paris L; Weiner S; Black WK; Chary R-R; Clowe D; Cooper MC; Donahue M; Evrard A; Lacy M; Lauer T; Liu B; Mccleary J; Meneghetti M; Miyatake H; Montes M; Natarajan P; Ntampaka M; Pierpaoli E; Postman M; Sohn J; Turner D; Umetsu K; Utsumi Y; Wilson G, "LoVoCCS. II. Weak Lensing Mass Distributions, Red-sequence Galaxy Distributions, and Their Alignment with the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in 58 Nearby X-Ray-luminous Galaxy Clusters", ApJ: 974(1), id.69 (31 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  122. Gavino S; Jørgensen JK; Sharma R; Yang Y-L; Li Z-Y; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Takakuwa S; Plunkett A; Kwon W; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Lin Z-YD; Santamaría-Miranda A; Aso Y; Sai J; Aikawa Y; Tomida K; Koch PM; Lee J-E; Lee CW; Lai S-P; Looney LW; Narayanan S; Phuong NT; Thieme TJ; Van 'T Hoff MLR; Willians JP; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks. XI. A High-resolution View Toward the BHR 71 Class 0 Protostellar Wide Binary", ApJ: 974(1), id.21 (33pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  123. Ilani G; Hou K-C; Keshet U, "Excess cataloged X-ray and radio sources at galaxy-cluster virial shocks", JCAP: 2024(10), id.008 (54 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  124. Karnath N; Rubinstein AE; Federman S; Quillen AC; Green JD; Chambers ET; Watson DM; Megeath ST; Coudé S; Justen M; Narang M; Goldman S; Tobin JJ, "An Analysis of the Complex and Compact Outflow Cavity Carved by HOPS 361-A in NGC 2071 IR", ApJ: 974(1), id.65 (18pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  125. Kim HK; Malkan MA; Takagi T; Oi N; Burgarella D; Miyaji T; Shim H; Matsuhara H; Goto T; Ohyama Y; Buat V; Kim SJ, "The Calibration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Dust Emission as a Star Formation Rate Indicator in the AKARI NEP Survey", ApJ: 974(2), id.253 (31pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  126. Kino M; Ro H; Takahashi M; Kawashima T; Park J; Hada K; Cui Y, "Mapping the Distribution of the Magnetic Field Strength along the NGC 315 Jet", ApJ: 973(2), id.100 (12 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  127. Klaassen P; Traficante A; Beltrán M; Pattle K; Booth M; Lovell J; Marshall J; Hacar A; Gaches B; Bot C; Peretto N; Stanke T; Arzoumanian D; Duarte Cabral A; Duchêne G; Eden D; Hales A; Kauffmann J; Luppe P; Marino S; Redaelli E; Rigby A; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Schisano E; Semenov D; Spezzano S; Thompson M; Wyrowski F; Cicone C; Mroczkowski T; Cordiner M; Di Mascolo L; Johnstone D; Van Kampen E; Lee M; Liu D; Maccarone T; Saintonge A; Smith M; Thelen A; Wedemeyer S, "Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: Our Galaxy", Open Research Europe: 4, 112, Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  128. Points SD; Long KS; Blair WP; Williams R; Chu Y-H; Winkler PF; White RL; Rest A; Li C-J; Valdes F, "The Dark Energy Camera Magellanic Clouds Emission-line Survey", ApJ: 974(1), id.70 (20pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  129. Reipurth B; Briceño C; Geballe TR; Baranec C; Mikkola S; Cody AM; Connelley MS; Flores C; Skiff BA; Armstrong JD; Law NM; Riddle R, "Haro 5-2: A New Pre-main-sequence Quadruple Stellar System", AJ: 168 (4), id.143 (14 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  130. Rubinstein AE; Evans NJ; Tyagi H; Narang M; Nazari P; Gutermuth R; Federman S; Manoj P; Green JD; Watson DM; Megeath ST; Rocha WRM; Brunken NGC; Slavicinska K; Van Dishoeck EF; Beuther H; Bourke TL; O Garatti AC; Hartmann L; Klaassen P; Linz H; Looney LW; Muzerolle J; Stanke T; Tobin JJ; Wolk SJ; Yang Y-L, "IPA: Class 0 Protostars Viewed in CO Emission Using JWST", ApJ: 974(1), id.112 (23pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  131. Santamaría-Miranda A; De Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Ohashi N; Tobin JJ; Sai J; Jørgensen JK; Aso Y; Daniel Lin Z-Y; Flores C; Kido M; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lee CW; Li Z-Y; Looney LW; Plunkett AL; Takakuwa S; R Van't Hoff ML; Williams JP; Yen H-W, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk): XVI. Asymmetric dust disk driving a multicomponent molecular outflow in the young Class 0 protostar GSS30 IRS3", A&A: 690, id.A46 (23 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  132. Shen X; Liu H-L; Ren Z; Tej A; Li D; Liu HB; Fuller GA; Xie J; Jiao S; Yang A; Koch PM; Xu F; Sanhueza P; Diep PN; Peretto N; Yadav RK; Kramer BH; Sugiyama K; Rawlings M; Lee CW; Tatematsu KI; Harsono D; Eden D; Kwon W; Tsai C-W; White G; Kim K-T; Liu T; Wang K; Zhang S; Jiao W; Yang D; Swagat DR; Wu J; Wang C, "JCMT 850 μm Continuum Observations of Density Structures in the G35 Molecular Complex", ApJ: 974(2), id.239 (20 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  133. Szekerczes K; Ryu T; Suyu SH; Huber S; Oguri M; Dai L, "Strong lensing of tidal disruption events: Detection rates in imaging surveys", A&A: 690, id.A384 (15 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  134. Villar-Martin M; López Cobá C; Cazzoli S; Pérez Montero E; Cabrera Lavers A, "AGN feedback can produce metal enrichment on galaxy scales", A&A: 690, id.A397 (9 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  135. Wang H; Cañameras R; Suyu SH; Galan A; Grillo C; Caminha GB; Christensen L, "Strong-lensing and kinematic analysis of CASSOWARY 31: Can strong lensing constrain the masses of multi-plane lenses?", A&A: 690, id.A1 (9 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  136. Wells MRA; Beuther H; Molinari S; Schilke P; Battersby C; Ho P; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Jones B; Scheuck MB; Syed J; Gieser C; Kuiper R; Elia D; Coletta A; Traficante A; Wallace J; Rigby AJ; Klessen RS; Zhang Q; Walch S; Beltrán MT; Tang Y; Fuller GA; Lis DC; Möller T; Van Der Tak F; Klaassen PD; Clarke SD; Moscadelli L; Mininni C; Zinnecker H; Maruccia Y; Pezzuto S; Benedettini M; Soler JD; Brogan CL; Avison A; Sanhueza P; Schisano E; Liu T; Fontani F; Rygl KLJ; Wyrowski F; Bally J; Walker DL; Ahmadi A; Koch P; Merello M; Law CY; Testi L, "Dynamical accretion flows: ALMAGAL: Flows along filamentary structures in high-mass star-forming clusters", A&A: 690, id.A185 (16pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  137. Xuan JW; Mérand A; Thompson W; Zhang Y; Lacour S; Blakely D; Mawet D; Oppenheimer R; Kammerer J; Batygin K; Sanghi A; Wang J; Ruffio JB; Liu MC; Knutson H; Brandner W; Burgasser A; Rickman E; Bowens-Rubin R; Salama M; Balmer W; Blunt S; Bourdarot G; Caselli P; Chauvin G; Davies R; Drescher A; Eckart A; Eisenhauer F; Fabricius M; Feuchtgruber H; Finger G; Förster Schreiber NM; Garcia P; Genzel R; Gillessen S; Grant S; Hartl M; Haußmann F; Henning T; Hinkley S; Hönig SF; Horrobin M; Houllé M; Janson M; Kervella P; Kral Q; Kreidberg L; Le Bouquin JB; Lutz D; Mang F; Marleau GD; Millour F; More N; Nowak M; Ott T; Otten G; Paumard T; Rabien S; Rau C; Ribeiro DC; Sadun Bordoni M; Sauter J; Shangguan J; Shimizu TT; Sykes C; Soulain A; Spezzano S; Straubmeier C; Stolker T; Sturm E; Subroweit M; Tacconi LJ; Van Dishoeck EF; Vigan A; Widmann F; Wieprecht E; Winterhalder TO; Woillez J, "The cool brown dwarf Gliese 229 B is a close binary", Nature: 634(8036), 1070-1074, Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  138. Zapata LA; Fernández-López M; Sanhueza P; Girart JM; Rodríguez LF; Cortés P; Koch P; Beltrán MT; Pattle K; Beuther H; Saha P; Jiao W; Xu F; Lu XW; Olguin F; Li S; Stephens IW; Kang J-H; Cheng Y; Choudhury S; Morii K; Chung EJ; Wang J-W; Hwang J; Lyo AR; Zhang Q; Chen H-RV, "Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR). IV. Tracing the Magnetic Fields in the O-type Protostellar System IRAS 16547–4247", ApJ: 974(2), id.257 (10pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  139. Zhou D; Greve TR; Gullberg B; Lee MM; Di Mascolo L; Dicker SR; Romero CE; Chapman SC; Chen CC; Cornish T; Devlin MJ; Ho LC; Kohno K; Lagos CDP; Mason BS; Mroczkowski T; Wagg JFW; Wang QD; Wang R; Brinch M; Dannerbauer H; Jiang XJ; Lauritsen LRB; Vijayan AP; Vizgan D; Wardlow JL; Sarazin CL; Sarmiento KP; Serjeant S; Bhandarkar TA; Haridas SK; Moravec E; Orlowski-Scherer J; Sievers JLR; Tanaka I; Wang YJ (Wang, Yu-Jan); Zeballos M; Laza-Ramos A; Liu Y; Hassan MSR; Jwel AKM; Nazri AA; Lim MK; Ibrahim UFSU, "The RAdio Galaxy Environment Reference Survey (RAGERS): Evidence of an anisotropic distribution of submillimeter galaxies in the 4C 23.56 protocluster at z = 2.48", A&A: 690, id.A196 (16 pp), Oct, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  140. Algera HSB; Inami H; De Looze I; Ferrara A; Hirashita H; Aravena M; Bakx T; Bouwens R; Bowler RaA; Da Cunha E; Dayal P; Fudamoto Y; Hodge J; Hygate A; Van Leeuwen I; Nanayakkara T; Palla M; Pallottini A; Rowland L; Smit R; Sommovigo L; Stefanon M; Vijayan AP; Van Der Werf P, "Accurate simultaneous constraints on the dust mass, temperature, and emissivity index of a galaxy at redshift 7.31", MNRAS: 533(3), 3098-3113, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  141. Bailey J; Lewis F; Howarth ID; Cotton DV; Marshall JP; Kedziora-Chudczer L, "ϵ Sagittarii: An Extreme Rapid Rotator with a Decretion Disk", ApJ: 972(1), id.103 (14 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  142. Bouvier M; Viti S; Behrens E; Butterworth J; Huang KY; Mangum JG; Harada N; Martín S; Rivilla VM; Muller S; Sakamoto K; Yoshimura Y; Tanaka K; Nakanishi K; Herrero-Illana R; Colzi L; Gorski MD; Henkel C; Humire PK; Meier DS; Van Der Werf PP; Yan YT, "An ALCHEMI inspection of sulphur-bearing species towards the central molecular zone of NGC 253", A&A: 689, id.A64 (30 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  143. Chen C-Y; Pu H-Y, "Observational features of reflection asymmetric black holes", JCAP: 2024 (09), id.043 (25 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  144. Chen MC-Y; Fissel LM; Sadavoy SI; Rosolowsky E; Doi Y; Arzoumanian D; Bastien P; Coudé S; Di Francesco J; Friesen R; Furuya RS; Hwang J; Inutsuka S-I; Johnstone D; Karoly J; Kwon J; Kwon W; Le Gouellec VJM; Liu H-L; Mairs S; Onaka T; Pattle K; Rawlings MG; Tahani M; Tamura M; Wang J-W, "Relative alignments between magnetic fields, velocity gradients, and dust emission gradients in NGC 1333", MNRAS: 533(2), 1938-1959, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  145. Cornish TM; Wardlow JL; Greve TR; Chapman S; Chen C-C; Dannerbauer H; Goto T; Gullberg B; Ho LC; Jiang X-J; Lagos C; Lee M; Serjeant S; Shim H; Smith DJB; Vijayan A; Wagg J; Zhou D, "The Radio Galaxy Environment Reference Survey (RAGERS): a submillimetre study of the environments of massive radio-quiet galaxies at z = 1-3", MNRAS: 533(2), 1032-1044, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  146. Cortés PC; Girart JM; Sanhueza P; Liu J; Martín S; Stephens IW; Beuther H; Koch PM; Fernández-López M; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Wang J-W; Morii K; Li S; Saha P; Zhang Q; Rebolledo D; Zapata LA; Kang J-H; Jiao W; Kim J; Cheng Y; Hwang J; Chung EJ; Choudhury S; Lyo AR; Olguin F, "MagMaR III—Resisting the Pressure, Is the Magnetic Field Overwhelmed in NGC6334I?", ApJ: 972(1), id.115 (27 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  147. Dutrey A; Chapillon E; Guilloteau S; Tang YW; Boccaletti A; Bouscasse L; Collin-Dufresne T; Di Folco E; Fuente A; Piétu V; Rivière-Marichalar P; Semenov D, "Sulfur monoxide (SO) as a shock tracer in protoplanetary disks: Case of AB Aurigae", A&A: 689, id.L7 (11 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  148. Feder RM; Masters DC; Lee B; Bock JJ; Chiang Y-K; Choi A; Doré O; Hemmati S; Ilbert O, "The Universe SPHEREx Will See: Empirically Based Galaxy Simulations and Redshift Predictions", ApJ: 972(1), id.68 (28 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  149. Green JD; Pontoppidan KM; Reiter M; Watson DM; Shenoy SS; Manoj P; Narang M, "Why are (almost) all the protostellar outflows aligned in Serpens Main?", ApJ: 972(1), id.5 (13pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  150. Hsu C-Y; Li Z-Y; Tu Y; Hu X; Lin M-K, "Rossby wave instability and substructure formation in 3D non-ideal MHD wind-launching disks", MNRAS: 533(3), 2980-2996, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  151. Imajo S; Miyoshi Y; Kazama Y; Asamura K; Shinohara I; Shiokawa K; Kasahara Y; Kasaba Y; Matsuoka A; Wang S-Y; Tam SWY; Chang T-F; Wang B-J; Jun C-W; Teramoto M; Kurita S; Tsuchiya F; Kumamoto A; Saito K; Hori T, "Precipitation of Auroral Electrons Accelerated at Very High Altitudes: Impact on the Ionosphere and a Possible Acceleration Mechanism", J Geophys Res Space Phys: 129(9), id. e2024JA032696, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  152. Izumi T; Matsuoka Y; Onoue M; Strauss MA; Umehata H; Silverman JD; Nagao T; Imanishi M; Kohno K; Toba Y; Iwasawa K; Nakanishi K; Sawamura M; Fujimoto S; Kikuta S; Kawaguchi T; Aoki K; Goto T, "Merging Gas-rich Galaxies That Harbor Low-luminosity Twin Quasars at z = 6.05: A Promising Progenitor of the Most Luminous Quasars", ApJ: 972(1), id.116 (12 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  153. Jow DL; Wu X; Pen U-L, "Refractive lensing of scintillating FRBs by subparsec cloudlets in the multiphase CGM", PNAS: 121 (39), e2406783121, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  154. King SM; Moore TJT; Henshaw JD; Longmore SN; Eden DJ; Rigby AJ; Rosolowsky E; Tahani K; Su Y; Yiping A; Tang X; Ragan S; Liu T; Kuan YJ; Rani R, "CHIMPS2: 13CO J = 3→2 emission in the central molecular zone", MNRAS: 533(1), 131-142, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  155. Lee K; Akiyama M; Kohno K; Iono D; Imanishi M; Hatsukade B; Umehata H; Nagao T; Toba Y; Chen X; Egusa F; Ichikawa K; Izumi T; Matsumoto N; Schramm M; Matsuoka K, "Ongoing and Fossil Large-scale Outflows Detected in a High-redshift Radio Galaxy: [C II] Observations of TN J0924-2201 at z = 5.174", ApJ: 972(1), id.111 (13 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  156. Li C; Qin S-L; Liu T; Liu S-Y; Tang M; Liu H-L; Chen L; Li X; Xu F; Zhang T; Liu M; Shi H; Wu Y, "Correlations of methyl formate (CH3OCHO), dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3), and ketene (H2CCO) in high-mass star-forming regions", MNRAS: 533(2), 1583-1617, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  157. Lin Y-H; Wu M-R, "Supernova-Neutrino-Boosted Dark Matter from All Galaxies", Phys Rev Lett: 133(11), id.111004 (7 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  158. Matsumoto K; Hirashita H; Nagamine K; Van Der Giessen S; Romano LEC; Relaño M; De Looze I; Baes M; Nersesian A; Camps P; Hou K-C; Oku Y, "Observational signatures of the dust size evolution in isolated galaxy simulations", A&A: 689, id.A79 (17pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  159. Miyaji T; Bravo-Navarro BA; Díaz Tello J; Krumpe M; Herrera-Endoqui M; Ikeda H; Takagi T; Oi N; Shogaki A; Matsuura S; Kim H; Malkan MA; Hwang HS; Kim T; Ishigaki T; Hanami H; Kim SJ; Ohyama Y; Goto T; Matsuhara H, "Chandra Survey in the AKARI deep field at the North Ecliptic Pole: Optical and near-infrared identifications of X-ray sources", A&A: 689, A83 (16pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  160. Park G; Johnstone D; Contreras Pena C; Lee J-E; Liu S-Y; Herczeg G; Mairs S; Chen Z; Hatchell J; Kim K-T; Kim M-R; Qiu K; Wang Y-T; Zhang X; The JTT, "Submillimeter and Mid-Infrared Variability of Young Stellar Objects in the M17SWex Intermediate-Mass Star-Forming Region", AJ: 168(3), id.122 (27 pp.), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  161. Raymond AW; Doeleman SS; Asada K; Blackburn L; Bower GC; Bremer M; Broguiere D; Chen M-T; Crew GB; Dornbusch S; Fish VL; García R; Gentaz O; Goddi C; Han C-C; Hecht MH; Huang Y-D; Janssen M; Keating GK; Koay JY; Krichbaum TP; Lo W-P; Matsushita S; Matthews LD; Moran JM; Norton TJ; Patel N; Pesce DW; Ramakrishnan V; Rottmann H; Roy AL; Sánchez S; Tilanus RPJ; Titus M; Torne P; Wagner J; Weintroub J; Wielgus M; Young A; Akiyama K; Albentosa-Ruíz E; Alberdi A; Alef W; Algaba JC; Anantua R; Azulay R; Bach U; Baczko A-K; Ball D; Balokovic M; Bandyopadhyay B; Barrett J; Bauböck M; Benson BA; Bintley D; Blundell R; Bouman KL; Boyce H; Brissenden R; Britzen S; Broderick AE; Bronzwaer T; Bustamante S; Carlstrom JE; Chael A; Chan C-K; Chang DO; Chatterjee K; Chatterjee S; Chen Y; Cheng X; Cho I; Christian P; Conroy NS; Conway JE; Crawford TM; Cruz-Osorio A; Cui Y; Dahale R; Davelaar J; De Laurentis M; Deane R; Dempsey J; Desvignes G; Dexter J; Dhruv V; Dihingia IK; Dzib SA; Eatough RP; Emami R; Falcke H; Farah J; Fomalont E; Fontana A-L; Ford HA; Foschi M; Fraga-Encinas R; Freeman WT; Friberg P; Fromm CM; Fuentes A; Galison P; Gammie CF; Georgiev B; Gold R; Gómez-Ruiz AI; Gómez JL; Gu M; Gurwell M; Hada K; Haggard D; Hesper R; Heumann D; Ho LC; Ho P; Honma M; Huang C-WL; Huang L; Hughes DH; Ikeda S; Impellizzeri CMV; Inoue M; Issaoun S; James DJ; Jannuzi BT; Jeter B; Jiang W; Jiménez-Rosales A; Johnson MD; Jorstad S; Jones AC; Joshi AV; Jung T; Karuppusamy R; Kawashima T; Kettenis M; Kim D-J; Kim J-Y; Kim J; Kim J; Kino M; Kocherlakota P; Kofuji Y; Koch PM; Koyama S; Kramer C; Kramer JA; Kramer M; Kubo D; Kuo C-Y; La Bella N; Lee S-S; Levis A; Li Z; Lico R; Lindahl G; Lindqvist M; Lisakov M; Liu J; Liu K; Liuzzo E; Lobanov AP; Loinard L; Lonsdale CJ; Lowitz AE; Lu R-S; Macdonald NR; Mahieu S; Maier D; Mao J; Marchili N; Markoff S; Marrone DP; Marscher AP; Martí-Vidal I; Medeiros L; Menten KM; Mizuno I; Mizuno Y; Montgomery J; Moriyama K; Moscibrodzka M; Mulaudzi W; Müller C; Müller H; Mus A; Musoke G; Myserlis I; Nagai H; Nagar NM; Nakamura M; Narayanan G; Natarajan I; Nathanail A; Navarro Fuentes S; Neilsen J; Ni C; Nowak MA; Oh J; Okino H; Olivares Sánchez HR; Oyama T; özel F; Palumbo DCM; Paraschos GF; Park J; Parsons H; Pen U-L; Piétu V; Popstefanija A; Porth O; Prather B; Principe G; Psaltis D; Pu H-Y; Raffin PA; Rao R; Rawlings MG; Ricarte A; Ripperda B; Roelofs F; Romero-Cañizales C; Ros E; Roshanineshat A; Ruiz I; Ruszczyk C; Rygl KLJ; Sánchez-Argüelles D; Sánchez-Portal M; Sasada M; Satapathy K; Savolainen T; Schloerb FP; Schonfeld J; Schuster K-F; Shao L; Shen Z; Small D; Sohn BW; Soohoo J; Sosapanta Salas LD; Souccar K; Stanway JS; Sun H; Tazaki F; Tetarenko AJ; Tiede P; Toma K; Toscano T; Traianou E; Trent T; Trippe S; Turk M; Van Bemmel I; Van Langevelde HJ; Van Rossum DR; Vos J; Ward-Thompson D; Wardle J; Washington JE; Wharton R; Wiik K; Witzel G; Wondrak MF; Wong GN; Wu Q; Yadlapalli N; Yamaguchi P; Yfantis A; Yoon D; Younsi Z; Yu W; Yuan F; Yuan Y-F; Zensus JA; Zhang S; Zhao G-Y; Zhao S-S, "First Very Long Baseline Interferometry Detections at 870 μm", AJ: 168, id.130 (19 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  162. Saha P; Sanhueza P; Padovani M; Girart JM; Cortés PC; Morii K; Liu J; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Galli D; Basu S; Koch PM; Beltrán MT; Li S; Beuther H; Stephens IW; Nakamura F; Zhang Q; Jiao W; Fernández-López M; Hwang J; Chung EJ; Pattle K; Zapata LA; Xu F; Olguin FA; Kang J-H; Karoly J; Law C-Y; Wang J-W; Csengeri T; Lu X; Cheng Y; Kim J; Choudhury S; Chen H-RV; Hull CLH, "Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR): Unveiling an Hourglass Magnetic Field in G333.46–0.16 Using ALMA", ApJL: 972(1), id.L6 (9pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  163. Schuldt S; Grillo C; Caminha GB; Mercurio A; Rosati P; Morishita T; Stiavelli M; Suyu SH; Bergamini P; Brescia M; Calura F; Meneghetti M, "Improved model of the Supernova Refsdal cluster MACS J1149.5+2223 thanks to VLT/MUSE", A&A: 689, id.A42 (14pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  164. Speedie J; Dong R; Hall C; Longarini C; Veronesi B; Paneque-Carreño T; Lodato G; Tang Y-W; Teague R; Hashimoto J, "Gravitational instability in a planet-forming disk", Nature: 633(8028), 58-62, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  165. Suzuki Y; Uchiyama H; Matsuoka Y; Toshikawa J; Gwyn S; Imanishi M; Liu C; Noboriguchi A; Sawicki M; Toba Y, "Environments around Quasars at z ∼ 3 Revealed by Wide-field Imaging with Subaru HSC and CFHT", ApJ: 972(1), id.82 (8 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  166. Tripodi R; Feruglio C; Fiore F; Zappacosta L; Piconcelli E; Bischetti M; Bongiorno A; Carniani S; Civano F; Chen CC; Cristiani S; Cupani G; Di Mascia F; D'odorico V; Fan X; Ferrara A; Gallerani S; Ginolfi M; Maiolino R; Mainieri V; Marconi A; Saccheo I; Salvestrini F; Tortosa A; Valiante R, "HYPERION: Coevolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies at z > 6 and the build-up of massive galaxies", A&A: 689, id.A220 (29 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  167. Wong KC; Dux F; Shajib AJ; Suyu SH; Millon M; Mozumdar P; Wells PR; Agnello A; Birrer S; Buckley-Geer EJ; Courbin F; Fassnacht CD; Frieman J; Galan A; Lin H; Marshall PJ; Poh J; Schuldt S; Sluse D; Treu T, "TDCOSMO: XVI. Measurement of the Hubble constant from the lensed quasar WGD 2038–4008", A&A: 689, id.A168 (8 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  168. Zaire B; Donati JF; Alencar SP; Bouvier J; Moutou C; Bellotti S; Carmona A; Petit P; Kóspál Ñ; Shang H; Grankin K; Manara C; Alecian E; Gregory SP; Fouqué P, "Magnetic field, magnetospheric accretion and candidate planet of the young star GM Aurigae observed with SPIRou", MNRAS: 533(3), 2893-2915, Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  169. Allen V; Cordiner MA; Adande G; Charnley SB; Kuan Y-J; Wirström E, "High-resolution Study of the Outflow Activity and Chemical Environment of Chamaeleon-MMS1", ApJ: 971(2), 187 (13 pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  170. Birrer S; Millon M; Sluse D; Shajib A J; Courbin F; Erickson S; Koopmans LVE; Suyu SH; Treu T, "Time-Delay Cosmography: Measuring the Hubble Constant and Other Cosmological Parameters with Strong Gravitational Lensing", Space Sci Rev: 220(5), id.48, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  171. Homma D; Chiba M; Komiyama Y; Tanaka M; Okamoto S; Tanaka M; Ishigaki MN; Hayashi K; Arimoto N; Lupton RH; Strauss MA; Miyazaki S; Wang S-Y; Murayama H, "Final results of the search for new Milky Way satellites in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program survey: Discovery of two more candidates", PASJ: 76(4), pp.733-752, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  172. Huang CH; Gantepogu CS; Chen PJ; Wu TH; Liu WR; Lin KH; Chen CL; Lee TK; Wang MJ*; Wu MK (*: corresponding author), "Substrate Charge Transfer Induced Ferromagnetism in MnSe/SrTiO3 Ultrathin Films", Nanomaterials: 14(16), id.1355, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  173. Kam M; Hodgson JA; Park J; Kino M; Nagai H; Trippe S; Wagner AY, "Evolution of the Termination Region of the Parsec-scale Jet of 3C 84 Over the Past 20 yr", ApJ: 970 (2), id.176 (15 pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  174. Levitskiy A; Lim J; Ohyama Y; Li J; Donahue M, "Star Formation, Nebulae, and Active Galactic Nuclei in CLASH Brightest Cluster Galaxies. I. Dependence on Core Entropy of Intracluster Medium", ApJ: 971(1), id.42 (39pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  175. Machado REG; Volert RC; Albuquerque RP; Monteiro-Oliveira R; Lima Neto GB, "Simulating the Arrival of the Southern Substructure in the Galaxy Cluster Abell 1758", ApJ: 970 (2), id.160 (12pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  176. Masson A; Vinatier S; Bézard B; López-Puertas M; Lampón M; Debras F; Carmona A; Klein B; Artigau E; Dethier W; Pelletier S; Hood T; Allart R; Bourrier V; Cadieux C; Charnay B; Cowan NB; Cook NJ; Delfosse X; Donati JF; Gu PG; Hébrard G; Martioli E; Moutou C; Venot O; Wyttenbach A, "Probing atmospheric escape through metastable He I triplet lines in 15 exoplanets observed with SPIRou", A&A: 688, A179 (33 pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  177. Nakamura F; Chiong C-C; Taniguchi K; Chien C; Ho C-T; Hwang Y-J; Yeh Y-T; Shimoikura T; Yamasaki Y; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Lai S-P; Nishimura A; Kawabe R; Dobashi K; Fujii Y; Yonekura Y; Ogawa H; Nguyen-Luong Q, "An ultra wide-band, high-sensitivity Q-band receiver for single-dish telescopes, eQ: rest frequency determination of CCS ( JN = 43 - 32 ) and SO ( JN = 10 - 01 ), and high-redshift CO ( J = 1-0) detection", PASJ: 76(4), pp.563-578, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  178. Nayak PK; Narang M; Manoj P; Gorti U; Subramaniam A; George N; Mondal C, "Simultaneous Far-ultraviolet and Near-ultraviolet Observations of T Tauri Stars with UVIT/AstroSat: Probing the Accretion Process in Young Stars", ApJ: 972(1), id.19 (12 pp), Sep, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  179. Podio L; Ceccarelli C; Codella C; Sabatini G; Segura-Cox D; Balucani N; Rimola A; Ugliengo P; Chandler CJ; Sakai N; Svoboda B; Pineda J; De Simone M; Bianchi E; Caselli P; Isella A; Aikawa Y; Bouvier M; Caux E; Chahine L; Charnley SB; Cuello N; Dulieu F; Evans L; Fedele D; Feng S; Fontani F; Hama T; Hanawa T; Herbst E; Hirota T; Jiménez-Serra I; Johnstone D; Lefloch B; Le Gal R; Loinard L; Liu H B; López-Sepulcre A; Maud LT; Maureira MJ; Menard F; Miotello A; Moellenbrock G; Nomura H; Oba Y; Ohashi S; Okoda Y; Oya Y; Sakai T; Shirley Y; Testi L; Vastel C; Viti S; Watanabe N; Watanabe Y; Zhang Y; Zhang ZE; Yamamoto S, "FAUST. XVII. Super deuteration in the planet-forming system IRS 63 where the streamer strikes the disk", A&A: 688, id.L22 (13pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  180. Slavicinska K; Van Dishoeck EF; Tychoniec Ł; Nazari P; Rubinstein AE; Gutermuth R; Tyagi H; Chen Y; Brunken NGC; Rocha WRM; Manoj P; Narang M; Megeath ST; Yang Y-L; Looney LW; Tobin JJ; Beuther H; Bourke TL; Linnartz H; Federman S; Watson DM; Linz H, "JWST detections of amorphous and crystalline HDO ice toward massive protostars", A&A: 688, id.A29 (21 pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  181. Tsai A; Jow DL; Baker D; Pen UL, "Scintillated microlensing: Measuring cosmic distances with fast radio bursts", Phys Rev D: 110(4), id.043503, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  182. Vinković D; Čemeljić M, "Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - III. The role of non-radial radiation pressure in dust dynamics", MNRAS: 532(2), 2388-2400, Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  183. Winterhalder TO; Lacour S; Mérand A; Kammerer J; Maire AL; Stolker T; Pourré N; Babusiaux C; Glindemann A; Abuter R; Amorim A; Asensio-Torres R; Balmer WO; Benisty M; Berger JP; Beust H; Blunt S; Boccaletti A; Bonnefoy M; Bonnet H; Bordoni MS; Bourdarot G; Brandner W; Cantalloube F; Caselli P; Charnay B; Chauvin G; Chavez A; Choquet E; Christiaens V; Clénet Y; Coudé Du Foresto V; Cridland A; Davies R; Dembet R; Dexter J; Drescher A; Duvert G; Eckart A; Eisenhauer F; Förster Schreiber NM; Garcia P; Garcia Lopez R; Gardner T; Gendron E; Genzel R; Gillessen S; Girard JH; Grant S; Haubois X; Heißel G; Henning T; Hinkley S; Hippler S; Houllé M; Hubert Z; Jocou L; Keppler M; Kervella P; Kreidberg L; Kurtovic NT; Lagrange AM; Lapeyrère V; Le Bouquin JB; Lutz D; Mang F; Marleau GD; Mollière P; Monnier JD; Mordasini C; Mouillet D; Nasedkin E; Nowak M; Ott T; Otten GPPL; Paladini C; Paumard T; Perraut K; Perrin G; Pfuhl O; Pueyo L; Ribeiro DC; Rickman E; Rustamkulov Z; Shangguan J; Shimizu T; Sing D; Stadler J; Straub O; Straubmeier C; Sturm E; Tacconi LJ; Van Dishoeck EF; Vigan A; Vincent F; Von Fellenberg SD; Wang JJ; Widmann F; Woillez J; Yazici Ş, "Combining Gaia and GRAVITY: Characterising five new directly detected substellar companions", A&A: 688, id.A44 (22pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  184. Yi K; Park J; Nakamura M; Hada K; Trippe S, "Jet collimation and acceleration in the flat spectrum radio quasar 1928+738", A&A: 688, id. A94 (18pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  185. Yu Z; Deng F; Sun S; Niu C; Li J; Wu F; Wang W-Y; Wang Y; Zuo S; Shu L; Hao J; Liu X; Ansari R; Pen U-L; Stebbins A; Timbie P; Chen X, "The FRB-searching pipeline of the Tianlai Cylinder Pathfinder Array", RAA: 24(8), id.85010 (20pp), Aug, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  186. Banerjee B; Narang M; Manoj P; Henning T; Tyagi H; Surya A; Nayak PK; Tripathi M, "Host-star Properties of Hot, Warm, and Cold Jupiters in the Solar Neighborhood from Gaia Data Release 3: Clues to Formation Pathways", AJ: 168 (1), id.7 (16 pp), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  187. Bao M; Harada N; Kohno K; Yoshimura Y; Egusa F; Nishimura Y; Tanaka K; Nakanishi K; Martín S; Mangum JG; Sakamoto K; Muller S; Bouvier M; Colzi L; Emig KL; Meier DS; Henkel C; Humire P; Huang K-Y; Rivilla VM; Van Der Werf P; Viti S, "Physical Properties of the Southwest Outflow Streamer in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253 with ALCHEMI", A&A: 687, id.A43 (14 pp.), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  188. Bostan N; Roy Choudhury S, "First constraints on non-minimally coupled Natural and Coleman-Weinberg inflation and massive neutrino self-interactions with Planck+BICEP/Keck", JCAP: 2024(07), id.032 (30pp), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  189. Donati JF; Cristofari PI; Lehmann LT; Moutou C; Alencar SHP; Bouvier J; Arnold L; Delfosse X; Artigau E; Cook N; Kóspál Ñ; Ménard F; Baruteau C; Takami M; Cabrit S; Hébrard G; Doyon R; Team SPS, "SPIRou spectropolarimetry of the T Tauri star TW Hydrae: magnetic fields, accretion, and planets", MNRAS: 531 (3), 3256-3278, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  190. Etherington A; Nightingale JW; Massey R; Tam S-I; Cao X; Niemiec A; He Q; Robertson A; Li R; Amvrosiadis A; Cole S; Diego JM; Frenk CS; Frye BL; Harvey D; Jauzac M; Koekemoer AM; Lagattuta DJ; Lange S; Limousin M; Mahler G; Sirks E; Steinhardt CL, "Strong gravitational lensing's 'external shear' is not shear", MNRAS: 531(3), 3684-3697, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  191. Guo G; Martínez-Pinedo G; Wu M-R, "Neutrino-neutron scattering opacities in supernova matter", Phys Rev C: 110(1), id.15504, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  192. Harada N; Saito T; Nishimura Y; Watanabe Y; Sakamoto K, "A Temperature or Far-ultraviolet Tracer? The HNC/HCN Ratio in M83 on the Scale of Giant Molecular Clouds", ApJ: 969(2), id.82 (14pp.), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  193. Ito Y; Hosokawa K; Ogawa Y; Miyoshi Y; Tsuchiya F; Fukizawa M; Kasaba Y; Kazama Y; Oyama S; Murase K; Nakamura S; Kasahara Y; Matsuda S; Kasahara S; Hori T; Yokota S; Keika K; Matsuoka A; Teramoto M; Shinohara I, "On the Factors Controlling the Relationship Between Type of Pulsating Aurora and Energy of Pulsating Auroral Electrons: Simultaneous Observations by Arase Satellite, Ground-Based All-Sky Imagers and EISCAT Radar", J Geophys Res Space Phys: 129(7), e2024JA032617, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  194. Musiimenta B; Speranza G; Urrutia T; Brusa M; Ramos Almeida C; Perna M; Ezequiel López I; Alexander DM; Laloux B; Shankar F; Lapi A; Salvato M; Toba Y; Andonie C; Munoz Rodríguez I, "Ionised AGN outflows in the Goldfish galaxy: The illuminating and interacting red quasar eFEDSJ091157.4+014327 at z ∼ 0.6", A&A: 687, id.A111 (17 pp.), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  195. Nasedkin E; Mollière P; Lacour S; Nowak M; Kreidberg L; Stolker T; Wang JJ; Balmer WO; Kammerer J; Shangguan J; Abuter R; Amorim A; Asensio-Torres R; Benisty M; Berger JP; Beust H; Blunt S; Boccaletti A; Bonnefoy M; Bonnet H; Bordoni MS; Bourdarot G; Brandner W; Cantalloube F; Caselli P; Charnay B; Chauvin G; Chavez A; Choquet E; Christiaens V; Clénet Y; Coudé Du Foresto V; Cridland A; Davies R; Dembet R; Dexter J; Drescher A; Duvert G; Eckart A; Eisenhauer F; Förster Schreiber NM; Garcia P; Garcia Lopez R; Gendron E; Genzel R; Gillessen S; Girard JH; Grant S; Haubois X; Heißel G; Henning T; Hinkley S; Hippler S; Houllé M; Hubert Z; Jocou L; Keppler M; Kervella P; Kurtovic NT; Lagrange AM; Lapeyrère V; Le Bouquin JB; Lutz D; Maire AL; Mang F; Marleau GD; Mérand A; Monnier JD; Mordasini C; Ott T; Otten GPPL; Paladini C; Paumard T; Perraut K; Perrin G; Pfuhl O; Pourré N; Pueyo L; Ribeiro DC; Rickman E; Ruffio JB; Rustamkulov Z; Shimizu T; Sing D; Stadler J; Straub O; Straubmeier C; Sturm E; Tacconi LJ; Van Dishoeck EF; Vigan A; Vincent F; Von Fellenberg SD; Widmann F; Winterhalder TO; Woillez J; Yazici Ş; Gravity C, "Four-of-a-kind? Comprehensive atmospheric characterisation of the HR 8799 planets with VLTI/GRAVITY", A&A: 687, id.A298 (46pp), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  196. Nowak M; Lacour S; Abuter R; Amorim A; Asensio-Torres R; Balmer WO; Benisty M; Berger JP; Beust H; Blunt S; Boccaletti A; Bonnefoy M; Bonnet H; Bordoni MS; Bourdarot G; Brandner W; Cantalloube F; Charnay B; Chauvin G; Chavez A; Choquet E; Christiaens V; Clénet Y; Coudé Du Foresto V; Cridland A; Davies R; Dembet R; Dexter J; Drescher A; Duvert G; Eckart A; Eisenhauer F; Förster Schreiber NM; Garcia P; Garcia Lopez R; Gardner T; Gendron E; Genzel R; Gillessen S; Girard JH; Grant S; Haubois X; Heißel G; Henning T; Hinkley S; Hippler S; Houllé M; Hubert Z; Jocou L; Kammerer J; Keppler M; Kervella P; Kreidberg L; Kurtovic NT; Lagrange AM; Lapeyrère V; Le Bouquin JB; Léna P; Lutz D; Maire AL; Mang F; Marleau GD; Mérand A; Monnier JD; Mordasini C; Mouillet D; Nasedkin E; Ott T; Otten GPPL; Paladini C; Paumard T; Perraut K; Perrin G; Pfuhl O; Pourré N; Pueyo L; Ribeiro DC; Rickman E; Rustamkulov Z; Shangguan J; Shimizu T; Sing D; Stadler J; Stolker T; Straub O; Straubmeier C; Sturm E; Subroweit M; Tacconi LJ; Van Dishoeck EF; Vigan A; Vincent F; Von Fellenberg SD; Wang JJ; Widmann F; Winterhalder TO; Woillez J; Yazıcı Ş; Gravity C, "Catalogue of dual-field interferometric binary calibrators", A&A: 687, id.A248 (16 pp), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  197. Prokhorov DA; Moraghan A, "A blind search for intraday gamma-ray transients with Fermi-LAT: Detections of GRB and solar emissions", A&A: 687, id.A196 (12 pp.), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  198. Sahu N; Tran K-V; Suyu SH; Shajib AJ; Ertl S; Kacprzak GG; Glazebrook K; Jones T; G. C KV; Barone TM; Baker AM; Skobe H; Derkenne C; Lewis GF; Sweet SM; Lopez S, "AGEL: Is the Conflict Real? Investigating Galaxy Evolution Models Using Strong Lensing at 0.3 < z < 0.9", ApJ: 970(1), id.86 (17 pp), July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  199. Shiu J-S; Liu Z-Y; Cheng C-Y; Huang Y-C; Yu IA; Chen Y-C; Chuu C-S; Li C-M; Wang S-Y; Chen Y-F, "Observation of highly correlated ultrabright biphotons through increased atomic ensemble density in spontaneous four-wave mixing", Physical Review Research: 6(3), id.L032001, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  200. Yang L; Silverman J; Oguri M; Ding X; Toba Y; Huang S; Kawinwanichakij L, "Size-mass relation of the brightest cluster galaxies at z 1", MNRAS: 531(4), 4006-4016, July, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  201. Birkin JE; Puglisi A; Swinbank AM; Smail I; An FX; Chapman SC; Chen C-C; Conselice CJ; Dudzevičiūtė U; Farrah D; Gullberg B; Matsuda Y; Schinnerer E; Scott D; Wardlow JL; van der Werf P, "KAOSS: turbulent, but disc-like kinematics in dust-obscured star-forming galaxies at z 1.3-2.6", MNRAS: 531(1), pp.61-83, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  202. Butterworth J; Viti S; Van Der Werf PP; Mangum JG; Martín S; Harada N; Emig KL; Muller S; Sakamoto K; Yoshimura Y; Tanaka K; Herrero-Illana R; Colzi L; Rivilla VM; Huang KY; Bouvier M; Behrens E; Henkel C; Yan YT; Meier DS; Zhou D, "Molecular isotopologue measurements toward super star clusters and the relation to their ages in NGC 253 with ALCHEMI", A&A: 686, id.A31 (42 pp.), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  203. Calderón-Castillo P; Nagar NM; Yi SK; Chang YY; Leiton R; Hughes TM, "Merging galaxies in isolated environments. I. Multiband photometry, classification, stellar masses, and star formation rates", A&A: 686, id.A151 (25pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  204. Eden DJ; Liu T; Moore TJT; Di Francesco J; Fuller G; Kim K-T; Li D; Liu SY; Plume R; Tatematsu KI; Thompson MA; Wu Y; Bronfman L; Butner HM; Currie MJ; Garay G; Goldsmith PF; Hirano N; Johnstone D; Juvela M; Lai SP; Lee CW; Mannfors EE; Olguin F; Pattle K; Park G; Polychroni D; Rawlings M; Rigby AJ; Sanhueza P; Traficante A; Urquhart JS; Weferling B; White GJ; Yadav RK, "A study of galactic plane Planck galactic cold clumps observed by SCOPE and the JCMT plane survey", MNRAS: 530 (4), pp.5192-5208, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  205. Hori Y; Fukui A; Hirano T; Narita N; De Leon JP; Ishikawa HT; Hartman JD; Morello G; García NA; Ñlvarez Hernández L; Béjar VJS; Calatayud-Borras Y; Carleo I; Enoc G; Esparza-Borges E; Fukuda I; Galán D; Geraldía-González S; Hayashi Y; Ikoma M; Ikuta K; Isogai K; Kagetani T; Kawai Y; Kawauchi K; Kimura T; Kodama T; Korth J; Kusakabe N; Laza-Ramos A; Livingston JH; Luque R; Miyakawa K; Mori M; Murgas F; Orell-Miquel J; Palle E; Parviainen H; Peláez-Torres A; Puig-Subirà M; Sánchez-Benavente M; Sosa-Guillén P; Stangret M; Terada Y; Muñoz Torres S; Watanabe N; Bakos GÑ; Barkaoui K; Beichman C; Benkhaldoun Z; Boyle AW; Ciardi DR; Clark CA; Collins KA; Collins KI; Conti DM; Crossfield IJM; Everett ME; Furlan E; Ghachoui M; Gillon M; Gonzales EJ; Higuera J; Horne K; Howell SB; Jehin E; Lester KV; Lund MB; Matson R; Matthews EC; Pozuelos FJ; Safonov BS; Schlieder JE; Schwarz RP; Sefako R; Srdoc G; Strakhov IA; Timmermans M; Waalkes WC; Ziegler C; Charbonneau D; Essack Z; Guerrero NM; Harakawa H; Hedges C; Ishizuka M; Jenkins JM; Konishi M; Kotani T; Kudo T; Kurokawa T; Kuzuhara M; Nishikawa J; Omiya M; Ricker GR; Seager S; Serizawa T; Striegel S; Tamura M; Ueda A; Vanderspek R; Vievard S; Winn JN, "The Discovery and Follow-up of Four Transiting Short-period Sub-Neptunes Orbiting M Dwarfs", AJ: 167(6), id.289 (25 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  206. Kim J; Sayers J; Sereno M; Bartalucci I; Chappuis L; De Grandi S; De Luca F; De Petris M; Donahue ME; Eckert D; Ettori S; Gaspari M; Gastaldello F; Gavazzi R; Gavidia A; Ghizzardi S; Iqbal A; Kay ST; Lovisari L; Maughan BJ; Mazzotta P; Okabe N; Pointecouteau E; Pratt GW; Rossetti M; Umetsu K, "CHEX-MATE: CLUster Multi-Probes in Three Dimensions (CLUMP-3D). I. Gas analysis method using X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect data", A&A: 686, id.A97 (15 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  207. Kuzuhara M; Fukui A; Livingston JH; Caballero JA; De Leon JP; Hirano T; Kasagi Y; Murgas F; Narita N; Omiya M; Orell-Miquel J; Palle E; Changeat Q; Esparza-Borges E; Harakawa H; Hellier C; Hori Y; Ikuta K; Ishikawa HT; Kodama T; Kotani T; Kudo T; Morales JC; Mori M; Nagel E; Parviainen H; Perdelwitz V; Reiners A; Ribas I; Sanz-Forcada J; Sato BE; Schweitzer A; Tabernero HM; Takarada T; Uyama T; Watanabe N; Zechmeister M; García NA; Aoki W; Beichman C; Béjar VJS; Brandt TD; Calatayud-Borras Y; Carleo I; Charbonneau D; Collins KA; Currie T; Doty JP; Dreizler S; Fernández-Rodríguez G; Fukuda I; Galán D; Geraldía-González S; González-Rodríguez J; Hayashi Y; Hedges C; Henning T; Hodapp K; Ikoma M; Isogai K; Jacobson S; Janson M; Jenkins JM; Kagetani T; Kambe E; Kawai Y; Kawauchi K; Kokubo E; Konishi M; Korth J; Krishnamurthy V; Kurokawa T; Kusakabe N; Kwon J; Laza-Ramos A; Libotte F; Luque R; Madrigal-Aguado A; Matsumoto Y; Mawet D; Mcelwain MW; Meni Gallardo PP; Morello G; Muñoz Torres S; Nishikawa J; Nugroho SK; Ogihara M; Peláez-Torres A; Rapetti D; Sánchez-Benavente M; Schlecker M; Seager S; Serabyn E; Serizawa T; Stangret M; Takahashi A; Teng H-Y; Tamura M; Terada Y; Ueda A; Usuda T; Vanderspek R; Vievard S; Watanabe D; Winn JN; Zapatero Osorio MR, "Gliese 12 b: A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 pc Ideal for Atmospheric Transmission Spectroscopy", ApJL: 967(2), id.L21 ( 24 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  208. Lee M; Schimek A; Cicone C; Andreani P; Popping G; Sommovigo L; Appleton PN; Bischetti M; Cantalupo S; Chen C-C; Dannerbauer H; De Breuck C; Di Mascolo L; Emonts BHC; Hatziminaoglou E; Pensabene A; Rizzo F; Rybak M; Shen S; Lundgren A; Booth M; Klaassen P; Mroczkowski T; Cordiner MA; Johnstone D; Van Kampen E; Liu D; Maccarone T; Saintonge A; Smith M; Thelen AE; Wedemeyer S, "Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: The hidden circumgalactic medium", Open Research Europe: 4, 117, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  209. Li D; Pen U-L, "FRBs from rapid spin-down neutron stars", MNRAS: 531(2), 2330-2334, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  210. Nazari P; Rocha WRM; Rubinstein AE; Slavicinska K; Rachid MG; Van Dishoeck EF; Megeath ST; Gutermuth R; Tyagi H; Brunken N; Narang M; Manoj P; Watson DM; Evans NJ, Ii; Federman S; Muzerolle Page J; Anglada G; Beuther H; Klaassen P; Looney LW; Osorio M; Stanke T; Yang YL, "Hunting for complex cyanides in protostellar ices with the JWST. A tentative detection of CH3CN and C2H5CN", A&A: 686, id.A71 (15 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  211. Peirani S; Suto Y; Beckmann RS; Volonteri M; Lin Y-T; Dubois Y; Yi SK; Pichon C; Kraljic K; Park M; Devriendt J; Han S; Chen W-H, "Cosmic evolution of black hole spin and galaxy orientations: Clues from the NewHorizon and Galactica simulations", A&A: 686, id.A233 (28 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  212. Pierel JDR; Newman AB; Dhawan S; Gu M; Joshi BA; Li T; Schuldt S; Strolger LG; Suyu SH; Caminha GB; Cohen SH; Diego JM; Dśilva JCJ; Ertl S; Frye BL; Granata G; Grillo C; Koekemoer AM; Li J; Robotham A; Summers J; Treu T; Windhorst RA; Zitrin A; Agarwal S; Agrawal A; Arendse N; Belli S; Burns C; Cañameras R; Chakrabarti S; Chen W; Collett TE; Coulter DA; Ellis RS; Engesser M; Foo N; Fox OD; Gall C; Garuda N; Gezari S; Gomez S; Glazebrook K; Hjorth J; Huang X; Jha SW; Kamieneski PS; Kelly P; Larison C; Moustakas LA; Pascale M; Pérez-Fournon I; Petrushevska T; Poidevin F; Rest A; Shahbandeh M; Shajib AJ; Siebert M; Storfer C; Talbot M; Wang Q; Wevers T; Zenati Y, "Lensed Type Ia Supernova "Encore" at z = 2: The First Instance of Two Multiply Imaged Supernovae in the Same Host Galaxy", ApJL: 967(2), id.L37 (9 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  213. Pourré N; Winterhalder TO; Le Bouquin JB; Lacour S; Bidot A; Nowak M; Maire AL; Mouillet D; Babusiaux C; Woillez J; Abuter R; Amorim A; Asensio-Torres R; Balmer WO; Benisty M; Berger JP; Beust H; Blunt S; Boccaletti A; Bonnefoy M; Bonnet H; Bordoni MS; Bourdarot G; Brandner W; Cantalloube F; Caselli P; Charnay B; Chauvin G; Chavez A; Choquet E; Christiaens V; Clénet Y; Du Foresto VC; Cridland A; Davies R; Defrère D; Dembet R; Dexter J; Drescher A; Duvert G; Eckart A; Eisenhauer F; Schreiber NMF; Garcia P; Lopez RG; Gendron E; Genzel R; Gillessen S; Girard JH; Gonte F; Grant S; Haubois X; Heißel G; Henning T; Hinkley S; Hippler S; Hönig SF; Houllé M; Hubert Z; Jocou L; Kammerer J; Kenworthy M; Keppler M; Kervella P; Kreidberg L; Kurtovic NT; Lagrange AM; Lapeyrère V; Lutz D; Mang F; Marleau GD; Mérand A; Millour F; Mollière P; Monnier JD; Mordasini C; Nasedkin E; Oberti S; Ott T; Otten GPPL; Paladini C; Paumard T; Perraut K; Perrin G; Pfuhl O; Pueyo L; Ribeiro DC; Rickman E; Rustamkulov Z; Shangguan J; Shimizu T; Sing D; Soulez F; Stadler J; Stolker T; Straub O; Straubmeier C; Sturm E; Sykes C; Tacconi LJ; Van Dishoeck EF; Vigan A; Vincent F; Von Fellenberg SD; Wang JJ; Widmann F; Yazici S; Abad JA; Carpentier EA; Alonso J; Andolfato L; Barriga P; Beuzit JL; Bourget P; Brast R; Caniguante L; Cottalorda E; Darré P; Delabre B; Delboulbé A; Delplancke-Ströbele F; Donaldson R; Dorn R; Dupuy C; Egner S; Fischer G; Frank C; Fuenteseca E; Gitton P; Guerlet T; Guieu S; Gutierrez P; Haguenauer P; Haimerl A; Heritier CT; Huber S; Hubin N; Jolley P; Kirchbauer JP; Kolb J; Kosmalski J; Krempl P; Le Louarn M; Lilley P; Lopez B; Magnard Y; Mclay S; Meilland A; Meister A; Moulin T; Pasquini L; Paufique J; Percheron I; Pettazzi L; Phan D; Pirani W; Quentin J; Rakich A; Ridings R; Reyes J; Rochat S; Schmid C; Schuhler N; Shchekaturov P; Seidel M; Soenke C; Stadler E; Stephan C; Suárez M; Todorovic M; Valdes G; Verinaud C; Zins G; Zúñiga-Fernández S, "High contrast at short separation with VLTI/GRAVITY: Bringing Gaia companions to light", A&A: 686, id.A258 (15 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  214. Ruchika; Rathore H; Roy Choudhury S; Rentala V, "A gravitational constant transition within cepheids as supernovae calibrators can solve the Hubble tension", JCAP: 2024, id.056, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  215. Swastik C; Banyal RK; Narang M; Unni A; Sivarani T, "Age analysis of extrasolar planets: Insight from stellar isochrone models", AJ: 167(6), id.270 (11 pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  216. Taki T; Kurita S; Kojima H; Kasahara Y; Matsuda S; Matsuoka A; Kazama Y; Jun CW; Wang SY; Tam SWY; Chang TF; Wang BJ; Miyoshi Y; Shinohara I, "Cold Electron Temperature in the Inner Magnetosphere Estimated Through the Dispersion Relation of ECH Waves From the Arase Satellite Observations", Radio Science: 59(6), e2023RS007927, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  217. Van Kampen E; Bakx T; De Breuck C; Chen C-C; Dannerbauer H; Magnelli B; Montenegro-Montes FM; Okumura T; Pu S-Y; Rybak M; Saintonge A; Cicone C; Hatziminaoglou E; Hilhorst J; Klaassen P; Lee M; Lovell CC; Lundgren A; Di Mascolo L; Mroczkowski T; Sommovigo L; Booth M; Cordiner MA; Ivison R; Johnstone D; Liu D; Maccarone TJ; Smith M; Thelen AE; Wedemeyer S, "Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: Surveying the distant Universe", Open Research Europe: 4, 122, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  218. Xiong Z; Wu M-R; George M; Lin C-Y; Largani NK; Fischer T; Martínez-Pinedo G, "Fast neutrino flavor conversions in a supernova: Emergence, evolution, and effects", Phys Rev D: 109 (12), id.123008, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  219. Xu F; Wang K; Liu T; Zhu L; Garay G; Liu X; Goldsmith P; Zhang Q; Sanhueza P; Qin S; He J; Juvela M; Tej A; Liu H; Li S; Morii K; Zhang S; Zhou J; Stutz A; Evans NJ; Kim K-T; Liu Shengyuan; Mardones D; Li G; Bronfman L; Tatematsu KI; Lee CW; Lu X; Mai X; Jiao S; Chibueze JO; Su K; Tóth VL, "The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. II. The ACA 1.3 mm Continuum Source Catalog and the Assembly of Dense Gas in Massive Star-Forming Clumps", RAA: 24 (6), 65011 (21pp), June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  220. Yokelson D; Lappi O; Ramesh S; Väisälä MS; Huck K; Puro T; Norris B; Korpi-Lagg M; Heljanko K; Malony AD, "SOMA: Observability, monitoring, and in situ analytics forexascale applications", Concurrency Computat Pract Exper: 2024, e8141, June, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  221. Albuquerque RP; Machado REG; Monteiro-Oliveira R, "Unravelling the collision scenario of the dissociative galaxy cluster Abell 56 through hydrodynamic simulations", MNRAS: 530(2), 2146-2155, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  222. Anilkumar H; Mathew B; Jithesh V; Kartha SS; Manoj P; Narang M; Chavali M, "Chandra X-ray analysis of herbig Ae/Be stars", MNRAS: 530(3), 3020-3037, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  223. Bernardo RC; Ng K-W, "Testing gravity with cosmic variance-limited pulsar timing array correlations", Phys Rev D: 109 (10), id.L101502, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  224. Brunken NGC; Rocha WRM; Van Dishoeck EF; Gutermuth R; Tyagi H; Slavicinska K; Nazari P; Megeath ST; Evans NJ, Ii; Narang M; Manoj P; Rubinstein AE; Watson DM; Looney LW; Linnartz H; Caratti O Garatti A; Beuther H; Linz H; Klaassen P; Poteet CA; Federman S; Anglada G; Atnagulov P; Bourke TL; Fischer WJ; Furlan E; Green J; Habel N; Hartmann L; Karnath N; Osorio M; Muzerolle Page J; Pokhrel R; Rahatgaonkar R; Sheehan P; Stanke T; Stutz AM; Tobin JJ; Tychoniec L; Wolk S; Yang Y-L, "JWST observations of <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> ice. Tracing the chemical environment and thermal history of ices in protostellar envelopes", A&A: 685, id.A27 (14pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  225. Chang HF; Tseng SC; Tang MT; Hsiao SSY; Lee DC; Wang SL; Yeh KC, "Physiology and molecular basis of thallium toxicity and accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety: 276, id.116290, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  226. Donati JF; Finociety B; Cristofari PI; Alencar SHP; Moutou C; Delfosse X; Fouqué P; Arnold L; Baruteau C; Kóspál Ñ; Ménard F; Carmona A; Grankin K; Takami M; Artigau E; Doyon R; Hébrard G, "The classical T Tauri star CI Tau observed with SPIRou: magnetospheric accretion and planetary formation", MNRAS: 530(1), 264-286, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  227. Encalada FJ; Looney LW; Takakuwa S; Tobin JJ; Ohashi N; Jørgensen JK; Li Z-Y; Aikawa Y; Aso Y; Koch PM; Kwon W; Lai S-P; Lee CW; Lin Z-YD; Santamaría-Miranda A; de Gregorio-Monsalvo I; Phuong NT; Plunkett A; Sai J (Insa Choi); Sharma R; Yen H-W; Han I, "Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XIII. Aligned Disks with Nonsettled Dust around the Newly Resolved Class 0 Protobinary R CrA IRAS 32", ApJ: 966 (1), id.32 (27 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  228. Ertl S; Schuldt S; Suyu SH; Schechter PL; Halkola A; Wagner J, "The missing quasar image in the gravitationally lensed quasar HE0230−2130: Implications for the cored lens mass distribution and dark satellites", A&A: 685, id.A15 (19pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  229. Federman SA; Megeath ST; Rubinstein AE; Gutermuth R; Narang M; Tyagi H; Manoj P; Anglada G; Atnagulov P; Beuther H; Bourke TL; Brunken N; Caratti o Garatti A; Evans NJ; Fischer WJ; Furlan E; Green JD; Habel N; Hartmann L; Karnath N; Klaassen P; Linz H; Looney LW; Osorio M; Muzerolle Page J; Nazari P; Pokhrel R; Rahatgaonkar R; Rocha WRM; Sheehan P; Slavicinska K; Stanke T; Stutz AM; Tobin JJ; Tychoniec L; Van Dishoeck EF; Watson DM; Wolk S; Yang Y-L, "Investigating Protostellar Accretion-driven Outflows across the Mass Spectrum: JWST NIRSpec Integral Field Unit 3–5 μm Spectral Mapping of Five Young Protostars", ApJ: 966 (1), id.41 (26 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  230. Fischer T; Guo G; Langanke K; Martínez-Pinedo G; Qian Y-Z; Wu M-R, "Neutrinos and nucleosynthesis of elements", Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics: 137, id.104107, May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  231. Liu HB; Muto T; Konishi M; Chung C-Y; Hashimoto J; Doi K; Dong R; Kudo T; Hasegawa Y; Terada Y; Kataoka A, "Forming localized dust concentrations in a dust ring: DM Tau case study. The asymmetric 7 mm dust continuum of the DM Tau disk", A&A: 685, A18(16pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  232. Liu J; Zhang Q; Lin Y; Qiu K; Koch PM; Liu HB; Li Z-Y; Girart JM; Pillai TGS; Li S; Chen H-RV; Ching T-C; Ho PTP; Lai S-P; Rao R; Tang Y-W; Wang K, "Dark Dragon Breaks Magnetic Chain: Dynamical Substructures of IRDC G28.34 Form in Supported Environments", ApJ: 966(1), id.120 (27 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  233. Mairs S; Lee S; Johnstone D; Broughton C; Lee J-E; Herczeg GJ; Bell GS; Chen Z; Contreras-Peña C; Francis L; Hatchell J; Kim M-R; Liu S-Y; Park G; Qiu K; Wang Y-T; Zhang X; The JTT, "The JCMT Transient Survey: Six Year Summary of 450/850 μm Protostellar Variability and Calibration Pipeline Version 2.0", ApJ: 966(2), id.215 (23 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  234. Mori M; Ikuta K; Fukui A; Narita N; De Leon JP; Livingston JH; Ikoma M; Kawai Y; Kawauchi K; Murgas F; Palle E; Parviainen H; Fernández Rodríguez G; Terada Y; Watanabe N; Tamura M, "Characterization of starspots on a young M-dwarf K2-25: multiband observations of stellar photometric variability and planetary transits", MNRAS: 530(1), 167-189, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  235. Morii K; Sanhueza P; Zhang Q; Nakamura F; Li S; Sabatini G; Olguin FA; Beuther H; Tafoya D; Izumi N; Tatematsu KI; Sakai T, "The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). XI. Statistical Study of Early Fragmentation", ApJ: 966(2), id.171 (13 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  236. Neufeld DA; Manoj P; Tyagi H; Narang M; Watson DM; Megeath ST; Van Dishoeck EF; Gutermuth RA; Stanke T; Yang Y-L; Rubinstein AE; Anglada G; Beuther H; Caratti O Garatti A; Evans NJ; Federman S; Fischer WJ; Green J; Klaassen P; Looney LW; Osorio M; Nazari P; Tobin JJ; Tychoniec Ł; Wolk S, "JWST/MIRI Detection of Suprathermal OH Rotational Emissions: Probing the Dissociation of the Water by Lyα Photons near the Protostar HOPS 370", ApJL: 966(2), id.L22(13pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  237. Pierel JDR; Frye BL; Pascale M; Caminha GB; Chen W; Dhawan S; Gilman D; Grayling M; Huber S; Kelly P; Thorp S; Arendse N; Birrer S; Bronikowski M; Cañameras R; Coe D; Cohen SH; Conselice CJ; Driver SP; DŚilva JCJ; Engesser M; Foo N; Gall C; Garuda N; Grillo C; Grogin NA; Henderson J; Hjorth J; Jansen RA; Johansson J; Kamieneski PS; Koekemoer AM; Larison C; Marshall MA; Moustakas LA; Nonino M; Ortiz R; Petrushevska T; Pirzkal N; Robotham A; Ryan RE; Schuldt S; Strolger LG; Summers J; Suyu SH; Treu T; Willmer CNA; Windhorst RA; Yan H; Zitrin A; Acebron A; Chakrabarti S; Coulter DA; Fox OD; Huang X; Jha SW; Li G; Mazzali PA; Meena AK; Pérez-Fournon I; Poidevin F; Rest A; Riess AG, "JWST Photometric Time-delay and Magnification Measurements for the Triply Imaged Type Ia "SN H0pe" at z = 1.78", ApJ: 967 (1), id.50 (14 pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  238. Pouliasis E; Ruiz A; Georgantopoulos I; Vito F; Gilli R; Vignali C; Ueda Y; Koulouridis E; Akiyama M; Marchesi S; Laloux B; Nagao T; Paltani S; Pierre M; Toba Y; Habouzit M; Vijarnwannaluk B; Garrel C, "Active galactic nucleus X-ray luminosity function and absorption function in the Early Universe (3 ≤ z ≤ 6)", A&A: 685, id.A97 (25 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  239. Valentino F; Fujimoto S; Giménez-Arteaga C; Brammer G; Kohno K; Sun F; Kokorev V; Bauer FE; Di Cesare C; Espada D; Lee M; Dessauges-Zavadsky M; Ao Y; Koekemoer AM; Ouchi M; Wu JF; Egami E; Jolly JB; Lagos CDP; Magdis GE; Schaerer D; Shimasaku K; Umehata H; Wang WH, "The cold interstellar medium of a normal sub-L⋆ galaxy at the end of reionization", A&A: 285, idA138 (16 pp.), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  240. Zanella A; Iani E; Dessauges-Zavadsky M; Richard J; De Breuck C; Vernet J; Kohandel M; Arrigoni Battaia F; Bolamperti A; Calura F; Chen CC; Devereaux T; Ferrara A; Mainieri V; Pallottini A; Rodighiero G; Vallini L; Vanzella E, "Unveiling [C II] clumps in a lensed star-forming galaxy at z ∼ 3.4", A&A: 685, id.A80 (18pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  241. Zhang ZE; Sakai N; Ohashi S; Murillo NM; Chandler CJ; Svoboda B; Ceccarelli C; Codella C; Cacciapuoti L; O'donoghue R; Viti S; Aikawa Y; Bianchi E; Caselli P; Charnley S; Hanawa T; Jímenez-Serra I; Liu HB; Loinard L; Oya Y; Podio L; Sabatini G; Vastel C; Yamamoto S, "FAUST. XIV. Probing the Flared Disk in L1527 with Sulfur-bearing Molecules", ApJ: 966(2), id.207 (9 pp), May, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  242. Abbar S; Wu M-R; Xiong Z, "Application of neural networks for the reconstruction of supernova neutrino energy spectra following fast neutrino flavor conversions", Phys Rev D: 109 (8), id.083019, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  243. Bernardo RC; Liu G-C; Ng K-W, "Correlations for an anisotropic polarized stochastic gravitational wave background in pulsar timing arrays", JCAP: 2024(4), id.34(36pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  244. Chandler CO; Trujillo CA; Oldroyd WJ; Kueny JK; Burris WA; Hsieh HH; Despain JA; Sedaghat N; Sheppard SS; Farrell KA; Trilling DE; Gustafsson A; Magbanua MJM; Mazzucato MT; Bosch MKD; Shaw-Diaz T; Gonano V; Lamperti A; Da Silva Campos JA; Goodwin BL; Terentev IA; Dukes CJA; Deen S, "The Active Asteroids Citizen Science Program: Overview and First Results", AJ: 167(4), id.156 (24pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  245. Eppel F; Kadler M; Heßdörfer J; Benke P; Debbrecht L; Eich J; Gokus A; Hämmerich S; Kirchner D; Paraschos GF; Rösch F; Schulga W; Sinapius J; Weber P; Bach U; Dorner D; Edwards PG; Giroletti M; Kraus A; Hervet O; Koyama S; Krichbaum TP; Mannheim K; Ros E; Zacharias M; Zensus JA, "TELAMON: Effelsberg monitoring of AGN jets with very-high-energy astroparticle emission. I. Program description and sample characterization", A&A: 684, id.A11 (16pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  246. Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration; Akiyama K; Alberdi A; Alef W; Algaba JC; Anantua R; Asada K; Azulay R; Bach U; Baczko A-K; Ball D; Balokovic M; Bandyopadhyay B; Barrett J; Bauböck M; Benson BA; Bintley D; Blackburn L; Blundell R; Bouman KL; Bower GC; Boyce H; Bremer M; Brinkerink CD; Brissenden R; Britzen S; Broderick AE; Broguiere D; Bronzwaer T; Bustamante S; Byun D-Y; Carlstrom JE; Ceccobello C; Chael A; Chan C-K; Chang DO; Chatterjee K; Chatterjee S; Chen M-T; Chen Y; Cheng X; Cho I; Christian P; Conroy NS; Conway JE; Cordes JM; Crawford TM; Crew GB; Cruz-Osorio A; Cui Y; Dahale R; Davelaar J; De Laurentis M; Deane R; Dempsey J; Desvignes G; Dexter J; Dhruv V; Dihingia IK; Doeleman SS; Dougal ST; Dzib SA; Eatough RP; Emami R; Falcke H; Farah J; Fish VL; Fomalont E; Ford HA; Foschi M; Fraga-Encinas R; Freeman WT; Friberg P; Fromm CM; Fuentes A; Galison P; Gammie CF; García R; Gentaz O; Georgiev B; Goddi C; Gold R; Gómez-Ruiz AI; Gómez JL; Gu M; Gurwell M; Hada K; Haggard D; Haworth K; Hecht MH; Hesper R; Heumann D; Ho LC; Ho P; Honma M; Huang C-WL; Huang L; Hughes DH; Ikeda S; Impellizzeri CMV; Inoue M; Issaoun S; James DJ; Jannuzi BT; Janssen M; Jeter B; Jiang W; Jiménez-Rosales A; Johnson MD; Jorstad S; Joshi AV; Jung T; Karami M; Karuppusamy R; Kawashima T; Keating GK; Kettenis M; Kim D-J; Kim J-Y; Kim J; Kim J; Kino M; Koay JY; Kocherlakota P; Kofuji Y; Koch PM; Koyama S; Kramer C; Kramer JA; Kramer M; Krichbaum TP; Kuo C-Y; La Bella N; Lauer TR; Lee D; Lee S-S; Leung PK; Levis A; Li Z; Lico R; Lindahl G; Lindqvist M; Lisakov M; Liu J; Liu K; Liuzzo E; Lo W-P; Lobanov AP; Loinard L; Lonsdale CJ; Lowitz AE; Lu R-S; Macdonald NR; Mao J; Marchili N; Markoff S; Marrone DP; Marscher AP; Martí-Vidal I; Matsushita S; Matthews LD; Medeiros L; Menten KM; Michalik D; Mizuno I; Mizuno Y; Moran JM; Moriyama K; Moscibrodzka M; Mulaudzi W; Müller C; Müller H; Mus A; Musoke G; Myserlis I; Nadolski A; Nagai H; Nagar NM; Nakamura M; Narayanan G; Natarajan I; Nathanail A; Fuentes SN; Neilsen J; Neri R; Ni C; Noutsos A; Nowak MA; Oh J; Okino H; Olivares H; Ortiz-León GN; Oyama T; özel F; Palumbo DCM; Paraschos GF; Park J; Parsons H; Patel N; Pen U-L; Pesce DW; Piétu V; Plambeck R; Popstefanija A; Porth O; Pötzl FM; Prather B; Preciado-López JA; Psaltis D; Pu H-Y; Ramakrishnan V; Rao R; Rawlings MG; Raymond AW; Rezzolla L; Ricarte A; Ripperda B; Roelofs F; Rogers A; Romero-Cañizales C; Ros E; Roshanineshat A; Rottmann H; Roy AL; Ruiz I; Ruszczyk C; Rygl KLJ; Sánchez S; Sánchez-Argüelles D; Sánchez-Portal M; Sasada M; Satapathy K; Savolainen T; Schloerb FP; Schonfeld J; Schuster K-F; Shao L; Shen Z; Small D; Sohn BW; Soohoo J; Sosapanta Salas LD; Souccar K; Stanway JS; Sun H; Tazaki F; Tetarenko AJ; Tiede P; Tilanus RPJ; Titus M; Torne P; Toscano T; Traianou E; Trent T; Trippe S; Turk M; Van Bemmel I; Van Langevelde HJ; Van Rossum DR; Vos J; Wagner J; Ward-Thompson D; Wardle J; Washington JE; Weintroub J; Wharton R; Wielgus M; Wiik K; Witzel G; Wondrak MF; Wong GN; Wu Q; Yadlapalli N; Yamaguchi P; Yfantis A; Yoon D; Young A; Young K; Younsi Z; Yu W; Yuan F; Yuan Y-F; Zensus JA; Zhang S; Zhao G-Y; Zhao S-S, "First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring", ApJL: 964(2), id.L25 (32pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  247. Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration; Akiyama K; Alberdi A; Alef W; Algaba JC; Anantua R; Asada K; Azulay R; Bach U; Baczko A-K; Ball D; Baloković M; Bandyopadhyay B; Barrett J; Bauböck M; Benson BA; Bintley D; Blackburn L; Blundell R; Bouman KL; Bower GC; Boyce H; Bremer M; Brinkerink CD; Brissenden R; Britzen S; Broderick AE; Broguiere D; Bronzwaer T; Bustamante S; Byun D-Y; Carlstrom JE; Ceccobello C; Chael A; Chan C-K; Chang DO; Chatterjee K; Chatterjee S; Chen M-T; Chen Y; Cheng X; Cho I; Christian P; Conroy NS; Conway JE; Cordes JM; Crawford TM; Crew GB; Cruz-Osorio A; Cui Y; Dahale R; Davelaar J; De Laurentis M; Deane R; Dempsey J; Desvignes G; Dexter J; Dhruv V; Dihingia IK; Doeleman SS; Dougall S; Dzib SA; Eatough RP; Emami R; Falcke H; Farah J; Fish VL; Fomalont E; Ford HA; Foschi M; Fraga-Encinas R; Freeman WT; Friberg P; Fromm CM; Fuentes A; Galison P; Gammie CF; García R; Gentaz O; Georgiev B; Goddi C; Gold R; Gómez-Ruiz AI; Gómez JL; Gu M; Gurwell M; Hada K; Haggard D; Haworth K; Hecht MH; Hesper R; Heumann D; Ho LC; Ho P; Honma M; Huang C-WL; Huang L; Hughes DH; Ikeda S; Impellizzeri CMV; Inoue M; Issaoun S; James DJ; Jannuzi BT; Janssen M; Jeter B; Jiang W; Jiménez-Rosales A; Johnson MD; Jorstad S; Joshi AV; Jung T; Karami M; Karuppusamy R; Kawashima T; Keating GK; Kettenis M; Kim D-J; Kim J-Y; Kim J; Kim J; Kino M; Koay JY; Kocherlakota P; Kofuji Y; Koch PM; Koyama S; Kramer C; Kramer JA; Kramer M; Krichbaum TP; Kuo C-Y; La Bella N; Lauer TR; Lee D; Lee S-S; Leung PK; Levis A; Li Z; Lico R; Lindahl G; Lindqvist M; Lisakov M; Liu J; Liu K; Liuzzo E; Lo W-P; Lobanov AP; Loinard L; Lonsdale CJ; Lowitz AE; Lu R-S; Macdonald NR; Mao J; Marchili N; Markoff S; Marrone DP; Marscher AP; Martí-Vidal I; Matsushita S; Matthews LD; Medeiros L; Menten KM; Michalik D; Mizuno I; Mizuno Y; Moran JM; Moriyama K; Moscibrodzka M; Mulaudzi W; Müller C; Müller H; Mus A; Musoke G; Myserlis I; Nadolski A; Nagai H; Nagar NM; Nakamura M; Narayanan G; Natarajan I; Nathanail A; Fuentes SN; Neilsen J; Neri R; Ni C; Noutsos A; Nowak MA; Oh J; Okino H; Olivares H; Ortiz-León GN; Oyama T; özel F; Palumbo DCM; Paraschos GF; Park J; Parsons H; Patel N; Pen U-L; Pesce DW; Piétu V; Plambeck R; Popstefanija A; Porth O; Pötzl FM; Prather B; Preciado-López JA; Psaltis D; Pu H-Y; Ramakrishnan V; Rao R; Rawlings MG; Raymond AW; Rezzolla L; Ricarte A; Ripperda B; Roelofs F; Rogers A; Romero-Cañizales C; Ros E; Roshanineshat A; Rottmann H; Roy AL; Ruiz I; Ruszczyk C; Rygl KLJ; Sánchez S; Sánchez-Argüelles D; Sánchez-Portal M; Sasada M; Satapathy K; Savolainen T; Schloerb FP; Schonfeld J; Schuster K-F; Shao L; Shen Z; Small D; Sohn BW; Soohoo J; Sosapanta Salas LD; Souccar K; Stanway JS; Sun H; Tazaki F; Tetarenko AJ; Tiede P; Tilanus RPJ; Titus M; Torne P; Toscano T; Traianou E; Trent T; Trippe S; Turk M; Van Bemmel I; Van Langevelde HJ; Van Rossum DR; Vos J; Wagner J; Ward-Thompson D; Wardle J; Washington JE; Weintroub J; Wharton R; Wielgus M; Wiik K; Witzel G; Wondrak MF; Wong GN; Wu Q; Yadlapalli N; Yamaguchi P; Yfantis A; Yoon D; Young A; Young K; Younsi Z; Yu W; Yuan F; Yuan Y-F; Zensus JA; Zhang S; Zhao G-Y; Zhao S-S; Najafi-Ziyazi M, "First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VIII. Physical Interpretation of the Polarized Ring", ApJL: 964(2), id.L26 (37pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  248. Grillo C; Pagano L; Rosati P; Suyu SH, "Cosmography with supernova Refsdal through time-delay cluster lensing: Independent measurements of the Hubble constant and geometry of the Universe", A&A: 684, id.L23 (7 pp.), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  249. Guo G; Qian Y-Z; Wu M-R, "Effects of annihilation with low-energy neutrinos on high-energy neutrinos from binary neutron star mergers and rare core-collapse supernovae", Phys Rev D: 109(8), id.083020 (11 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  250. Ishikawa S; Okumura T; Nishimichi T, "MOCK OBSERVATORY: Two thousand light-cone mock catalogues of luminous red galaxies from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey for the cosmological large-scale analysis", MNRAS: 529(2), 1839-1851, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  251. Iwasawa K; Liu T; Boller T; Buchner J; Li J; Kawaguchi T; Nagao T; Terashima Y; Toba Y; Silverman JD; Arcodia R; Dauser T; Krumpe M; Nandra K; Wilms J, "Steep-spectrum AGN in eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): Their host galaxies and multi-wavelength properties", A&A: 684, id.A153 (8 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  252. Lucatelli G; Beswick RJ; Moldón J; Pérez-Torres MA; Conway JE; Alberdi A; Romero-Cañizales C; Varenius E; Klöckner H-R; Barcos-Muñoz L; Bondi M; Garrington ST; Aalto S; Baan WA; Pihlström YM, "The PARADIGM project I: a multiscale radio morphological analysis of local U/LIRGS", MNRAS: 529(4), 4468-4499, Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  253. Matsuoka Y; Izumi T; Onoue M; Strauss MA; Iwasawa K; Kashikawa N; Akiyama M; Aoki K; Arita J; Imanishi M; Ishimoto R; Kawaguchi T; Kohno K; Lee C-H; Nagao T; Silverman JD; Toba Y, "Discovery of Merging Twin Quasars at z = 6.05", ApJL: 965(1), id.L4(8pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  254. Murgas F; Pallé E; Orell-Miquel J; Carleo I; Peña-Moñino L; Pérez-Torres M; Watkins CN; Jeffers SV; Azzaro M; Barkaoui K; Belinski AA; Caballero JA; Charbonneau D; Cheryasov DV; Ciardi DR; Collins KA; Cortés-Contreras M; De Leon J; Duque-Arribas C; Enoc G; Esparza-Borges E; Fukui A; Geraldía-González S; Gilbert EA; Hatzes AP; Hayashi Y; Henning T; Herrero E; Jenkins JM; Lillo-Box J; Lodieu N; Lund MB; Luque R; Montes D; Nagel E; Narita N; Parviainen H; Polanski AS; Reffert S; Schlecker M; Schöfer P; Schwarz RP; Schweitzer A; Seager S; Stassun KG; Tabernero HM; Terada Y; Twicken JD; Vanaverbeke S; Winn JN; Zambelli R; Amado PJ; Quirrenbach A; Reiners A; Ribas I, "Wolf 327b: A new member of the pack of ultra-short-period super-Earths around M dwarfs", A&A: 684, id.A83 (24pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  255. Pan H-A; Lin L; Ellison SL; Thorp MD; Sanchez SF; Bluck AFL; Belfiore F; Piotrowska JM; Scudder JM; Baker WM, "The ALMaQUEST Survey. XIII. Understanding Radial Trends in Star Formation Quenching via the Relative Roles of Gas Availability and Star Formation Efficiency", ApJ: 964(2), id.120 (22 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  256. Sabatini G; Podio L; Codella C; Watanabe Y; De Simone M; Bianchi E; Ceccarelli C; Chandler CJ; Sakai N; Svoboda B; Testi L; Aikawa Y; Balucani N; Bouvier M; Caselli P; Caux E; Chahine L; Charnley S; Cuello N; Dulieu F; Evans L; Fedele D; Feng S; Fontani F; Hama T; Hanawa T; Herbst E; Hirota T; Isella A; Jímenez-Serra I; Johnstone D; Lefloch B; Le Gal R; Loinard L; Liu HB; López-Sepulcre A; Maud LT; Maureira MJ; Menard F; Miotello A; Moellenbrock G; Nomura H; Oba Y; Ohashi S; Okoda Y; Oya Y; Pineda J; Rimola A; Sakai T; Segura-Cox D; Shirley Y; Vastel C; Viti S; Watanabe N; Zhang Y; Zhang ZE; Yamamoto S, "FAUST. XIII. Dusty cavity and molecular shock driven by IRS7B in the Corona Australis cluster", A&A: 684, id.L12 (12pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  257. Uematsu R; Ueda Y; Kohno K; Toba Y; Yamada S; Smail I; Umehata H; Fujimoto S; Hatsukade B; Ao Y; Bauer FE; Brammer G; Dessauges-Zavadsky M; Espada D; Jolly J-B; Koekemoer AM; Kokorev V; Magdis GE; Oguri M; Sun F, "ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Full Spectral Energy Distribution Analysis of z ∼ 0.5–6 Lensed Galaxies Detected with millimeter Observations", ApJ: 965(2), id.108 (21pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  258. Yamada S; Ueda Y; Kawamuro T; Ricci C; Toba Y; Imanishi M; Miyaji T; Tanimoto A; Ichikawa K; Herrera-Endoqui M; Ogawa S; Uematsu R; Wada K, "[O IV]- and [Ne V]-weak Active Galactic Nuclei Hidden by Compton-thick Material in Late Mergers", ApJ: 965(2), id.153 (10 pp), Apr, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  259. Almenara JM; Bonfils X; Bryant EM; Jordán A; Hébrard G; Martioli E; Correia ACM; Astudillo-Defru N; Cadieux C; Arnold L; Artigau Ù; Bakos GÑ; Barros SCC; Bayliss D; Bouchy F; Boué G; Brahm R; Carmona A; Charbonneau D; Ciardi DR; Cloutier R; Cointepas M; Cook NJ; Cowan NB; Delfosse X; Dias Do Nascimento J; Donati JF; Doyon R; Forveille T; Fouqué P; Gaidos E; Gilbert EA; Gomes Da Silva J; Hartman JD; Hesse K; Hobson MJ; Jenkins JM; Kiefer F; Kostov VB; Laskar J; Lendl M; L'heureux A; Martins JHC; Menou K; Moutou C; Murgas F; Polanski AS; Rapetti D; Sedaghati E; Shang H, "TOI-4860 b, a short-period giant planet transiting an M3.5 dwarf", A&A: 683, id.A166 (16pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  260. Cheng S-L; Lee D-S; Ng K-W, "Primordial perturbations from ultra-slow-roll single-field inflation with quantum loop effects", JCAP: 2024(3), id.008(25 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  261. Dalba PA; Kane SR; Isaacson H; Fulton B; Howard AW; Schwieterman EW; Thorngren DP; Fortney J; Vowell N; Beard C; Blunt S; Brinkman CL; Chontos A; Dai F; Giacalone S; Hill ML; Kosiarek M; Lubin J; Mayo AW; Močnik T; Akana Murphy JM; Petigura EA; Rice M; Rubenzahl RA; Van Zandt J; Weiss LM; Dragomir D; Kipping D; Payne MJ; Roy A; Teachey A; Villanueva S, "Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. IV. Long-term Doppler Spectroscopy for 11 Stars Thought to Host Cool Giant Exoplanets", ApJS: 271(1), 16 (25pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  262. Gu Q-L; Liu T; Li PS; Shen Z-Q; Liu X; Liu J; Lu X; Montillaud J; Jiao S; Juvela M; Rawlings MG; Zhang Q; Koch P; Ristorcelli I; Carriere J-S; Eden D; Ren Z; Tatematsu KI; Hirano N; Luo Q-Y; Mai X; Issac N, "The Magnetic Field in the Colliding Filaments G202.3+2.5", ApJ: 963(2), id.126 (15pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  263. Gupta A; Miotello A; Williams JP; Birnstiel T; Kuffmeier M; Yen H-W, "TIPSY: Trajectory of Infalling Particles in Streamers around Young stars. Dynamical analysis of the streamers around S CrA and HL Tau", A&A: 683, id.A133 (14 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  264. Hogarth LM; Saintonge A; Davis TA; Ellison SL; Lin L; López-Cobá C; Pan HA; Thorp MD, "The ALMaQUEST Survey XIV: do radial molecular gas flows affect the star-forming ability of barred galaxies?", MNRAS: 528(4), 6768-6785, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  265. Jow DL; Pen U-L; Baker D, "On the cusp of cusps: A universal model for extreme scattering events in the ISM", MNRAS: 528(4), 6292-6301, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  266. Liu X; Liu T; Shen Z; Qin S-L; Luo Q; Gong Y; Cheng Y; Henkel C; Gu Q; Zhu F; Zhang T; Zhao R; Wu Y; Li B; Li J; Zhao Z; Wang J; Zhong W; Liu Q; Xia B; Fu L; Yan Z; Zhang C; Wang L; Ye Q; Yang A; Xu F; Zhang C; Dutta S; Li S; Liu M; Yang D; Li C; Chen L, "The first Ka-band (26.1-35 GHz) blind line survey towards Orion KL", ApJ: 271(1), id.3 (19 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  267. Liu Y; Takahashi S; Machida M; Tomisaka K; Girart JM; Ho PTP; Nakanishi K; Sato A, "Dust Polarization of Prestellar and Protostellar Sources in OMC-3", ApJ: 963(2), id.104 (33 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  268. Lugo-Aranda AZ; Sánchez SF; Barrera-Ballesteros JK; López-Cobá C; Espinosa-Ponce C; Galbany L; Anderson JP, "H II regions and diffuse ionized gas in the AMUSING++ Compilation - I. Catalogue presentation", MNRAS: 528(4), 6099-6118, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  269. Parviainen H; Murgas F; Esparza-Borges E; Peláez-Torres A; Palle E; Luque R; Zapatero-Osorio MR; Korth J; Fukui A; Narita N; Collins KA; Béjar VJS; Morello G; Monelli M; Garcia NA; Chen G; Crouzet N; De Leon JP; Isogai K; Kagetani T; Kawauchi K; Klagyivik P; Kodama T; Kusakabe N; Livingston JH; Meni P; Mori M; Nowak G; Tamura M; Terada Y; Watanabe N; Ciardi DR; Lund MB; Christiansen JL; Dressing CD; Giacalone S; Savel AB; Hirsch L; Parsons SG; Brown P; Collins KI; Barkaoui K; Timmermans M; Ghachoui M; Soubkiou A; Benkhaldoun Z; Mcdermott S; Pritchard T; Rowden P; Striegel S; Gan T; Horne K; Jensen ELN; Schwarz RP; Shporer A; Srdoc G; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Ricker G; Vanderspek R; Dragomir D, "TOI-2266 b: A keystone super-Earth at the edge of the M dwarf radius valley", A&A: 683, id.A170 (13 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  270. Pyo T-S; Hayashi M; Takami M; Beck TL, "Ejection Patterns in the DG Tau Jet over the Last 40 yr: Insights into Mass Accretion Variability", ApJ: 963(2), id.159 (17pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  271. Staab P; Lemaux BC; Forrest B; Shah E; Cucciati O; Lubin L; Gal RR; Hung D; Shen L; Giddings F; Khusanova Y; Zamorani G; Bardelli S; Cassara LP; Cassata P; Chiang Y-K; Fudamoto Y; Fukushima S; Garilli B; Giavalisco M; Gruppioni C; Guaita L; Gururajan G; Hathi N; Kashino D; Scoville N; Talia M; Vergani D; Zucca E, "Protoclusters as Drivers of Stellar Mass Growth in the Early Universe, a Case Study: Taralay - a Massive Protocluster at z 4.57", MNRAS: 528(4), 6934-6958, Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  272. Takahashi S; Machida MN; Omura M; Johnstone D; Saigo K; Harada N; Tomisaka K; Ho PTP; Zapata LA; Mairs S; Herczeg GJ; Taniguchi K; Liu Y; Sato A, "An Extremely Young Protostellar Core, MMS 1/OMC-3: Episodic Mass Ejection History Traced by the Micro SiO Jet", ApJ: 964(1), id.48 (14pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  273. Takaishi D; Tsukamoto Y; Kido M; Takakuwa S; Misugi Y; Kudoh Y; Suto Y, "Formation of Unipolar Outflow and Protostellar Rocket Effect in Magnetized Turbulent Molecular Cloud Cores", ApJ: 963(1), id.20 (14 pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  274. Xu F; Wang K; Liu T; Eden D; Liu X; Juvela M; He J; Johnstone D; Goldsmith P; Garay G; Wu Y; Soam A; Traficante A; Ristorcelli I; Falgarone E; Chen H-RV; Hirano N; Doi Y; Kwon W; White GJ; Whitworth A; Sanhueza P; Rawlings MG; Alina D; Ren Z; Lee CW; Tatematsu KI; Zhang C-P; Zhou J; Lai S-P; Ward-Thompson D; Liu S-Y; Gu Q; Chakali E; Zhu L; Mardones D; Tóth LV, "On the Scarcity of Dense Cores (n > 105 cm‑3) in High-latitude Planck Galactic Cold Clumps", ApJL: 963(1), id.L9 (11pp), Mar, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  275. Abbar S; Wu M-R; Xiong Z, "Physics-informed neural networks for predicting the asymptotic outcome of fast neutrino flavor conversions", Phys Rev D: 109(4), id.43024, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  276. Balmer WO; Pueyo L; Lacour S; Wang JJ; Stolker T; Kammerer J; Pourré N; Nowak M; Rickman E; Blunt S; Sivaramakrishnan A; Sing D; Wagner K; Marleau GD; Lagrange AM; Abuter R; Amorim A; Asensio-Torres R; Berger JP; Beust H; Boccaletti A; Bohn A; Bonnefoy M; Bonnet H; Bordoni MS; Bourdarot G; Brandner W; Cantalloube F; Caselli P; Charnay B; Chauvin G; Chavez A; Choquet E; Christiaens V; Clénet Y; Coudé Du Foresto V; Cridland A; Davies R; Dembet R; Drescher A; Duvert G; Eckart A; Eisenhauer F; F"Orster Schreiber NM; Garcia P; Garcia Lopez R; Gendron E; Genzel R; Gillessen S; Girard JH; Grant S; Haubois X; Heißel G; Henning T; Hinkley S; Hippler S; Houllé M; Hubert Z; Jocou L; Keppler M; Kervella P; Kreidberg L; Kurtovic NT; Lapeyrère V; Le Bouquin JB; Léna P; Lutz D; Maire AL; Mang F; Mérand A; Mollière P; Mordasini C; Mouillet D; Nasedkin E; Ott T; Otten GPPL; Paladini C; Paumard T; Perraut K; Perrin G; Pfuhl O; Ribeiro DC; Rodet L; Rustamkulov Z; Shangguan J; Shimizu T; Straubmeier C; Sturm E; Tacconi LJ; Vigan A; Vincent F; Ward-Duong K; Widmann F; Winterhalder T; Woillez J; Yazici S, "VLTI/GRAVITY Provides Evidence the Young, Substellar Companion HD 136164 Ab formed like a "Failed Star"", AJ: 167(2), id.64 (16 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  277. Bergamini P; Schuldt S; Acebron A; Grillo C; Meštrić U; Granata G; Caminha GB; Meneghetti M; Mercurio A; Rosati P; Suyu SH; Vanzella E, "Augmenting the power of time-delay cosmography in lens galaxy clusters by probing their member galaxies. II. Cosmic chronometers", A&A: 682, L2, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  278. Beuther H; Gieser C; Soler JD; Zhang Q; Rao R; Semenov D; Henning T; Pudritz R; Peters T; Klaassen P; Beltrán MT; Palau A; Möller T; Johnston KG; Zinnecker H; Urquhart J; Kuiper R; Ahmadi A; Sánchez-Monge Ñ; Feng S; Leurini S; Ragan SE, "Density distributions, magnetic field structures, and fragmentation in high-mass star formation", A&A: 682, id.A81, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  279. Chen L; Qin S-L; Liu T; Liu H-L; Liu S-Y; Liu M; Shi H; Li C; Tang M; Zhang T; Tatematsu KI; Li X; Xu F; Wu Y; Yang D, "ALMA High-resolution Spectral Survey of Thioformaldehyde (H2CS) toward Massive Protoclusters", ApJ: 962(1), id.13 (19 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  280. Ellison SL; Pan H-A; Bluck AFL; Krumholz MR; Lin L; Hunt L; Corbelli E; Thorp MD; Barrera-Ballesteros J; Sánchez SF; Scudder JM; Quai S, "The ALMaQUEST Survey XI: a strong but non-linear relationship between star formation and dynamical equilibrium pressure", MNRAS: 527(4), 10201-10220, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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  283. Greenwell C; Gandhi P; Stern D; Lansbury G; Mainieri V; Boorman P; Toba Y, "A population of Optically Quiescent Quasars from WISE and SDSS", MNRAS: 527(4), 12065-12090, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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  285. He W; Akiyama M; Enoki M; Ichikawa K; Inayoshi K; Kashikawa N; Kawaguchi T; Matsuoka Y; Nagao T; Onoue M; Oogi T; Schulze A; Toba Y; Ueda Y, "Black Hole Mass and Eddington-ratio Distributions of Less-luminous Quasars at z ∼ 4 in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Field", ApJ: 962(2), id.152 (32pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
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  287. Lee K-S; Gawiser E; Park C; Yang Y; Valdes F; Lang D; Ramakrishnan V; Moon B; Firestone N; Appleby S; Artale MC; Andrews M; Bauer F; Benda B; Broussard A; Chiang Y-K; Ciardullo R; Dey A; Farooq R; Gronwall C; Guaita L; Huang Y; Hwang HS; Im SH; Jeong W-S; Karthikeyan S; Kim H; Kim S; Kumar A; Nagaraj GR; Nantais J; Padilla N; Park J; Pope A; Popescu R; Schlegel D; Seo E; Singh A; Song H; Troncoso P; Vivas AK; Zabludoff A; Zenteno A, "The One-hundred-deg2 DECam Imaging in Narrowbands (ODIN): Survey Design and Science Goals", ApJ: 962(1), id.36 (16 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  288. Liu X; Liu T; Zhu L; Garay G; Liu H-L; Goldsmith P; Evans N; Kim K-T; Liu S-Y; Xu F; Lu X; Tej A; Mai X; Bronfman L; Li S; Mardones D; Stutz A; Tatematsu KI; Wang K; Zhang Q; Qin S-L; Zhou J; Luo Q; Zhang S; Cheng Y; He J; Gu Q; Li Z; Zhang Z; Zhang S; Saha A; Dewangan L; Sanhueza P; Shen Z, "The ALMA-QUARKS survey: -- I. Survey description and data reduction", RAA: 24(2), id.025009 (21 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  289. Paraschos GF; Kim JY; Wielgus M; Röder J; Krichbaum TP; Ros E; Agudo I; Myserlis I; Moscibrodzka M; Traianou E; Zensus JA; Blackburn L; Chan CK; Issaoun S; Janssen M; Johnson MD; Fish VL; Akiyama K; Alberdi A; Alef W; Algaba JC; Anantua R; Asada K; Azulay R; Bach U; Baczko AK; Ball D; Baloković M; Barrett J; Bauböck M; Benson BA; Bintley D; Blundell R; Bouman KL; Bower GC; Boyce H; Bremer M; Brinkerink CD; Brissenden R; Britzen S; Broderick AE; Broguiere D; Bronzwaer T; Bustamante S; Byun DY; Carlstrom JE; Ceccobello C; Chael A; Chang DO; Chatterjee K; Chatterjee S; Chen MT; Chen Y; Cheng X; Cho I; Christian P; Conroy NS; Conway JE; Cordes JM; Crawford TM; Crew GB; Cruz-Osorio A; Cui Y; Dahale R; Davelaar J; De Laurentis M; Deane R; Dempsey J; Desvignes G; Dexter J; Dhruv V; Doeleman SS; Dougal S; Dzib SA; Eatough RP; Emami R; Falcke H; Farah J; Fomalont E; Ford HA; Foschi M; Fraga-Encinas R; Freeman WT; Friberg P; Fromm CM; Fuentes A; Galison P; Gammie CF; García R; Gentaz O; Georgiev B; Goddi C; Gold R; Gómez-Ruiz AI; Gómez JL; Gu M; Gurwell M; Hada K; Haggard D; Haworth K; Hecht MH; Hesper R; Heumann D; Ho LC; Ho P; Honma M; Huang CL; Huang L; Hughes DH; Ikeda S; Impellizzeri CMV; Inoue M; James DJ; Jannuzi BT; Jeter B; Jaing W; Jiménez-Rosales A; Jorstad S; Joshi AV; Jung T; Karami M; Karuppusamy R; Kawashima T; Keating GK; Kettenis M; Kim DJ; Kim J; Kim J; Kino M; Koay JY; Kocherlakota P; Kofuji Y; Koch PM; Koyama S; Kramer C; Kramer JA; Kramer M; Kuo CY; La Bella N; Lauer TR; Lee D; Lee SS; Leung PK; Levis A; Li Z; Lico R; Lindahl G; Lindqvist M; Lisakov M; Liu J; Liu K; Liuzzo E; Lo WP; Lobanov AP; Loinard L; Lonsdale CJ; Lowitz AE; Lu RS; Macdonald NR; Mao J; Marchili N; Markoff S; Marrone DP; Marscher AP; Martí-Vidal I; Matsushita S; Matthews LD; Medeiros L; Menten KM; Michalik D; Mizuno I; Mizuno Y; Moran JM; Moriyama K; Mulaudzi W; Müller C; Müller H; Mus A; Musoke G; Nadolski A; Nagai H; Nagar NM; Nakamura M; Narayanan G; Natarajan I; Nathanail A; Navarro Fuentes S; Neilsen J; Neri R; Ni C; Noutsos A; Nowak MA; Oh J; Okino H; Olivares H; Ortiz-León GN; Oyama T; özel F; Palumbo DCM; Park J; Parsons H; Patel N; Pen UL; Piétu V; Plambeck R; Popstefanija A; Porth O; Pötzl FM; Prather B; Preciado-López JA; Psaltis D; Pu HY; Ramakrishnan V; Rao R; Rawlings MG; Raymond AW; Rezzolla L; Ricarte A; Ripperda B; Roelofs F; Rogers A; Romero-Cañizales C; Roshanineshat A; Rottmann H; Roy AL; Ruiz I; Ruszczyk C; Rygl KLJ; Sánchez S; Sánchez-Argüelles D; Sánchez-Portal M; Sasada M; Satapathy K; Savolainen T; Schloerb FP; Schonfeld J; Schuster K; Shao L; Shen Z; Small D; Sohn BW; Soohoo J; Sosapanta Salas LD; Souccar K; Sun H; Tazaki F; Tetarenko AJ; Tiede P; Tilanus RPJ; Titus M; Torne P; Toscano T; Trent T; Trippe S; Turk M; Van Bemmel I; Van Langevelde HJ; Van Rossum DR; Vos J; Wagner J; Ward-Thompson D; Wardle J; Washington JE; Weintroub J; Wharton R; Wiik K; Witzel G; Wondrak MF; Wong GN; Wu Q; Yadlapalli N; Yamaguchi P; Yfantis A; Yoon D; Young A; Young K; Younsi Z; Yu W; Yuan F; Yuan YF; Zhang S; Zhao GY; Zhao SS, "Ordered magnetic fields around the 3C 84 central black hole", A&A: 682, L3, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  290. Pearson J; Serjeant S; Wang W-H; Gao Z-K; Babul A; Chapman S; Chen C-C; Clements DL; Conselice CJ; Dunlop J; Fan L; Ho LC; Hwang HS; Koprowski M; Michałowski M; Shim H, "A large population of strongly lensed faint submillimetre galaxies in future dark energy surveys inferred from JWST imaging", MNRAS: 527(4), 12044-12052, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  291. Rawat V; Samal MR; Eswaraiah C; Wang J-W; Elia D; Panigrahy S; Zavagno A; Yadav RK; Walker DL; Jose J; Ojha DK; Zhang CP; Dutta S, "Understanding the relative importance of magnetic field, gravity, and turbulence in star formation at the hub of the giant molecular cloud G148.24+00.41", MNRAS: 528(2), 1460-1475, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  292. Rawat V; Samal MR; Walker DL; Ojha DK; Tej A; Zavagno A; Zhang CP; Elia D; Dutta S; Jose J; Eswaraiah C; Sharma E, "The Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41: Gas Properties, Kinematics, and Cluster Formation at the Nexus of Filamentary Flows", MNRAS: 528(2), 2199-2219, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  293. Saga S; Shiraishi M; Akitsu K; Okumura T, "Imprints of primordial magnetic fields on intrinsic alignments of galaxies", Phys Rev D: 109(4), id.43520, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  294. Setoguchi K; Ueda Y; Toba Y; Li J; Silverman J; Uematsu R, "Multiwavelength Spectral Energy Distribution Analysis of X-Ray Selected Active Galactic Nuclei at z = 0.2–0.8 in the Stripe 82 Region", ApJ: 961, 246, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  295. Shiohira Y; Fujii Y; Kita H; Kimura T; Terada Y; Takahashi K, "A search for auroral radio emission from β Pictoris b", MNRAS: 528(2), 2136-2144, Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  296. Shoshi A; Harada N; Tokuda K; Kawasaki Y; Yamasaki H; Sato A; Omura M; Yamaguchi M; Tachihara K; Machida MN, "Ring Gap Structure around Class I Protostar WL 17", ApJ: 961(2), 228 (16pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  297. Vigan A; El Morsy M; Lopez M; Otten GPPL; Garcia J; Costes J; Muslimov E; Viret A; Charles Y; Zins G; Murray G; Costille A; Paufique J; Seemann U; Houllé M; Anwand-Heerwart H; Phillips M; Abinanti A; Balard P; Baraffe I; Benedetti JA; Blanchard P; Blanco L; Beuzit JL; Choquet E; Cristofari P; Desidera S; Dohlen K; Dorn R; Ely T; Fuenteseca E; Garcia N; Jaquet M; Jaubert F; Kasper M; Le Merrer J; Maire AL; N'diaye M; Pallanca L; Popovic D; Pourcelot R; Reiners A; Rochat S; Sehim C; Schmutzer R; Smette A; Tchoubaklian N; Tomlinson P; Valenzuela Soto J, "First light of VLT/HiRISE: High-resolution spectroscopy of young giant exoplanets", Science Advances: 682, id.A16 (18pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  298. Zang S-H; Zhu H-M; Schmittfull M; Pen U-L, "Cosmic Tidal Reconstruction in Redshift Space", ApJ: 962(1), id.21 (15 pp), Feb, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  299. Chan JHH; Wong KC; Ding X; Chao D; Chiu IN; Jaelani AT; Kayo I; More A; Oguri M; Suyu SH, "Survey of Gravitationally Lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI). IX. Discovery of Strongly Lensed Quasar Candidates", MNRAS: 527(3), 6253-6275, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  300. Chaurasiya N; More S; Ishikawa S; Masaki S; Kashino D; Okumura T, "Galaxy-dark matter connection of photometric galaxies from the HSC-SSP Survey: Galaxy-galaxy lensing and the halo model", MNRAS: 527(3), 5265-5292, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  301. Diego JM; Li SK; Meena AK; Niemiec A; Acebron A; Jauzac M; Struble MF; Amruth A; Broadhurst TJ; Cerny C; Ebeling H; Filippenko AV; Jullo E; Kelly P; Koekemoer AM; Lagattuta D; Lim J; Limousin M; Mahler G; Patel N; Remolina J; Richard J; Sharon K; Steinhardt C; Umetsu K; Williams L; Zitrin A; Palencia JM; Dai L; Ji L; Pascale M, "BUFFALO/Flashlights: Constraints on the abundance of lensed supergiant stars in the Spock galaxy at redshift 1", A&A: 681, id.A124 (24 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  302. Estrada-Dorado S; Lora V; Toalá JA; Esquivel A; Guerrero MA; Maldonado RF; Chu YH, "Synthetic X-ray emission from white dwarf accreting planetary material", MNRAS: 527(3), 6158-6172, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  303. Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration; Akiyama K; Alberdi A; Alef W; Algaba JC; Anantua R; Asada K; Azulay R; Bach U; Baczko A-K; Ball D; Baloković M; Bandyopadhyay B; Barrett J; Bauböck M; Benson BA; Bintley D; Blackburn L; Blundell R; Bouman KL; Bower GC; Boyce H; Bremer M; Brissenden R; Britzen S; Broderick AE; Broguiere D; Bronzwaer T; Bustamante S; Carlstrom JE; Chael A; Chan C-K; Chang DO; Chatterjee K; Chatterjee S; Chen M-T; Chen Y; Cheng X; Cho I; Christian P; Conroy NS; Conway JE; Crawford TM; Crew GB; Cruz-Osorio A; Cui Y; Dahale R; Davelaar J; De Laurentis M; Deane R; Dempsey J; Desvignes G; Dexter J; Dhruv V; Dihingia IK; Doeleman SS; Dzib SA; Eatough RP; Emami R; Falcke H; Farah J; Fish VL; Fomalont E; Ford HA; Foschi M; Fraga-Encinas R; Freeman WT; Friberg P; Fromm CM; Fuentes A; Galison P; Gammie CF; García R; Gentaz O; Georgiev B; Goddi C; Gold R; Gómez-Ruiz AI; Gómez JL; Gu M; Gurwell M; Hada K; Haggard D; Hesper R; Heumann D; Ho LC; Ho P; Honma M; Huang C-WL; Huang L; Hughes DH; Ikeda S; Violette Impellizzeri CM; Inoue M; Issaoun S; James DJ; Jannuzi BT; Janssen M; Jeter B; Jiang W; Jiménez-Rosales A; Johnson MD; Jorstad S; Jones AC; Joshi AV; Jung T; Karuppusamy R; Kawashima T; Keating GK; Kettenis M; Kim D-J; Kim J-Y; Kim J; Kim J; Kino M; Koay JY; Kocherlakota P; Kofuji Y; Koch PM; Koyama S; Kramer C; Kramer JA; Kramer M; Krichbaum TP; Kuo C-Y; La Bella N; Lee S-S; Levis A; Li Z; Lico R; Lindahl G; Lindqvist M; Lisakov M; Liu J; Liu K; Liuzzo E; Lo W-P; Lobanov AP; Loinard L; Lonsdale CJ; Lowitz AE; Lu R-S; Macdonald NR; Mao J; Marchili N; Markoff S; Marrone DP; Marscher AP; Martí-Vidal I; Matsushita S; Matthews LD; Medeiros L; Menten KM; Mizuno I; Mizuno Y; Montgomery J; Moran JM; Moriyama K; Moscibrodzka M; Mulaudzi W; Müller C; Müller H; Mus A; Musoke G; Myserlis I; Nagai H; Nagar NM; Nakamura M; Narayanan G; Natarajan I; Nathanail A; Fuentes SN; Neilsen J; Ni C; Nowak MA; Oh J; Okino H; Olivares H; Oyama T; özel F; Palumbo DCM; Paraschos GF; Park J; Parsons H; Patel N; Pen U-L; Pesce DW; Piétu V; Popstefanija A; Porth O; Prather B; Psaltis D; Pu H-Y; Ramakrishnan V; Rao R; Rawlings MG; Raymond AW; Rezzolla L; Ricarte A; Ripperda B; Roelofs F; Romero-Cañizales C; Ros E; Roshanineshat A; Rottmann H; Roy AL; Ruiz I; Ruszczyk C; Rygl KLJ; Sánchez S; Sánchez-Argüelles D; Sánchez-Portal M; Sasada M; Satapathy K; Savolainen T; Schloerb FP; Schonfeld J; Schuster K-F; Shao L; Shen Z; Small D; Sohn BW; Soohoo J; Salas LDS; Souccar K; Stanway JS; Sun H; Tazaki F; Tetarenko AJ; Tiede P; Tilanus RPJ; Titus M; Toma K; Torne P; Toscano T; Traianou E; Trent T; Trippe S; Turk M; Van Bemmel I; Van Langevelde HJ; Van Rossum DR; Vos J; Wagner J; Ward-Thompson D; Wardle J; Washington JE; Weintroub J; Wharton R; Wielgus M; Wiik K; Witzel G; Wondrak MF; Wong GN; Wu Q; Yadlapalli N; Yamaguchi P; Yfantis A; Yoon D; Young A; Younsi Z; Yu W; Yuan F; Yuan Y-F; Anton Zensus J; Zhang S; Zhao G-Y; Zhao S-S; Allardi A; Chang S-H; Chang C-C; Chang S-C; Chen C-C; Chilson R; Faber A; Gale DM; Han C-C; Han K-C; Hasegawa Y; Hernández-Rebollar JL; Huang Y-D; Jiang H; Jinchi H; Kimura K; Kubo D; Li C-T; Lin LCC; Liu C-T; Liu K-Y; Lu L-M; Martin-Cocher P; Meyer-Zhao Z; Montaña A; Moraghan A; Moreno-Nolasco ME; Nishioka H; Norton TJ; Nystrom G; Ogawa H; Oshiro P; Pradel N; Principe G; Raffin P; Rodríguez-Montoya I; Shaw P; Snow W; Sridharan TK; Srinivasan R; Wei T-S; Yu C-Y, "The persistent shadow of the supermassive black hole of M 87. I. Observations, calibration, imaging, and analysis", A&A: 681, A79, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  304. Kubo M; Nagao T; Uchiyama H; Yamashita T; Toba Y; Kajisawa M; Yamamoto Y, "New technique to select recent fast-quenching galaxies at z 2 using the optical colours", MNRAS: 527(1), 403-413, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  305. Li J; Silverman JD; Merloni A; Salvato M; Buchner J; Goulding A; Liu T; Arcodia R; Comparat J; Ding X; Ichikawa K; Imanishi M; Kawaguchi T; Kawinwanichakij L; Toba Y, "The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): Host-galaxy Demographics of X-ray AGNs with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam", MNRAS: 527(3), 4690-4704, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  306. Lilly E; Jevčák P; Schambeau C; Volk K; Steckloff J; Hsieh H; Fernandez YR; Bauer J; Weryk R; Wainscoat RJ, "Semimajor-axis Jumps as the Activity Trigger in Centaurs and High-perihelion Jupiter-family Comets", ApJL: 960(2), id.L8 (14pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  307. Sapienza V; Miceli M; Bamba A; Orlando S; Lee S-H; Nagataki S; Ono M; Katsuda S; Mori K; Sawada M; Terada Y; Giuffrida R; Bocchino F, "Probing Shocked Ejecta in SN 1987A: A Novel Diagnostic Approach Using XRISM-Resolve", ApJL: 961(1), id.L9 (9pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  308. Suherli J; Safi-Harb S; Seitenzahl IR; Ghavamian P; Ho WCG; Li C-J; Ruiter AJ; Sutherland RS; Vogt FPA, "MUSE observations of the optical nebula surrounding the central compact object in the Vela Junior supernova remnant", MNRAS: 527(3), 9263-9273, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  309. Takahashi A; Matsuoka Y; Onoue M; Strauss MA; Kashikawa N; Toba Y; Iwasawa K; Imanishi M; Akiyama M; Kawaguchi T; Noboriguchi A; Lee C-H, "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XVII. Black Hole Mass Distribution at z 6 Estimated via Spectral Comparison with Low-z Quasars", ApJ: 960(2), 112 (13pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  310. Tanaka K; Mangum JG; Viti S; Martin S; Harada N; Sakamoto K; Muller S; Yoshimura Y; Nakanishi K; Herrero Illana R; Emig KL; Muhle S; Kaneko H; Tosaki T; Behrens E; Rivilla VM; Colzi L; Nishimura Y; Humire PK; Bouvier M; Huang K-Y; Butterworth J; Meier DS; Van Der Werf PP, "Volume Density Structure of the Central Molecular Zone NGC 253 through ALCHEMI Excitation Analysis", ApJ: 961(1), id.18 (41 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  311. Teng Y-H; Chiang ID; Sandstrom KM; Sun J; Leroy AK; Bolatto AD; Usero A; Ostriker EC; Querejeta M; Chastenet J; Bigiel F; Boquien M; Den Brok J; Cao Y; Chevance M; Chown R; Colombo D; Eibensteiner C; Glover SCO; Grasha K; Henshaw JD; Jimenez-Donaire MJ; Liu D; Murphy EJ; Pan H-A; Stuber SK; Williams TG, "Star Formation Efficiency in Nearby Galaxies Revealed with a New CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor Prescription", ApJ: 961(1), id.42 (11 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  312. Toshikawa J; Wuyts S; Kashikawa N; Liu C; Sawicki M; Overzier R; Kubo M; Uchiyama H; Ito K; Bremer M; Ono Y; Kodama T; Lin Y-T; Saito T, "An enhanced abundance of bright galaxies in protocluster candidates at z 3-5", MNRAS: 527(3), 6276-6291, Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  313. Wang C; Wang K; Xu F-W; Sanhueza P; Liu HB; Zhang Q; Lu X; Fontani F; Caselli P; Busquet G; Tan JC; Li D; Jackson JM; Pillai T; Ho PTP; Guzmán AE; Yue N, "The role of turbulence in high-mass star formation: Subsonic and transonic turbulence are ubiquitously found at early stages", A&A: 681, id.A51 (33 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  314. Yutani N; Toba Y; Wada K, "Apparent effect of dust extinction on the observed outflow velocity of ionized gas in galaxy mergers", ApJ: 961(1), id.68 (11 pp), Jan, 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )
  315. Fujimoto S; Kohno K; Ouchi M; Oguri M; Kokorev V; Brammer G; Sun F; Gonzalez-Lopez J; Bauer FE; Caminha GB; Hatsukade B; Richard J; Smail I; Tsujita A; Ueda Y; Uematsu R; Zitrin A; Coe D; Kneib J-P; Postman M; Umetsu K; Lagos CDP; Popping G; Ao Y; Bradley L; Caputi K; Dessauges-Zavadsky M; Egami E; Espada D; Ivison RJ; Jauzac M; Knudsen KK; Koekemoer AM; Magdis GE; Mahler G; Munoz Arancibia AM; Rawle T; Shimasaku K; Toft S; Umehata H; Valentino F; Wang T; Wang W-H, "ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Deep 1.2 mm Number Counts and Infrared Luminosity Functions at z≃1−8", ApJS: 275(2), id.36 (59 pp.), 2024 [SCI] ( ADS | Fulltext )